I am losing faith in humanity.
So i managed to find some videos of the leaked footage and they are flooded with "this game is boring", "rock mining simulator", "its going to flop just like i thought" etc etc. This actually pissed me off for some reason. At least i know i am going to enjoy it and probably lose my relationships in the progress. Sorry for that little rant i just wanted to post that.
I am losing faith in humanity
you won't enjoy it, it looks fucking boring, with about 50 FOV and textures from early 2000s
As everyone expected, this game will be a total joke.
>yfw after the fifth hour you realize you've done everything the game has to offer
You copypasted that from Reddit
You're pretty much the thing OP is talking about. You'll get bored with NMS and start shitposting about the next upcoming release, though.
Yeah I agree with you OP, don't know why Sup Forums hates it when Subnautica is basically the same thing but Sup Forums loves that game.
I have a different unpopular opinion, I didn't really want the gameplay stuff and just wanted exploration, like Noctis IV or Space Engine. I'll still enjoy it though, but obviously pirate it, I don't think it's worth $60.
What can you do in this game besides shooting rocks?
>expecting anything other than space minecraft with less features
>Guy doesn't even get past what is essentially the tutorial
why would you buy this when star citizen is just around the corner?
Tortanic ruined this board. Every goddamn release goes through this.
That wasn't the tutorial user that was the whole game.
>being in denial this hard
Most people are complimenting it, get ready to Apologize.
60 dollars epic
The end game was already leaked so there's no point playing it anymore
>pre order faggot regrets his purchase
>muh sunk cost fallacy
>humans are rationalizing animals not rational ones
You just realized that you spend $60 on a rock shooting similar and now you're doing all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify why you spent your hard earned money on literal shit that could have been spent on something more fulfilling.
If you have fun playing it user, who cares? Do you honestly think there's one person on Sup Forums who hasn't spent money on something people called shit but they had fun with?
>Being this blind of a rock shooting simulator
>Afraid the game sucks and even though there's enough evidence to prove the game sucks we still get assholes like OP
Go ahead and try to conjure shit up in your head. Game is fucking garbage. The NMS nu-male herd is fucking lying to you about it having a billion planets. Fucking bullshit it's all procedurally generated. Also, there's no mutliplayer but given the inifinitre number of planets generating they tease you and letting you know that there might be a slim hair chance of meeting someone else.
Admit it, the game is fucking garbage and you're afraid to see the truth.
>At least i know i am going to enjoy it
i guess if you force yourself to. walking around lasering rocks looks super fun and enjoyable
oh wait it's almost as if everyone told you for months that the only gameplay would be walking around lasering rocks
oh wow it has the first quest from starbound! *fart sound*
Subnautica is better.
subnautica is a hand-designed game. the entire game is mapped out, not randomly generated.
>Sup Forums prefers the shitty smaller less mainstream alternative
What a shocker.
A man is allowed to spend his own money on something he thinks he'd enjoy. If it's fulfilling to him, it's not a waste.
Living off of your mom's money and spending 40 bucks on weeb games that you play next to your anime body pillow doesn't exactly give you the right to ridicule somebody for wanting to play a game they find interesting.
Honestly I just want every game to be shit and fail so I can get sick of video games and get my life back on track
>hurrr only graphics matter
>what is minecraft
Is there any footage of flying in space yet? I'm tired of seeing faggots shooting rocks with laser guns.
You could build things in minecraft
a meme game for meme people
>/vmb/ - my blog
Why are you the arbiter of what's 'fulfilling'? You're just some anime-poster trash?