I dont like this game

>I dont like this game
>you play as a girl


>>I dont like this game
>>you play as a different race than white

>you play as a different race than white
never would have guessed

Dumb frogposter.

Lol tumblr amirite XD

>defending tumblr
Off yourself crossposter.

Your in the wrong place, tumblo

so how long until Sup Forums is finally purged from this shithole? shits been going down since 2013 and crossposters are everywhere

>It's alright when the sjw's do it.

GG and undermeme is what cause most of the Crossposting, I don't see it ending anytime soon.

Could be worse. Could be the Barney fag, katawa shoujo fags, manlet tears, diamond dogs, suiseseki, snacks, efg, people purposely calling cockmongler "grinman", snacks posters, Milhouse, hole guy... wait a minute... It's almost as if this place was never good...

Girls are good.

>caring about another site so much

End thyself

>I dont like this game
>X has better graphics

>I don't like this game
>Because it's written by an SJW feminist liberal leftist numale cuck!

Is it at least well written?

If your talking about Borderlands 2 this is a legitimate criticism because Anthony Burch.

>bioware makes good games


How? Mine is a legitimate question.

> I dont like this game
> why?
> Its shit

Sup Forums

>I dont like this game
>Its because its popular
Basically Sup Forums

>I don't like this game
>Explains himself

How do I get out of this situation?

Call him a dummy face, that'll show 'em.

You stop being a beta frogposter and tell him why he's wrong.

Say "but it's fun!"

>that person you know that plays fantasy games
>they only play Human
>"Why would I play (another race), when I'm human?"

That's a fair point, they're just trying to make a character like themselves.

I'm a robot though :( How am I supposed to make races like me :(

I never understood this honestly.

Most popular races in WoW when I played were Human and Night Elf by a large margin. I understood Night Elf but not Humans popularity.

You aren't allowed to post here.

I just straight up don't buy any game where the MC is black. If they're Asian or Mexican I'll consider it.

Humans have the best hairstyles and you can actually see what armor you're wearing. Shorties are cool and all but all their gear looks like a crumpled up piece of shit.

Just say its better the way it is

What my friends did when they asked why I didn't like Fallout 4 and I told them it was a shitty sandbox game instead of an RPG

:( I'm going to mame my own Sup Forums for robots like me and tell you horrible humans not to post! I'll have a capta system to prove you are a robot!

reply to this post and you will wake up as a qt loli

>I dont like this game
>Because Sup Forums hates it


dear 2 posts up

name one(1) game you passed up because the MC was black.


Why is it a problem is I'm not a closet tranny? Sorry not all of us are pansexual polygender special snowflakes. Some of us are just regular old mentally stable straight men.


>cross posters

People have been making these types of threads since 08. The only difference now is Sup Forums has infested this board to make everyone believe that any other race or gender in a video game is "agenda"

There used to be threads where we actually thought of other characters other than bald white dude

They're not the cancer. You are.

prototype 2


>I don't like this game
>you don't play as your own species

Humanity first, fucker.

call him a racist trump supporter and tell him to go back to Sup Forums

>Wanting to be human
Literally Ape tier

How cute, why don't you and your heretical buddies go somewhere else?

Literal race traitor, you fucking mutant.