Last thread was okay, let's have another NX thread

>what parts of the leaks do you believe, if at all? What do you think is true?
>would you buy an NX based solely on the "leaks"?
>what is the minimum graphical power you would tolerate?
>what is the maximum price you would shell out for the NX based on the rumours?
>can the NX compete with the 1.5 consoles?
>what is your dream NX?

Also, dump your concept art, patents and theories, argue about the Specs, whatever.

Other urls found in this thread:


Confirmed facts
>home console (nintendonews.com/news/general/nintendo-nx-home-console/)
>Zelda BotW as launch title ('different visuals than Wii U')
>'new type of mario' avaliable
>sonic game
>new game by Koei tecmo(nintendolife.com/news/2016/04/koei_tecmo_confirms_that_it_has_nintendo_nx_software_in_development)
>no VR (Statements by miyamoto)
>Just dance

>VERY likely/ partically confirmed stuff
Pikmin 4 launch title
Animal crossing (mobile app supposed to crossover with something)
Dragon Quest XI
Metroid (eurogamer.net/articles/2015-06-17-next-proper-metroid-prime-would-likely-now-be-on-nx)
New IP by retro (nintendolife.com/news/2016/04/rumour_retro_studios_is_working_on_a_new_ip_releases_2017)

Stronger than Wii U (see: Zelda point)

>Some stuff stated by companies, but not confirmed
'moving away from Wii Brand'
Ubisoft 'NX will recapture casual market'

>$99 for a Wii Gamepad that's a Nintendo games tablet because no one will support it
>dock comes out a year later for $199 that increases resolution
>ten year old tech

its going to fucking fail out the fucking gate
I fully expect third party Nintendo afterward

youtu.be/YZ4AlnlYenc Good video explaining the reliability of the leaks

Yeah, based on the rumours

Where did you come up with the other parts though, especially for the dock?

Honestly, as long as it has a controller I can handle without breaking my hands, handle games a little better than a base Xbone model, and have some fun games I think that I'll be happy.

This. All it needs to is to be slightly better than current gen consoles. The 1.5 console's games are still limited by their base consoles, the NX will be good for third part if it is just a little stronger than the current gen's ones

If the Wii U is any indication, it will


My dream is that is sells a ton, and we see the return of shovelware licensed games. That was why the Wii was amazing. I hope the NX gets a bunch of games based off niche TV shows and movies.

But why. Why do you want shovelware

My theory (others have expressed it too) is that the leak represents only one half of the equation, ie the handheld part. There's a completely different device in the NX family that will be the home console. It'll play the same games at higher resolutions but it won't be portable. It might not release at the same time either. The handheld might come in March with the console releasing during the holidays later that year.

It's really hard for me to believe Nintendo is replacing both their handheld and console market with a single device. A device family makes the most sense

Because it's like watching The Room. Some of them are so bad they're good.

>what parts of the leaks do you believe, if at all?
None. As anons mentioned earlier today, Nvidia hasn't announced any design wins while AMD has a least three.

Actually, it makes total sense. Both the Wii U and 3DS are nearing the end of their lifespans, and a replacement is needed for both.

The leak only shows the handheld part though, the console part reamins to be seen. Nintendo also hinted multiple times the NX might not be one device

Isn't a new Tegra coming

I just hope I'm not being optimistic. Nintendo has a way of disappointing me these days

I think the NX is more centered around handheld/mobile gaming and being a 3DS successor and that the console part is more or less centered around the device being capable of HDMI out

If the NX dose have a tablet gaming processor it makes a hell of a lot more sense a handheld oriented console that corresponds with mobile integration and half explains Nintendos ip licensing on mobiles and future merging

I doubt DQ 11 till be on NX unless they make a separate build for the device or if, in fact, it is a home console with a handheld attachment running that come packaged with two individual sets of hardware

The only way that I will ever give a shit about it is if it's a handheld/console hybrid because then, ideally, it would actually be adopted in Japan because it has use as a handheld and meanwhile I can play what has historically had a great library (nintendo handhelds) on a TV instead of a brick with tiny screens.

