Nintendo 3DS Streetpass

Is this the most retarded feature Nintendo has ever done? Streetpass can only work of you have tour 3DS in Sleep Mode while in your bag. But who on earth carries his 3DS nowadays? This shit could only work in japan. Anyone here has ever made use of Streetpass?

>This shit could only work in japan.
And it works really well in Japanese big cities and other places like it.
So it's hardly "retarded". Just more niche than what you'd might have expected.

It works well in Vancouver. Dozens of hits a day.

Can I still streetpass if I am blocking updates from nintendo on my 3ds?

I've just naturally kept my 3ds offline for probably years now.

Worked perfectly in São Paulo for the past 3 years.
But recently,I haven't found that many anymore.

I tried a few times on campus and found dozens.

>Went to small anime con ~ 2000 ppl in
>No street pass hit, ever

>Sit in cafe lounge with 10 ppl in
>A new street pass every 3 days

Works well in any big city where you end up spending alot of time in city transit

After 5 years I finally completed Puzzle Swap.

I feel special.

>went to Tokyo for a week
>streetpasses maxed out every 10 minutes, every day

>This shit could only work in japan.
And that's all Nintendo cares about

>This shit could only work in japan

I live in the suburbs and get at least five hits every time I go to the local grocer.

My brother who lives in the city got a ton of them when he brought it to work, I got the eon ticket for pokemon from him

>But who on earth carries his 3DS nowadays?
I do?
It's a portable console user.

You didn't think through your arguments enough, did you?

I utilise street pass all the time, but that's because I leave it in my bad when I go to populated areas.

Some games have their own streetpass shit that fucks over the game if you get it late.
I just got Sonic Generations for 3DS and I've only got 10 missions out of 100 because I'm supposed to streetpass for them, but no one has the damn game.
Never mind that it takes half an hour to find a match online, the only other way to get the missions.

Yes, it's a local thing, not internet.

The issue generally isn't finding people to pass with.

It's finding games to make use of it.

Find Mii and Puzzle Swap get boring pretty quick.

Animal Crossing and a few others actually uses Play Coins.

But many high level 3DS games barely used the feature, or ignored it completely.

Pokemon, a game that should have been all over a feature like that, barely did anything with it.

The Dream Radar that connected to B2W2 was pretty neato.
Shame that was it.

>no new puzzle pieces

Gotta bring it to conventions and shit.

Sucks though, I wish there was a better way to play the games without passing aside from the 10 coins a day thing. I rather like Monster Manor.

>Went to small anime con ~ 2000 ppl in
>No street pass hit, ever

you get too many streetpasses from anime cons that you hit the limit or whatever and have to clear up the plaza frequently

but for the record i've only gone to anime north

>going to cons
I don't know why you'd do that to yourself.
Everything you can buy there is online cheaper.

>Bring 3DS to that Legend of Zelda orchestral tour
>Streetpasses would not stop coming

A few years ago I would get heaps of street passes travelling to and from university. It's a shame that rarely any devs made fun use of it, though

I see it as more like going to a mall where every store is catered to you. I'd never buy anything without pricechecking it online first though.

I like it, gives me a reason to bring it around and get a tiny bonus

Actually, that's a pretty valid reason.

My main issue is that, sure, it's a mall where every store is catered to you, but you have to pay to enter.
Maybe I'm just cheap.

I also can't stand all the attention whoring, everyone is so damn loud over the stupidest things.

I get streetpasses all the time just going to the mall, or walking around a store. Got plenty for the Plant breeding game, the ghost mansion game, the army growing game, and the fishing game.

Really wish that plant game had an actual release. I'd play the hell out of a Botanical game like that, just making my own garden, crossbreeding plants and sharing them.

i don't really understand why play coins are so useless

the 3ds came out in a weird era where it was too early to make use of some gimmicks like AR and too late to be able to bank on others like 3D. But the pedometer is a tried and true concept that succeeded with the Pokewalker that predated it, and Pokemon Go which came long after. Why not use Play Coins more? I'd rather use Play Coins to buy O-Powers in pokemon than rely on the fucking pedometer, that's for true

>live in small city in predominantly rural southern area
>drive about 30 mins to and from work each day, almost entirely on interstate
>keep 3ds in truck, in sleep mode, plugged in to charger
>average around 5 street passes per day, every day for nearly 3 years, solely from daily commute
But yeah you're right it's a stupid fucking feature. I don't communicate well with people i know and like, i dgaf what some stranger i met through Nintendo is up to

This is a great feature, I use Street Pass every day.

Hell no, it gave me incentive to bring it over to my university, along with all those coins I kept getting.

I work about a block away from a Best Buy, and they hold onto Streetpasses like a spider web holds bugs, so each day I go there I can get 3-6 passes easily and sometimes an extra few just walking with it in my pocket as I work (a rare advantage of retail). The only real issue is whoever's in charge of the switches always bungles on Streetpass Weekends and they never work on the first day or two, and sometimes never.

>I also can't stand all the attention whoring
anime cons are like free invitation to take pictures of cute girls. For every 10 bad cosplays out there, there's at least one that's decent.

I wouldn't have the guts to actually take a picture myself though, but at the end of it I browsed my friend's camera

I don't know, I can just look at the pictures others have taken online if I really wanted to.
Just doesn't seem worth the admission price.

>But yeah you're right it's a stupid fucking feature.
i think it's really fun, if more games could actually make good use of it. The only game I really liked it in was Animal Crossing, everywhere else it was just some minuscule thing.

You can unlock them with Play Coins too.

>Nintendo develops a machine they expect to be on 24/7
>they give it a 5 hour battery life, 10 when in sleep mode the entire time and use a proprietary cable to charge
3DS really was the precurser to Wii U being a bomb

Yeah, for five each.
I don't go out often enough to reliable be able to buy them.

If you seriously don't walk a 1000 steps every day, just shake the 3DS at home. You can get to 1000 quickly, giving you 10 coins each day.

No, I just don't take my 3DS out with me unless it's a longer trip.
I know I can shake it, but I just don't give enough of a shit.

It's not the being able to unlock missions through stupid ways that's the issue, it's that it doesn't make sense to have to buy them or get them from other people.
Why not just let me play them all?

>If you seriously don't walk a 1000 steps every day
I would think the issue is bringing the 3DS around with you when you probably have your phone and wallet in your pockets already, and even if you had a free pocket, it does fit but it's bulky (hueg phones nowadays are already bad enough)

Especially considering most people have an XL.

Was a neat feature and I managed to finish a few puzzles but then I just cheated and unlocked them all.