>he has no steam friends
Why not add someone from Sup Forums
He has no steam friends
because Sup Forumsermins are fucking retarded
I'll get drunk enough to add somebody here, someday
the only steam friends i have are ones i added from Sup Forumsscape, some of them are cool but most people from Sup Forums are huge faggots that i would never want to speak to
Anyone on Sup Forums that wants to 'join a group' and 'be friends' is going to be an insufferable attention and drama whore.
>add someone from Sup Forums
we'll spout Sup Forums memes for 10 minutes and never speak again
>implying any of them can actually hold a conversation
>implying any of them won't try and erp within seconds of adding you
>implying any of them will actually say a single word to you
>mfw so many fucking steamfriends i gotta clean up sometimes
>mfw i talk to a few regularly
>mfw talking to a new one right now
>mfw they're a trap who sent pics
Here's a better question: why the fuck should I do that?