What games let me play as a Dragon?
What games let me play as a Dragon?
Spyro the Dragon
Panzer Dragoon.
But Trogdor was a man.
Dragon's Crown
I mean, he was a dragon-man.
The Breath of Fire series
He was a dragon man you moron.
I mean, he was a dragon man.
Well maybe he was just a dragon you stupid fucks
This shit is so stupid
Strongbad was cringecentral allright
But he was still Trogdor.
>the brothers chaps made a few new things last year
>then it went dormant again
Faggot detected.
>High schoolers who were born after Trogdor are on Sup Forums right now
It was. I had to pretend it was funny around my friends. It was just some dude screaming some infantile lyrics. It was the epitome of LOLZSORANDUM XD
get a load of these dumbfaces
please stop reminding me that the world is doomed.
Or maybe he was just a dragon...
It's like watching infants try to walk. I'll pray for you.