Is Twilight Princess a good game?
Is Twilight Princess a good game?
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The spinner is cool
Hell yea it is
Of course it is. Its just a mediocre Zelda game.
It's fine. Honestly you'd want more from a Zelda. I don't like it
It's my favorite.
It's honestly the game I have the most fun with. I love the horse combat so much but the story is really good, the dungeons are amazing, the items are the best in the entire series, and the bosses are excellent for the most part.
it's the definition of mediocrity
I don't know, probably not. I didn't play it. Fuck you.
It's booooooooooooring if you've played at least one other Zelda game.
its a good game, but a bad zelda game if you are use to high qaultiy zelda titles such as OOT and MM
It's a great Zelda game
Its my favourite 3D zelda, the start of the game is still fucking shit doh
Yea, my nigga. The Gamecube version, that is.
it's a great 3d zelda, far better than tww and ss
It's objectively better than MM. That game is the second most overhyped game in the series, behind WW. MM is style over substance the game.
Its pretty good but the bosses are way too fucking easy. But I really enjoyed it.
Shut up
>high quality Zelda title
Like MM and WW, the remake improves it considerably.
Where do you kids come from?
MM is both high and low quality.
I come from the era before Zelda went 3D and before LttP.
MM attempts to use its sidequests, NPC scheduling, and "atmosphere" to make up for its complete lack of main gameplay content. Shenmue was a far superior game that did more, did it better, and did it a year prior. Hell, scheduled NPCs weren't even impressive in 2000 since Ultima V had that in 1988.
MM is Sup Forums's favorite Zelda because nobody here was alive when it came out.
MMs main gameplay content shits on any Zelda that came after it. The masks were great.
I was alive when it came out. Thought it was equal to OoT, but for different reasons. MM had more to do, but I thought the MQ and dungeons weren't that great, while I vastly loved OoT's MQ and dungeons but found there was little too do outside of that
And the masks are the only fun part about the gameplay. You don't fight on horseback ever unless you go out of your way to do so, the temples are trash, 90% of the quests are garbage, and by the end of the game the time limit is no longer atmospheric, it's annoying.
Speaking as someone who just 100% the HD version when it came out...
Eh. It's okay.
It is the worst of the 3D Zelda's, but when you're competing with games like Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword, two of my favorite games ever, that's really not too much of a knock against it.
My problem with it is that it feels too much like OOT 2.0 and doesn't really add too much gameplay wise to the series. A lot of the more interesting concepts, like the Wolf and the Twilight realm overrunning the kingdom, are criminally underused.
That being said, it's certainly not without it's positive points. The atmosphere is GOAT for the series, with a surprisingly interesting cast and intense situations.
There are plenty of things to like about the game, and I personally understand why some people would prefer it over MM and WW, but I definitely feel as if it is overall my least favorite, in spite of it's positive points.
Beginning is terribly slow, middle section is awesome (minus wolf parts ) end is pretty lackluster. If there were no loading in hyrule field it would be better too
>The atmosphere is GOAT for the series
I really don't understand how you can feel this way about it.
It was probably the worst of all the 3D Zelda's.
Be forewarned though. Sup Forums is full of kiddies who first played it when they were 8-12. They give TP a free pass due mostly to nostalgia, and get mad when you point this out.
>It's objectively better
Better isn't an objective term
You've posted an oxymoron and you're too stupid to realize it.
MM > WW > OoT >>> SS > TP
fully willing to admit that nostalgia plays into this
TP really wasn't a very good game though. Everything outside of the dungeons was such a fucking drag. TP and SS both seriously needed to be trimmed down to the sections that worked.
TP had a pretty subpar soundtrack too. Just shocking, coming off of WW (and considering the trailer music that they b8ed us with)
>and considering the trailer music that they b8ed us with
This shit was amazing. It got me so hyped in 2005
I don't understand why the music in TP sounded so different from the trailer music. Not even the lack of orchestration, the composition itself was dull. Every other track was just a rehash of the boring Hyrule Field theme.
There are in fact objective superiorities. The AK-47 is objectively a better gun than the Henry rifle.
yes. all of the areas of the world are great, it has the best dungeons in the series, great bosses, the items are fun, plus snowboarding and the fishing hole are comfy as fuck
its alright
dont remember much from it because I played it years ago but at the time I didnt exactly have my mind blown
No, it's not. Instead of being good and enjoying it like any other zelda, it forces you through story you don't give a single care about, forces an imp bitch down your throat trying to make you like her, has tedious bug collecting shit (boy zelda games am I right) between the parts you're actually playing zelda for
and then when you DO get to a dungeon/temple, midna FIGURES IT OUT FOR YOU, as if they weren't the easiest temples in the franchise to that point.
zelda just gets easier and easier and girls eat it up. they like winning, they don't like earning their win which makes it a satisfying experience that you might want to play again
objectively implies a measurement
better implies a quality
You can explain which measurements makes the AK 47 is a better gun than a Henry rifle, but you cannot impart objectivity to your final qualitative analysis. "Better" cannot be guaged in a vacuum, it always needs to be relative to a certain need or value.
For example, if I were a classic gun collector, a Henry rifle would certainly be better for me in my specific circumstances.
Stop butchering the language. You're like a teenaged girl who uses the word "literally" as an intensifier.
So in terms of fulfilling the purpose of being a gun an AK-47 is superior. Shut the fuck up and learn about conversational English you cunt.
Keep in mind there is a vast ocean of quality between OOT and WW.
MM would NOT be what it was without OOT. MM is simply not a good game on it's own merits.
It's great, it's up there with the best.
