Western design done right
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I actually don't mind Cassie, except for her dumb outfit.
So it's kinda weird that they can make something like her, and then go and make fucking Wonder Woman look like that.
I'm going to marry Cassie!
MK females were never waifu quality until MKX. Even Mileena was a solid 8/10.
ok, you start
>pic unrelated
are you a 10th grader? she looks like an edgy hipster from the 2012 era
It's that unique look, and no-bullshit attitude that gets me
7/10 bait, made me reply.
I'm the only one who finds her ugly as fuck?
The only correct answer in a long time.
No. I think she's ugly and has a dyke haircut.
Cassie Cage has a stupid haircut.
i only liked her in that sfm porn movie i watched
i dont know why but daddy issues gets my dick going like nothing else
Too bad that game is as generic as it gets
>western design
>fridge manfaces
every time
Cassie's attitude elevates her, IMO. Seems like she would be a total bro. Jacqui has the personality of a wooden plank, Kitana's a snooty bitch, Sonya's a moody dumbass, Mileena's had more dicks in her than a Hollywood Undead concert, and Tanya would fuck your brains out then lie about Rain's baby being your's.
sauce? I want to say Siege.
Her alt is way better.
>Those tattoos
What the fuck man
>giving Geralt a fuccboi haircut
>not making geralt your fuccboi
Widowmaker and Pharah
I hope she has that hair next game.
I like her ninja suit a lot. Shame it will never be on the PC (or anything else for that matter)
you will never have drunk fuck with rose
why live
Fucking hell. This would've completely changed my opinion of her. It mystifies me how they could go with the quasi-dyke cut.
>those piercings
>those tatooos
>those ear gauges
>that hair
Contains almost everything wrong with western female vidya design.
>navy seal
lemme guess, shes tougher as nails, "one of the boyz" and a strong leader the guys looks up too?
this trope has been played out since the 80's
i wanted her character to be focused like her mother but be a total dick to people like her father. instead we get teenage drama. thanks NR.
she's support
Doto design is great
Oh yeah?.
I cant stand real women in the military, they're beyond useless and will fake injuries on purpose to avoid hikes, movements and PT in general. The worst part is when a girls ankle magically starts hurting and she wants to sit in the hummvee two other men have to pick up her pack and gear and keep moving, I was one of those fags :T
Alienfags please leave
and the woman wasn't even that hot looking
>Navy has straight up said that BUD/S won't become easier for women, so they'll have to put out just as hard as the men
We'll never see a female SEAL. I guarantee it.
>Will never wife Mileena
>Will never have the best sex in the world
>Will never see her wake up looking like pic related as you make breakfast.
Life is suffering
That's ugly. it looks like her face is stretched over a man's head
>you will never have Bernie Sanders for a daughter
League has a few
Plague Doctor is my waifu
>that right leg
Japan's got nothing on this shit
Maybe not the best, but certainly among the most popular
Men of taste
she really caters to my tastes
>yfw Anakin kills her at the Jedi Temple in the new canon
i'd forgotten about vipers
Shockingly enough every western character designer isn't the same person. These threads are pointless.
I love nu-Lara!
the only option for female special forces is that they make a only female unit recognizing their pros and cons as women. South Korea does this (there is not much info about them though)
>inb4 female Gaston
Yes, and?
Cassie Cage was and is manjawed trash with small eyes, weird ears, and a shitty nose. I'm better at applying makeup than she is.
jake never said anything about their gender, degenerate advent scum
>Sup Forums falls in love with the most disgusting pandering parody of streamer gurl that says shit like "GG" and "winky face" while being better than all the boyz
could you fucking not
is there hot mother daughter sfm action yet?
I couldn't help but chuckle whenever Clara came on screen because I swear her tits were actually textured onto the mesh. There's always something to be said about low-res cleavage.
Never ever...
Play alien hunters, nigga.
This better?
>in foxhole with woman
>get injured
>need to be carried/dragged out etc
>look over and see you're with a woman
"welp Im dead."
Can you name your favorite girl from a western release after 2005? I sincerely can't remember a nice girl that aren't from The Witcher or japanese
>First Women in a T1 unit
>Not the Army
missed opportunity for some quality laffs
>those pubes on cammy
literally the best vag hair.
I thought it was released earlier
Most of the girls posted in this thread are post 2005
Something about short hair
most of them were made way before, they only got a new version, they are good but I feel that we could've get something better after 10 years
imagine her big meaty farts