Isnt it already comfirmed by square Enix?

Nintendo's biggest market has historically been the US. The only reason the JPN market should matter to you is if you're a total weeb

Because if it wasn't adopted in Japan as a handheld then it would lose a ton of third party support that would just go on mobile or something.

Shovel ware is cheap fun.
Those games and the ambitious low-midtier games made up half of the market back in the day.

The market needs cheap fun decent looking niche filling and licensed games on the consoles to lure in the casuals.

If the console is relatively cheap has an emphasis on local co-op and is good at streaming and has cheap online content as well, then people will see it as a really good deal

If it even gets at least 10million sales then it will do remarkably well. Mainly because nintendo console owners tend to buy a lot of shovel ware from brick and mortar and online stores.

This pretty much. Shovelware can be fun. Some of them can end up being hidden gems.

Really, what is the market for the 2.5 consoles? I really don't see them doing well at all

They're Gen 8.5 actually except for NX, which will merge handheld and console 1st party development onto one platform.

Really interested in seeing the reveal, also the dude that mentioned the Tegra being in NX said the same thing about the 3DS and that ended up with a different chipset called the Pica200.

>.5 gens
Stop that. Its 9th gen.

>what parts of the leak I believe
Only the fact that a handheld exists, and the concept (not the execution) of the hybrid
>would you buy an NX based on the leaks
Unless the dock adds power, no
>minimal graphics
540p for handheld, slightly better than PS4 for console
199 for handheld, 100 for dock
>can it compete
Sure, why not? I don't see the 1.5s hitting big
>dream NX
handheld and a console sold seperately, console can only play handheld games when the person has a handheld (kind of like docking). Disc drive also avaliable for console for BC and third party. Normal controllers sold with the NX. 1080p 60fps for console, 600p 60 Fps for handheld. Handheld is single-screen

I'm more curious to see how they will sell extra controllers for the thing for multiplayer.

With detachable controllers for multiplayer that removes buying 3 controllers from the scenario so users will only have to buy 2 more for the typical 4 player experience.

Also, will it support Gamecube adapter going forward for the next Smash Bros? I feel like that's a must in order to maintain a competitive scene for Smash Bros.

I suppose you could consider NX the first 9th gen platform, but Scorpio and Neo will both feature PS4 and Xbox One OSes and support games from said platforms rather than have the own exclusives will they not?

As far as I'm concerned, that would be a 8.5 generation gap since the experiences will only be framerate and rendering differences rather than a huge leap in graphics.

It'd be like going from low-mid range PC to mid-high range PC in the current market.

Just give me an HD handheld and I'll be happy

>support games from said platforms rather than have the own exclusives will they not?
So they say, but I would expect that policy to last long.

Think about it logically. The PS4 is calculated to be about 1.84 teraflops. The Scorpio is rumored to be about 6 teraflops. That console is gonna cost and companies tend to want to make a profit on their investments.

I find the detachable controller part very very hard to believe.

I mean what the fuck is the point? And Zelda is already seen to have normal controls, how will they map the gimmick controller then? The controller is a normal one, and there is NO detachable controllers

According to E3 goers almost every button on Wii U was used in the game so maybe detachable aspect will only be for multiplayer focused 2D games?

I'm thinking Mario Bros, DKC, Kirby, Yoshi.

I'm not sold on the idea either and likely they'll have an option for a traditional controller as they did with Wii (Classic Controller and Classic Controller Pro) and Wii U (Wii U Pro Controller).

Still curious if they intend to support the GCN controller adapter going forward since 8 player Smash alleviated problems of having to pass controllers to the next people waiting, at least in my circle of friends it did.

Actually surprised that Wii VC became a thing before Gamecube honestly, unless they intend to save it for NX's reveal or do more HD re-releases to support NX's launch year as they did to hold Zelda fans out for Zelda BotW's constant delays.

