Is this the most kino videogame ever?

Is this the most kino videogame ever?

find a better moment in MGS or fuck even video game HISTORY, you fucking cant

wtf is kino?

The War has changed trailer is the kinoesque shiat i ever gazed upon

it was too weird. Snae still thought he was fighting Liquid

Pure cringe.
Horrible "videogame"

Kino no Tabi

alien isolation

mgs v actually has gameplay

liquid ocelot was a retarded concept that went nowhere

Google translate says it's German for cinema.

>"wtf is kino?"
t. pleb.

so you cant find a better moment? cool.


My epic quickscopes in MW2 were better than hackjimas pretentious turds. Piss easy boss fight, no emotional weight due to horrible writing and cringe overload.

>likes MGS
>calls other plebs

its okay if you cant, you dont have to shitpost

The only thing I hated about the ending was ocelot basically saying I was just pretending to be retarded.

Switch 3 with 4, and it's perfect

I'm watching the "movie" version of this now on youtube. Is it worth picking up and playing if I skipped MGS4 and didn't play again until GZ?

Change MGS3 to Flick or Movie.

Yeah, for how retarded it is sometimes it's still worth playing at least once just for the experience. It should be fucking cheap now too.

mgs is kino mgs2 is film


no hang on
you can't use "cinema" like that
>this cinema was ok
doesn't work, nor does
>X was cinema as fuck

Sup Forums go home with your memes, you're drunk
And I'm pretty sure no one on Sup Forums would accept games, comics, manga, or anything not movies as "kino".

Best girl.

Best Waifu

Phantom Pain is fucking Blade Runner shit, you can't put that thing under flick

No MGS game is a flick

Portable Ops is a movie

Guns of the Patriots is a film
Snake Eater and MGS1 are Cinema

Sons of Liberty is "Ohhh yeeaaah" Kino, Phantom is "I'll need to watch that three times" Kino

I bet blade runner is the deepest, bestest shit you've ever watched, brooo

>Phantom is "I'll need to watch that three times" Kino
Yeah, no.

>Phantom is "I'll need to watch that three times" Kino
I couldn't even finish watching once

A buzzword from the memescape known as /tv.

Es ist so Kino wie ein Spielfilm.
