What is your favorite fighting game and why?
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>fighting game
I kind of hate fighting games, but I've not really played much. Just a couple old-school games in arcades and pizza parlors when I was a kid, hah. What are some must-plays to a guy whose never really played any fighting games?
Also, love Smash, but apparently that's "not a fighting game" even though... it's a game.... where you fight. Mind explaining?
KoFcharacters,music,speed of the game
>Mind explaining?
They won't. They just hate everything that's actually different.
You're right. Smash isn't a fighting game. It's the evolution of them, the next step.
Not really. Smash is the best thing the genre has to offer so if you stick to it you're golden.
sorry fucked my post up i want to help but it's kind of hard to recomend you something if you say you hate it off the bat
Not liking =/= hate
Deadliest warrior
Melty Blood because of the music, speed and Ciel
Too bad it's fucking dead.
>If it isn't a street fighter clone it isn't a fighting game
Its autists like which make the FGC want to disassociate themselves from smash neckbeards. Every single even they attend theres drama, stealing, posing and worst of all unbearable BO.
By saying Smash isnt a fighting game its a rejection of that cancerous community even if by whatever arbitrary standards you do consider it a fighting game.
Don't forget pool shitting and molestation.
Smash players aren't good people.
>Favorite series?
Probably Street Fighter, it's what I grew up with and I have so many fond memories of it while growing up
>Favorite game?
Capcom vs SNK 2, I've love this game since I was a bitch ass kid, some people don't like it and claim it's unbalanced as fuck, I don't really know or care myself, but I do know I love it to death and still play it on my PS2 every now and then
do you play any snk games user? every person i know who says their favorite fighting game is cvs2 kind of always dodges this question whenever i ask it
sfv: cross play, forever upgradable, best gameplay and graphics in sf and maybe any fighting game ever
Well, the few that I have played, I really, really disliked. I just used "hate" as a colloquialism I suppose.
I think the few I did play were one of the Tekken games back in early 2000 and I got a demo for Soul Caliber 2 on a Gamecube demo disc. I kind of hated that one too. Granted, both examples were years ago and I should probably give a few a chance. King of Fighters was one mentioned. I'll have to try a few more.
i dont agree with you in the graphics everything still looks like rubber and it's very noticeable with hair too
Street Fighter Alpha 3. It's got everything. 2nd up is King of Fighters '98. It's got everything as well.
well i still can't recommend you anything if i can't even get a grasp on what you might like
I know a lot of people have problems with it, but I haven't stopped playing Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 since it came out. My favorite fighting game of all time. Have it on the 360 and Vita.
My favorite would be Blazblue.
Now here is an important thing, just because it's my favorite, that doesn't mean i hate GuiltyGear, that shit doesn't work like that.
I like both, and i play both, but i prefer BB's characters, music, story (time travel gets me rock hard) and general presentation.
Definitely Primal Rage.
Then either Killer Instinct or Darkstalkers.
I actually don't unfortunately, I only remember playing Samurai Shodown ages ago when I was a kid and that was about all I played, I've actually never even gotten to play a King of Fighters game until I played the demo for XIV, I want to get into that series but haven't really gotten to do so yet, I do wanna play some of the older ones eventually so I'm looking forward to that since I do like the characters in CvS2.
A lot of people say KoF 98 is the best one hands down, why is that? I prefer 99 because it introduced best character K, but is there any technical stuff that makes it bad?
Superior limb-based combat bros, where we at?
SFV isn't my favorite fighting game, but the animation/character models are probably so,emof the best in the entire medium. It'd be a gorgeous game if the stages were as detailed.
I like pretty much all fighting games but I like how Tekken is more geared towards reaction than most fighting games, obviously there's just as much prediction required in mixups, spacing and oki, but your entire strategy can change just based on their reaction time, certain strings become useless if they can react to them, the utility of throwing changes to space control if they can reactively break them, certain lows can go from amazing tools for easy damage or + frames to the highest risk move on your belt.
I dislike how obscure some things about the game are, I never understood why people would move around so much at long range when I was just watching, not until I started playing good players, and was getting cornered for free just from being out-maneuvered.
It can't be that hard for commentators to make stuff like that clearer for people who don't play very seriously.
Gundam Battle Assualt 2
How is Darkstalkers? Been thinking of buying one of them for My Vita. The only fighting games I've played are the street fighter and marvel vs capcom series
Who remembers this? Did anyone aside from me like it?