>would you buy an NX based solely on the "leaks"?
Yea I like the idea of a 3rd pillar super handheld, even better with the handheld and console release merged together
>what is the minimum graphical power you would tolerate?
if handheld atleast Twice as powerful as Vita
if console it better be significant to PS4

>what is the maximum price you would shell out for the NX based on the rumours?
depends on the price:performance

>what i truly want
a ps4 level machine with 3rd party games

>what im okay with getting
little to no 3rd parties but with collaborations with jap and western game companies at a cheap price

>what i dont want
$300-$350 machine with cheap smart phone level graphics and zero 3rd party games with nintendo still shilling the wii remote

>twice as powerful as the vita

Jesus do you even care about battery drain?

After the "good hardware" meme everything has to shoot for maximum power with complete disregard for everything else.

It will be a handheld but it will also be a console.
And I don't mean it's a handheld that has an hdmi out. That's chinese ghetto as fuck.

I mean a console that uses handhelds as controllers and can stream the game through the console and can download virtual media from different places and play it THROUGH the console.

The handheld will be as powerful as the 360 but the console will be almost on par with the other 8th gen consoles and use an arm chipset.
HOWEVER nintendo will go out of it's way to force the "artstyle over flashy graphics" thing.

I see a
NX super pack with two handheld controllers the console and a game

The NX core with two wiiu pro controllers

The NX Go for less then 100 bucks. The controller sold as a lone handheld.

They're entire gaming ecosystem will be tighter then a japanese school girls cunt. And take it from me. That's pretty goddamned tight.

The pixel C tablet is running the same chip as is rumoured for NX which is better than double Vita and that has a great battery life even while gaming.

NX has a clear path to success, Nintendo just needs to not fuck it up
>comes out when the only competition is the 1.5 consoles, which most people would not buy as they have the base consoles already
>many games planned for it, by both first and third party, hence the Wii U droughts
>if it is a hybrid, japland will be all over it
>PoGo and mini NES will put Nintendo's name back in the eyes of a causal

This is what I want

I don't know what exactly it would do, but there is NO fucking way the "dock" is nothing more than a "tv out" like some people have suggested.
Why would Nintendo/customers waste time/money having to bother with something a hdmi cable on it's own would do?
And if the "hybrid" part of the NX is only the tv out for playing on the tv, then the fucking vita is a "hybrid" too. Heck even the bloody original gameboy had an adapter for tv play. So hardly original, even within Nintendo's own products.

That dock has to do something major that we haven't been told yet.

>6 first party titles at launch


The Vita removed the hdmi out upon release though.

Vita TV is its own SKU.

More curious to see how many SKUs we'll be getting for NX.

Wii U had 2 SKUs, one "basic" model and one "deluxe" model.

Perhaps there will be a SKU for a pure handheld without the dock and a SKU that comes with the dock.

Also of note: the guy who mentioned the Tegra chipset for NX also said the same thing about 3DS before it was released and we know now that 3DS doesn't use Tegra at all.

Same thread every fucking hour with nothing new.

Haven't made this thread since yesterday though

While the whole 'buttons that go through a screen' idea, I feel like it would be really prone to fucking up.

Where did you get "6" first party titles at launch?

Pretty sure the only 1st party launch titles will be Zelda, Pikmin 4 (since Miyamoto said in Fall 2015 that it was near completion and likely that's been moved to NX since it wasn't officially unveiled up til now.) and maybe a port or 2 of Wii U titles.

Historically, Nintendo has only had 2-3 first party titles max on all of their platforms, most recently being Wii U with Nintendo Land and New Super Mario Bros U.

I'm more curious to see a game that was developed with NX in mind rather than Wii U games ported to NX (Zelda BotW and Pikmin 4).

dude if its $99 dollars i'll buy it day one, shit

>Mario Kart
>New Zelda
>Zelda Ocarina of Time
>Mario something
>NX Sports
I could believe these

When will they ever make another Wario game?