It also has the best partner in the series. Though zelda shouldn't be about that anyways.
though bringing her back canonically would be neat
How good can a game be, honestly
You're being asinine over conventional and berating others for regular usage of the language.
"objectively better" is the stupid, self-aggrandizing term. And I see it all the time on Sup Forums
Its an anonymous board. You shouldn't be embarrassed that somebody pointed out your error.
Wasn't my error, multiple people have pointed out how retarded you being. Assuming this is the same person.
I know, they really gave the impression they were going all out on this.
Why are you getting so uppity, user?
Are you seriously defending a person's right to use a word for the polar opposite of its definition? What's the point?
Why are you so mad about this.
People have built up a natural colloquial system of discussion here. It's not their fault if you can't read very well.
Except they aren't polar opposites in that context. Being objective is simply looking at things without bias. The statue of David is objectively superior to my 2nd grade clay sculpture of Abraham Lincoln. Do I like my sculpture? sure, it brings me happy memories and is pretty good for a 2nd grader. But to the average person that is meaningless in terms of deciding which is better.
The dungeons and combat were very good, better than the other 3d zelda's in my opinion.
The overworld was bland and the score was average (besides a few very nice pieces)
The atmosphere was my favorite and Midna is just a great companion in general.
>The statue of David is objectively superior to my 2nd grade clay sculpture of Abraham Lincoln.
Um, EXCUSE ME, why are you being so upppity about this? You know things can't be objectively better in a vacuum without a way of measuring how things are better. Grading ART? Everyone knows each piece of art is equally brillaint in it's own little way ^^
"better" isn't a measurable fact, it implies an inherent value
Its even funnier when you retards try to apply it to video games.
I preferred Skyward Sword
Yes. The only complaint I've agreed with about the game is that it's too linear in the beginning. But it eventually opens up like a Zelda game should, so that never really bothered me.
spinner was my favorite part of the game
I'm cringing
When did Sup Forums become a hugbox?
>it doesn't matter what words mean. What's important is what I THINK they mean.
>gosh, you're right user! How dare he try to shame you
it's a good game, but a bad zelda.
[əbˈjektivlē, äbˈjektivlē]
in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions
Shut your whore mouths inb4 you criticize me for calling you whores when you are not prostitutes
Inb4 you talk about how you never opened your mouth because we are typing on computers
I would say that it is my favorite Zelda game. Had an interesting cast, and I really liked the gloomy and desperate atmosphere that it had. It really felt like a world without hope and Link had to trudge through it. The story was also great because it wasn't just "save Hyrule." Link just wanted to save his friends, and in doing so got dragged from one encounter to another that eventually ended with him saving Hyrule. It just felt better than the other Zelda that I have played. Collecting the tears sucked as a kid, but after replaying it on the Wii U, even that wasn't so bad. Played the game for about 40-50 hours and only about 2 were spent collecting them, at most.
Yes, and it has the best character of the series too.
I love her so much. Midna returns when?[/spoiler[
I'm 31 years old and played the original Zelda and the games proceeding it to death and I still thought this was a decent Zelda game. Way to strawman, user.
You are everything that is wrong with modern Zelda.
Wait a minute, that pose...
>I'm cringing
You're right, the most retarded argument about TP is that the start was too slow. It was slow to lure you into comfort before it ripped everything away from link and slowly dragged you into more and more dangerous situations while simultaneously shifting the motivation for you to continue for the greater good of the entire kingdom rather than just your friends.
Personally I didn't like it, after the longest and most boring intro in a zelda game up to that point, everything until the third dungeon is a fetch quest, plus Midna's constant voice clips and "did you understand what the npc just otld you? we have to do what the npc just told you!"
But there has to be a reason why people out there love it so.
The best 3D Zelda aside from OoT.
We don't need to be "lured" into anything, it's fucking zelda, we're aware we're playing a ZELDA VIDEO GAME, get to the gameplay you piece of shit
the entire reason I replay LA and LttP and not OoS/OoA is because the story is few and far between. I can go at my own pace with minimal interference
Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Skyward Sword Twilight Princess fucked it up pretty badly, killing momentum before you can even start.
WW > TP > MM > OOT > SS
>don't try to have a logical story progression just do the same thing you always do. In fact don't do that, just jump headfirst into it.
The start IS too slow.
It takes way too much hours to get to really get to the point where you feel like you're not in a tutorial
OoT > TP > MM > SS > WW
Thread theme
I had fun on the farm and always do on replays. Even if you don't it's hard to argue the kidnapping of the kids isn't a good motivation for Link to begin the quest. Not to mention that's like 1/30th of the game, hardly enough to criticize it as a whole Asa bad game.
I agree 100%
I've played through just about every Zelda and TP is up there in terms of fun.
My personal favorites are ALttP and WW, but that's just my opinion. It looks nice, it plays well, and it's got a pretty decent storyline to it. Nothing earth-shattering, but decent.
It also has the absolute best helper character, Midna. She actually contributes to the story and is a character you don't like, and then really care for later on.
The beginning is extremely slow, but once you get out of there, it becomes much more fun. There are a few collect-a-thons, but they aren't nearly as awful as those Spirit Vessel missions in SS. Seriously, fuck those things.
Zant is probably one of the better villains, and the whole Twili Realm is fun on the bun.
Just don't forget that you can shoot down ropes with your arrows. It makes that last dungeon go a lot faster.
Second fav Zelda
I like it, but MM is by far my favorite.
Everyone has their preferences, and I never said that it is the only way to go, just what I like the most.
Since when was this game so controversial on here??