ITT: God-tier Westerns
ITT: God-tier Westerns
Western like old west or western like not made by japs?
I want a new CoJ game so badly. Gunslinger had no right to be as good as it was.
did not expect it after the others being so mediocre
The Wild Arms series.
They have more of a western flair instead of being an actual western.
fucking mcree looks great on that box art
Why was BiB so shit?
I liked it
the Cartel was true liquid shit
Which was it Sup Forums?
I liked it better then the first one.
I thoroughly enjoyed Gunslinger. I bought it for like 2 or 3 bucks and enjoyed every second of it.
I did both, but I did redemption first.
It was better than Gunslinger.
He spent his whole fucking tracking that guy down, there was no way I was going to just let him walk away. That's like not getting revenge as Jack in RDR, even if that kinda goes against that game's entire motif.
>whole fucking
Life. Whole fucking life tracking that guy down.
>YFW Train level
It helps Eisenhower become the man he was IRL.
Come on, be the bigger man.
I really digged this one.
i thought it was pretty shit. Retarded story, extremely repetitive. the first 2 i liked.
The Until Dawn version was better, senpai.
>"Tell me bob, do you fear death?"
Different strokes. I just listened to the Until Dawn one and I think I prefer the Gunslinger one since it's more haunting.
God tier tastes
Also, protagonist is japanese but the setting is western, does it count?
I would like this game if enemies didnt constantly re spawn less than a foot from you in mass quantities in some levels
Talking about western, has anyone seen this?
That's the appeal, non stop spawning enemies from every direction and free flow of action to give it an old spaghetti western feeling where the protagonist shoots at every conceivable direction
The kind of action perfected in God Hand
Talking about wild guns, have you seen this?
How can you not love Irish/Gaelic shit?
I dated a grill named Siobhan.
It was a pretty name but she was crazy as fuck.
Forgot pic
I did watch this gookstern though
What was the canon/historically accurate ending?
Never saw it but looks good, gonna check it out.
Also if you are bored out of your mind, check it out user, it has a Tarantino cameo
The one where he doesn't traumatize the president
I won't have it said that I left you with nothin'
>He posts the second worse game in the series after The Cartel
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Infact, why are people apologizing for this game? It was so blatantly shit yet did not get the criticism it deserved like The Cartel. Talk about some meme bullshit right there. I mean did I play the same fucking game as you reddit browsing casuals?
Fuck this was a more enjoyable shooter than Bioshock Infinite.
good VO and interesting premise. kinda like x-com but can either be extremely easy or extremely hard depending on the type of player you are.
Looks neat. gonna snag it next sale
haha dude tell another joke