I thought something like that would be too expensive to be practical but Nintendo did file a patent for it so I don't know.

Right after they make another F-Zero game.

Nintendo will finally reach the 8th generation

It was a slip of the tounge on enix's part and they went back on their statement in a press release. Its unclear if they meant it

>graphics create gens


3DS started the 8th Gen and PS4 ended the start of 8th Gen.

Gen 9 starts with NX and Gen 8.5 will happen in the middle of Gen 9 with Scoprio and Neo UNLESS they get exclusive games on their platforms.

They announced not one, but two games for it. They meant it, but wasn't supposed to reveal it yet.

Sega doesn't seem to care though. Or maybe they got permission.

By your logic the new 3DS is a 9th gen platform.

Not even a fair comparison.

Game and Wario exists vs F-Zero's Magnum Opus which is GX.

Then again, F-Zero was really well represented in MK8 DLC and Captain Falcon was popular enough to warrant a game in Nintendo Land.

I'm also fairly certain 200cc being a free download was a means of testing the waters for a new F-Zero as well.

I'm feeling a new F-Zero is on the horizon whether we want it or not.

New 3DS's only exclusive games were ports and not new games, hence it not really being Gen 9.

It's on the same tier as DSi in being only useful for having Xenoblade Chronicles on the go or SNES VC.

You can make an argument for it being Gen 8.5 with increased framerate in Hyrule Warriors and better visuals for Monster Hunter though.

Freeform screen is a fantastic idea. Detachable remotes are not. The thing would either have to be too big to fit in your pocket or too small to see the screen when it was set up.




What does this mean?

Yep, I remember they approached the burnout dev, but was declined as he was working on burnout. Expect another Fzero soon

I hope they design the portable (if the rumor's true) so you don't look ridiculous playing it in public.

Protip: Only vapid, shallow fucks actually think you look ridiculous to the point where it damages their opinion of you. It is 100% your problem. You feel self-conscious. Get over that, because it's a thousand times less attractive than something as simple as playing a handheld in public.


I'm just going off of the times I've seen ">he plays his 3ds in public" get posted on Sup Forums. I actually don't know if people actually care or not.

I still hope for a home console that can stream games to the controller.

Like a long ranged WiiU controller that can fit in a backpack or purse.

do we have any solid date on more info?

So a Wii U

It's just shitposting

There's no reason to feel insecure about playing game consoles in public

anybody who cares isn't somebody you want to be associated with in the first place.

If I'm not wrong, NoC said its fall. So September

No, a new and more powerful console that will replace both my WiiU and my 3DS by having the best of both worlds.

It would also have more games since it would get the handheld and home console IPs instead of exclusively one or the other.



Monster hunter on a big screen

That's it senpai

Metroid Prime 4 and F-Zero NX

I want the system to *NOT* support Open GL ES2.0 despise being a mobile system, or will be an android shitshow.

That control is the size of a table. You use your arms to press the buttons.Those things on the outside? Those are screens. They project images as if you were in the environment. What's behind you, is on the screen behind you, what's to the right of you, is on the screen on the right, same for the left, and front.

yeah same. It would also be extremely expensive.

In practice, the NX with an X1 will be about as powerful as the Wii U.
Mobile chips are memory bandwidth starved pieces of shit without fail and textures suffer greatly because of it.
Beyond that, mobile CPU's are never up to snuff with modern CPU's partly due to low power consumption.
At least mobile GPU's have come a long way.
Look at DOOM 3 BFG running on the Nvidia shield for an idea of what to expect.

People will be VERY disappointed with the NX if they don't set their visual expectations to match 7th Gen consoles(360,Ps3)

These are just rumors, right? This shit can't be real.

