No Man's Sky leaked gameplay

Post yfw you realize its basically minecraft.

Other urls found in this thread:


>its basically minecraft

without anything that makes minecraft good


but minecraft is a good and fun game

>but without mining or crafting or anyhting else minecraft has

minecraft sucks but it's not as grindy as NMS

Holy fuck that's grindy as fuck.
>26 minutes of grinding/farming to repair the ship
>The ship can't even leave the planet at the end of the video.
Are you stuck on a planet for the first hours of the game lol?

so you are implying this will sell 100M and make the dev Billionare?

sound like a praise to me

But mods are what makes minecraft good.

So how's the fucking flying feel

the steam refund policy is two hours

think about that for a sec


But minecraft has good grafics


Choose one (1).


Whats Hama-chan doing in this picture?

Let's do this

>yfw No Man's Sky bombs

Not really impressive but its meh for a retro game.

"Not really impressive"

Minecraft runs on Java

Someone took spare time to make that free mod

in java

>not blaming lazy ass swede for poor/lazy decisions.

>tell people over and over that its just spore 2.0
>mfw the leak and now no one is defending it

I knew a bunch of numales working in a basement couldnt accomplish anything worthwile but this is hilarious. I'm actually curious to see how the press takes it since it could easily go both ways as 10/10 REALLY MADE ME THINK and 4/10, just play minecraft instead

minecraft is way better than this turd

The game looks ugly, the shit quality doesn't help it either, but that's what we get for "procedural generation", individual places we spend most of our time grinding are butt ugly. only a handful of beautiful vistas. We will have to be aways on the ropes to get off the planet to get to a new one, its like we will get stuck in each new planet. Its a prison game that you jump from prison to prison to get to the end of the galaxy.

The cute animal companion is the first reedeming quality of this game in ages.

Nice strawman, but your idea that no one is defending the game is a lie.


What a surprise.

>Minecraft without building

what the fuck is the point then?

>we will get stuck in each new planet

What are you talking about?

I also hate the jagged edges in the terrain that the terraforming makes. Every 3d building game does this and it looks like ass.

Minecraft and Terraria are literally the only games that did it right.

>all planets only have one climate/biome each
>planets are miles away (note some trailers show short travel to moons, not planets which are much further away)
>can rename any creature/planet, but doing so is completely redudant given the fact there's no reason to stay on a planet and chances of another player seeing said planet is almost 0
>the online "multiplayer" is extremely misleading - players cannot bump into each other in the world; rather, actions they do (like renaming things) will take effect in an asynchronous manner
>the "quests" shown off were literally to gather matetials or defend/attack a faction
>NPCs have no AI whatsoever, only a select few scripted events to trigger the above
>less than 10 actual climates seem to exist in the game, with recolours being their compromise for looking like more
>due to the insanely high number of apparent planets in this game, statistically the chances of you seeing many unique ones is miniscule - rather, you're more likely to see a planet with tall mountains in red, then one with slightly shorter mountains in blue, then in green with a lake. The more permutations in a procedural structure, the less different they are to one-another
>"combat" appears to only be basic gunplay (one of the easiest things to implement to make what would otherwise just be a simulator into a game, since implementing guns just requires basic raycasting)
>optional weapon upgrades that are """crafted""" by dumping random collectibles on it
>trees, creatures, and NPCs shown off so far already have duplicates in promotional material, which is quite an antithesis to all the "there's so many permutations!" point they hammer-in

how much of this is true?

>minecraft without the craft

this is what I seen at e3 when the game was announced. Seriously what did you expect?

the dragon quest minecraft ripoff looks way more fun than this



Does it have denuvo?

fucking hate scifi shit that does this with items and inventory.
health potions are now 'glutorkiam ectoplasm' and everything's a hideious shade of pink or purple. at least minecraft had shit that was grounded and made sense.
hate scifi so much worst genre

>pieces of rock float in air


>Slivers of initial rock floating in the air

The funniest thing is that all the fans who ate up every bit of info on the game are not surprised by this video at all and are only getting more hyped seeing new footage. Their expectations are set correctly.

The people that are out to shit on the game anyway are looking for every nitpick they can scrounge up, but since they haven't closely followed the game, everything in the leaked footage is new, even though literally nothing in the leak is something we didn't know about except for the intro.

What I especially find hilarious is that people are complaining about texture quality in a

Why does the mining beam even overheat? What's the point?

>the tool you use to mine overheats every 3 seconds

This seemed fishy from the start and isn't even worth laughing at. I don't know if anyone was actually hyped for this, or if you faggots were being "ironic" but honestly who didn't see this shit coming a mile away? I would hope this would be the death of survival indie games with crafting but I doubt it because idiots always buy into these things.

>in a planet where physics are non existent.
No thanks I don't want that shit.
Never thought a game I wanted to be comfy and relaxing would be so hollow and shitty.

