Dolphin Netplay Thread

1) Download Dolphin 5.0 Emulator
2) Download Mario Party, Mario Kart, Kirby Air Ride, your game of choice, GCN ISO files from
3) Host a netplay room and post the code here to play with other anons

If you're joining, you do not need to start the game. If you can't connect to a lobby, it's probably already started.

>Config -> GameCube -> Slot A/B ""
>Graphics: Force 4:3
>Dolphin window -> Right click game -> Properties - > Disable "Speed up Disc Transfer Rate"
>Turn off any widescreen hacks if you have any on (If you literally just downloaded Dolphin, don't worry about it)
>Some games may require you have cheats enabled to unlock everything (Config -> General -> "Enable Cheats"). Just leaving it on won't mess anything up

If you're new and it's your first time hosting:
Pad the buffer somewhere between 15 - 30. If you need to go over 30, don't bother hosting. Each buffer frame adds basically 16.67 ms of input lag.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anyway, hosting pic related, from
Room code: 0d6aa6e4
U.S. East

I'll bump once for hopeful interest before letting this die.

You still hosting, i'll download that and join.

Yeah, I just started actually. Gonna wait a bit and hope we can get a 4-man autism fest going.

I'm fine with that, it'll take 2 minutes to download and a bit to turn into an iso.

Anyone have a game up?

I'll say when is full.
Still 1/4

>Graphics: Force 4:3

Umm, no thanks.

I'm in

Why not? it's fun...


oh shit, been meaning to try out Dolphin 5.0 NP
you dont need to port forward anymore right?
also, hows syncing issues atm?

No port forwarding with Traversal and synch is very good so long as your settings, OP preferred, match.

no port forwarding, sync looks good as long as ping is under 100 and assuming everyone has a decent pc/internet

You don't have to forward ports if you use NAT traversal mode. Traversal is easier and safer than running a dedicated server yourself.

Still 3/4
Anyone thinking of joining up and busy downloading?

Tried playing mario retardy last night and it was horribly glitchy and stuttered.

What went wrong?

net play or offline? and witch one

I might join but I have another download running so I cannot download the game right now

Mario party 5, netplay with 3 anons

One with flappy Internet jumped, may be coming back.

All 4 players need to make to to follow OP instructions. Make sure the 4 of you have exactly the same version, ping should be under 100 and buffer you adjust to get the fps you want.
if its something else then idk

3/4 again.

Hosting: Pic Related
Code: e31c0e22
Cheats: Everything Unlocked

forgot to add from US East

Do keep in mind that with some games 100ms ping would be unacceptable, like smash bros where the counters and stuff are dependent on frame accuracy. Those games can only be seriously played locally.

Random question

If I wanted to play SNES games online with friends. Do SNES emulators do a good job, or should I try Dolphin's VC instead?

Virtual Console would be a much better bet.

honestly to play casually even 75ms should be fine

The game's working fine for me

You can rejoin, we figured it wasn't you.

I can't

New room then.

I can't run 5.0, it says I need "api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll", I find it and copy it on system32 and it still says the same, anybody know a fix?

It also says something about a ucrtbase.terminate

Forgot to mention, I can run 4.0 and Ishiiruka build just fine, it's just Dolphin 5.0 that gives me this problem.

You can rejoin now Bios.

DAGA hoast


I meant host

get back in sponge man

sponge didn't work without you

What are the improvements from 4.0 to 5.0? Any patch notes?

So it's a settings thing...

Just shy of everything.

I have all the settings the same as the OP says.

just get in, well run another game and see

new player bumpin'

Setting up, west coast best coast.

Mednafen > Dolphin >>> everything else.
Mednafen has amazing netplay for everything prior to the PS1 (unfortunately no 64 support, and probably never will be).

Still open?

mario party 5


need 2 people

turned to mario party 5 2/4

alright, we need like, 5 minutes.

one more guy for mario party 5

I regularly play netplay with friends but I was wondering, why disable "Speed up disc transfer rate"?

Improves stability.
If you all live relatively close together and all run on the same OS, it's mostly a non-issue.

is anyone still hosting the spongebob game?

we couldnt get it to work

No luck, sorry.
If you want to troubleshoot with me, I can open one, but that's not very fun.

whats the most fun mario party out of the gamecube ones

4-5 imo

4 has some great minigames, worst boards.
5 has a great item system and good minigames, good boards.
6 has a better item system and alright minigames, great boards.
7 is a slightly worse item system, alright minigames, and mixed boards from alright to "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?"

Very debatable and most people will choose the game they played the most growing up. All the gamecube ones are good and personally I like 5's minigames the best.

Thank you man I would suck your dick if I could!!

Never done this before but how exactly do you guys communicate once playing? Doesn't seem that fun to play Mario Party without interaction.


See that chat you set to the side of the screen before opening the game?
That. It's just a click over.
There's a Discord floating around, but that kinda kills the whole Anons playan games for me. And Mumble is better.

What is interaction?

so it seems like 5 has the best mix, yeah?

They're all really good, to be honest. I'd say all of them and just mix and match.
7 is best cause Dry Bones.

mario party 5 2/4 get the fuck in anons

What's the mp5 room code again?

Config, turn off Enable Dual Core (speedup)

we're downloading the game right meow.
Will be in shortly.

Cool beans. I'll try this out later this weekend.


Yeah, apparently I needed to start Better DS3 before Dolphin rather than after for it to work.

Still doesn't explain why my emulator was blowing up, though. I played MP5 before just fine with the same settings.

user, why aren't you using SCP?

damn sorry, we just switched to another room. Im down for it after, althought idk how long my game last

Making me cry T.T
That's cool, if you guys could update when a room DOES open up, that would be great,

Because DS3 has always worked fine before.

Why don't you guys use voice chat? Wouldn't it be more fun?

I dont know for others, but I have a thick accent, giving a hard time to anybody trying to understand me

Summer colds.

What country you from?

downloading now

What kind of connection do you need to host a Dolphin session without having everyone lag like crazy? I have 20/2 in Western Canada.

On a slightly unrelated note, would anyone be interested in playing Crash Team Racing on mednafen?

nah sorry man, full

Best Canada

Western canada?

Just downloaded Mario Party 5. Wanted to just play some minigames until a game opened up but turns out you can't. Sucks.

just download a save file boyo

>Dolphin completely fucking crashed at the end of the first act
Well, fuck. Dolphin Pants don't work right.


Yeah, we're waiting too. Do you have the new monster hunter? We could play that while we wait.

I lost connection while we were playing sponge. this is daga

Yeah, the whole thing shit the bed.
Gonna call it a night for now and troubleshoot some more on the morrow.

So has anybody gotten Mario Kart to work yet?

Post libraries. I'm down to do any of these except Mario Party. I don't have enough time for that in one sitting.

get in d85827a4 mp5 1/4

double dash? i played it a while ago with some anons worked fine.

depends really, with some anons theres no issue, with others theres desync.