Actually, the very game you suggested as an example debunks what you said.
Doom III BFG runs at 720p with heavy frame rate drops on PS3/360, while it runs at 1080p/60fps on the Nvidia shield.
Also Trine 2, that is available on WiiU and runs on it at 720p/30fps does 1080p/30fps on the shield.

>>what parts of the leaks do you believe, if at all? What do you think is true?
The stuff about the gpu is the only part that I have trouble believing.
>>would you buy an NX based solely on the "leaks"?
>>what is the minimum graphical power you would tolerate?
depends on the price
>>what is the maximum price you would shell out for the NX based on the rumours?
>>can the NX compete with the 1.5 consoles?
>>what is your dream NX?
a handheld/console hybrid.


MonHun on big screen.
New mainline SMT on big screen.
Kid Icarus sequel on big screen.

More than the ps4 sonycuck

Doom 3 looks horrible on Shield, the alpha effects and textures are pared back sporadically to save memory bandwidth which the chip is so starved for.
Trine 2 is also missing some effects present on the Wii U version.

It was Horii who said that and reminder that everything that Horii says is 100% true

>Horii said in some french conference in late 2014 that DQVII-VIII will be released in West
>Hours later, he regret about that statement
>Nintendo announced DQVII-VIII in 2015
>Horii said that both DQX and DQXI would be released on NX next year
>Hours later, he regret about that

this guy is based as fuck

Well, the memory on the Shield is indeed quite slow, not WiiU slow but still slow, thus why shield have to do those stupid things.
And on the lack of effects, its probably fault of being a quick port for a system that would not push many units, and again using a high resolution on a quite starved for memory system.

But the main point i actually forgot is that even with the defects you mentioned, WiiU would still not be able to do it.


But will it be able to do that in a setting where power and heat constraints are a very real concern?

>I don't know shit but can definitely confirm it
Honestly, do they even know what a Tegra is?

You're a rich guy.

In this case i would say yes, mostly because WiiU use a very, very, VERY old GPU architecture if compared to the Tegra X1.
On modern Open GL 4.5like or even vulkanlike architectures, you have several, SEVERAL ways to use less CPU and GPU time to perform the same functions.
Texture libraries, geometry shaders, more customized buffers, specialized texture compressions for things like normal maps...
Also while on the portable mode at least, the NX would not need to even render at the same resolution of the WiiU, but its native screen resolution.

So, I'm trying to find out how much power you would need to run a PS4 game at 720p on Tegra X2. First, I'll calculate roughly how an nVidia flop compares to an AMD flop. The RX 480 has 5.8TF and the GTX 1060 has 4.4TF. The GTX 1060 is also around 12% faster than the RX 480, so you need roughly 6.5 AMD TF to match 4.4 nVidia TF performance. So, you divide the nVidia flops with the AMD flops to find out the ratio to which they correspond and you get 0.67.
Multiply this with the PS4's flops and you would need about 1.2 nVidia flops to drive the same game as on PS4. But, to find out how much you need to drive the game at 720p, you simply divide 720p with 1080p to find the ratio, which is 0.44. Multiply that with 1.2 and you get 0.528TF, which would line up with the rumor that they're using overclocked X1 chips (X1 has 0.512TF at stock clocks). And if they exchange it for an X2, they would probably have to really underclock it so the battery life should be high.

That was my thought as well.
The Tegra X1 chip that's in NX probably will be a custom chip, but not necessarily stronger. Nintendo has never used a chip that wasn't proprietary in some way.

The people speculating that the chip in the NX will be vastly different or some kind of Tegra X1.5 in anticipation of the Tegra X2 are delusional.
Nintendo isn't putting something unproven and expensive with a potentially high power draw and possible needs for high heat dissipation in a console that's supposed to release in less than 12 months.

Also i forgot the part where you can cheat a lot with bigger textures, because they don't require more processing power, just more space and those tegra things generally come up with 4GBs, which, assuming nintendo use again a whooping 1GB of memory from the system like they did on WiiU, would allow you to have up to 3GB of assets rather than 1GB.