More like No Don''t Buy.

muh reelizm

Reminds me of this early access steam shit

Atleast they're honest


That's double negative, unless you have a comma in between

>Rock Farming: The Game

>not true
>not sure what you mean
>pretty true
>not misleading, very small chance of meeting another player. this has been advertised since the beginning
>could be true, could be false
>no idea
>wait until the game comes out to see if the variety is enough for you
>theoretically true, but we don't know how vast the procedural generation is. wait for the game to come out first
>so far, looks like it
>wait until the game comes out to see if there's enough variety for you

Depending on the type of hazard, each planet may or may not be trying to kill you while you go fetching materials. So its going to be grinding for your survival and ffor your interest at the same time, double the grinding.

T. cuck in full damage control mode

So you can grind points to upgrade your mining laser so you can grind more points to upgrade your mining laser so you can grind more points to upgrade your etc.

Hardly. That copypasta has been objectively torn apart countless times. This guy didn't even do a very thorough job.

I mean it was always fairly obvious the game is shit, but i hope to god "fans"( how can you be a fan of a gamee you have never played) eventually admit it at least when it comes out.
I mean even with watch dogs and spore and what have you everyone admitted it.


WOW! it's exactly like the trailers.

I didn't save the one I saw to copypaste like a shitposting faggot, but basically, his points are either all non-issues, hot opinions, or are totally false.

Not the obvious no man's buy

I think the game had a lot of people in love at "See that planet, you can fly to it" and everything else is gravy to them.
Maybe that makes no sense to you, but to them this will be a masterpiece. I guarantee you.

>his points are either all non-issues, hot opinions, or are totally false.

Not it's not faggot.

Watch out for killer hopping pineapples

>people were considering buying a game where the gameplay had to be "leaked" to even understand what the fuck the game was

>mfw I've been telling people this shit for months


>first planet was a tutorial
>after repairing ship you will be out of the planet and the exploration starts
>main point of the game is basically discover lots of shit and upload it to Atlas
>no info on center of the galaxy so far
>Multiplayer is the names of planets, animals and galaxies, coordinates indicates some sort of communication but not confirmed so far
>12 planets reached, all had unique settings when discovered
>space battles are too hard at the beginning so upgrading ship is first priority
>You can befriend creatures
>Shooting the mining laser downwards over and over would reveal caves for rare resources
>mining planets to the core requires better suit to handle heat
>killing too many creatures and mining too long would start some sort of wanted levels that involves sentinels hunting you down

There is no source you stupid faggot, it's just a matter of being informed on the game.
But here's something if you want to be not misinformed:

There's barely anything in the leak that hasn't already been known. Maybe to shitposters it's new.

More hours of gameplay if you have to wait for it to cool down :)

Reverse for Spore, it's getting blown by every reviewer this side of the Rio Grande on Steam, when it came out everyone was like "This is trash"

>tfw was hoping for xenoblade x styled monsters
>instead get normal looking shit
fuck man


>space battles are too hard at the beginning so upgrading ship is first priority
Does he actually have any videos on space battles?

If 90% of the game is the shit that I see him doing during that "tutorial" planet, then it's a no buy from me.

Exactly what I wanted. Thank you based hello. Space, here I come.

Shill Damage Control from marketers or Dev

It's so fucking obvious

>main point of the game is basically discover lots of shit and upload it to Atlas
that sure doesn't sound like it'll get tedious and repetitive real quick

>There is no source
Do you not know what source means?

I mean it's a different case in that i don't think it's dishonest like say watchdogs. But the things it's sold as, an unnecessariably large world. Procedural generation, lack of a solid focus, etc. Are things peopke don't seem to grasp are objectively bad. I feel a decent amount of people just don't know any better.
Wut how's that reverse of spore?

why do retards always get to play a game first

I'm gonna play this all winter. Fuck yes.

>people see its a space exploration/mining game
>think its neat and preorder/buy it
>shitposters arrive
am I missing something or is this some new stealth advertising to promote the game to people who already want it?

Yes, and I'm telling you, I don't know where the post is that went through all the points. So don't ask me. I've only seen it, along with a few other anons, I'm sure.

And there's not just one either. Multiple people have slapped it down.

Nice damage control. would buy


Can you guys fuck off to reddit with this game?
I don't even mean it as an insult or negative. It's just it's not Sup Forums material no different than undertale or depression quest or whatever. It's a reddit game, if you are a redditer fine you do you. Like i am a huge faggot for madden amd even NHL. But i don't start countless threads here and demand everyone like it, then get butt mad when people talk about how it's shit.

>25 minutes of an endless game

I think it will be fun

Well obviously the people who did it got that information from somewhere.

Game looks pretty cool. Not $60 cool but I don't see the reason to hate it.

why would I damage control something that can still be refunded for another 10 days. there's no investment yet, everyone is still free to bail on the game.

ur a shill

Why are there at least 4 threads about this shit show of a game right now?

The only threads that get made are ones telling people it's shit though.

I'll take your money if youre willing to pay me

I posted a link to just such a place. Try reading?

>yfw shitposting about this game is funnier than actually playing it

Reminder that in this video, at 25:38, the leaker himself says the game's grind for minerals is "a long, boring process ... for a couple hours" and that "[viewers] have seen everything that [he'll] be doing here" during the first 25 minutes.

Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says. This is the golden rule. Never forget.

The shitposting is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

got to spread the word of failure.