Have you done your part by supporting Operation Kowashitai and buying the best, most hardcore JRPG of 8th gen? Are you excited for Tsubasa's sequel? Have you convinced your friends to not buy Persona 5 yet?
Have you done your part by supporting Operation Kowashitai and buying the best, most hardcore JRPG of 8th gen...
No but I gave it a nice pirate.
I pirated and felt really bad for pirating it because it is good but if I don't punish Nintendo they will never learn.
How is not buying Persona 5 beneficial to you? Fuck off with your console war bullshit
I'm not Cody so no
If you want to promote an anti-Nintendo/anti-Tsubasa agenda, >>>/NeoGAF/ is that way, retards.
WiiU piracy is a thing now?
Spoiler: if TMS was on a Sony platform, we would not be having these threads weeks after release.
why did they censor the game all to shit but make the MC have gigantic fucking titties that are obviously abnormally huge no matter what clothes you hide them behind for no real reason
I'm getting fucking mixed messages here
You're right because Atlus would have localized it without censoring it if it was on the Playstation platform.
>Have you done your part by supporting Operation Kowashitai and buying the best, most hardcore JRPG of 8th gen
but I bought Dark Souls 3
>Are you excited for Tsubasa's sequel?
>Have you convinced your friends to not buy Persona 5 yet?
I have no friends
I told everyone that Persona 5 will be way better.
Nawh man, game looks like gay ass shit
I don't buy games with autistic characters.
Just kidding I play lots of JRPGs
I pre-ordered the game. My order was sadly delayed so I have only finally gotten the game.
I have absolutely loved the game though and you bet your ass I am excited for the prospects of a sequel. I want to believe.
I don't buy censored shit.
It is and a retard could do it.
> black smog to censor chest in cutscene
> 5 seconds later, uncensored boss fight
It's a damn shame about the censorship. I pirated the game and loved it.
Have you guys noticed that sometimes when Tsubasa is nervous she messes up her words?
It's really cute!
Porn when
I want to motorboat Tsukasa's Tsukasas.
This is the biggest travesty of TMS.
That can't possibly be an ingame model, can it? That's Lara Croft-tier chestals.
Reminder NoA gets paid for time put into editing a game.
Nintendo literally created a system that enourages and rewards people for censoring and editing games.
>Operation Kowashitai
No matter how many times I read that it makes me laugh
Just stick to kiria or tiki if you don't like tsubasa. Stay away from mamori though or Barry will fuck you up.
Cool. Well I pirated it and applied the uncensore patch.
>No matter how many times I read that it makes me laugh
especially when they do shit like this
You know you fucked up hard when star ocean 5 out sold this game.
I love that face Tsubasa's making, OP. Gives me boners.
Heres hoping that campaign and account is just for laughs and not a serious attempt.
To anyone that played the censored version, can you still see ellenora's panties when she does an EX session move? Sometimes censorship is rather random and what makes the cut. XCX censorship missed a few things.
I would but I don't like Tsubasa. I think she's annoying and she looks like a potato.
Bought the game on launch because I'm a thirsty slut of a Wii U owner who will take any scraps thrown at me. While I can understand why people WOULD like the game, the semi-automatic battles, unrepeatable characters, boring battle animations and surprisingly bland soundtrack kill the experience for me. That said, when the game's not playing itself and the characters aren't talking, I found myself enjoying the visual design of the game, as well as Touma's gimmick.
Definitely not getting on any top ten lists, nor bottom tens. Why do people think that buying it and Persona 5 are mutually exclusive?
No, this is the place.
arry Goodman is the hero that all weebs should strive to be.
He was a rock star; a position that most normalfags would kill to be in. Not just any rock star, either. He was the lead guitarist of one of the most popular bands in the world. He could've fucked all the 3DPD bitches he wanted, and nobody would've batted an eye.
But instead, he gave it all up to be with his waifu.