Pretty great. 3/Vampire Savior is the best, particularly the home console ports. You aren't gonna get the PSP one, I hope, I've heard its a bad port.
Still hold out for Kuni to be in Tekken 7
Put me out of my misery
No doubt about it.
Mahvel 3 all the way.
There's something exciting in a game where one small mistake costs you whole fight sometimes.
Probably Skullgirls.
Fantastic visuals and fun character designs. Very enjoyable music and a very good tutorial that helped me understand fighting game fundamentals. First real Fighting game I sat down and got gud at and is imo proof that western devs can make good fighting games.
>not playing as King and playing wrestling entrance themes in the background
I played most of the big names such as Tekken, Street Fighter, Smash, etc.
But DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2 has to be the best for me.
well if this the case i really advise you to not play any KoF game like SF or even CvS you're just going to frustrate yourself if you do
>western devs can make good fighting games
Have all my keks
Flying Dragon
as a fighting game, it's not the greatest, but goddamn if it doesn't have a special place in my heart
Gotta go with Smash.
It's fun to play badly, and fun to play competitively.
It's got the best of both worlds. A perfect mix of casual gameplay and a hardcore meta.
I can't not have fun playing it.
>anons unironically calling smash their favorite "fighting" game
I guess if Smash is a fighting game, so is Power Stone, and PlayStation Allstars Battle Royale. Oh, and Anarchy Reigns? These are not fighting games.
>0 results
shit thread
>there will never be a cooler fighting game intro than Tekken 5's
>primal rage in the OP
what a bizarre yet awesome option
Jojos Bizarre Adventure All-star. I know it isn't a "good" fighting game by traditional means but the amount of fan service is phenomenal I should probably mention that I'm not a very big fan of fighting games and have never been very good at them
>KoF series
-Lot of characters
-Fast and accessible
-Great Music (Osaka '96 hasn't been topped yet)
-Coming up with combos feels great
-That animation, man
-Michiru Yamane
>Rival Schools 2 (Project Justice)
-Board game create your character
-Colourful characters
-Tight controls for a DC game
*All-Star Battle, please kill me
I don't have a PS3 so I can't play it :( really wanna try it though
I've played fighting games outside of Street Fighter and CvS2 user-kun, I can adjust to other styles if need be. Thanks for the video though, that'll actually be really helpful later
Didn't say it happens often.
Melty Blood.
It's fast and you have a lot of options at your disposal. Moon system is pretty cool.
Also like the Tsukihime universe, from someone who isn't generally huge on the whole nasuverse.
Guilty Gear is definitely a close second though. Although to be honest I generally enjoy all kinds of fighting games.
I wish Project Justice was faster.
Both games feel kinda clunky and dated now but PJ was so much slower that it's even harder to not notice it.
>I can adjust to other styles if need be
It's not styles necessarily, it's the game systems, stuff that you probably don't even know exist yet.
It'd be like trying to play SFIV not knowing shit like Focus Attack and using LP+LK to grab.
Melty Blood however if you count smash as a fighting game then Acceleration of SUGURI 2
Yeah, the first one is really clunky, I only played the Arcade version though, but 2 was really good for me.
My biggest complain would be weird collisions with some attacks that are not the usual hadouken/shouryuken like Nadare and Roberto had.
But now that you mention it, I would like to try a faster version of it.
So how mad are you faggots that smash will return to CEO and EVO next year? ahahaha fgcucks btfo again
List of Fighting Games I know
Guilty Gear
King of Fighters
Street Fighters
Mortal Kombat
Soul Calibur
Bloody Roar
Killer Instinct
Smash ?
All of them have fanbases except MUGEN. So I think user, you should try them all. I mean people that play one fighting game over others is because that one fighting game "feels right". So you should try games until they feel right to you.
Plus if you don't have friends to play with maybe you shouldn't bother. Its hard to play and learn by yourself.
But you should give it a go user-sama. Always interesting to try new genres.
smash players are the furries of the fgc
Boring Trash compared to Bloody Roar 1, which was boring trash compared to Bloody Roar 2, which I think was surpassed by the Gamecube game, which I only played a few times, I genuinely loved it those few times.
Still I own Bloody Roar 2 so it is my favorite. 3 was a mistake and I sold that shit out to gamestop.
but sonicfox plays mortal kombat you nigger?
Kerfuffle for EVO when?
My nig
What's one with a quick rematch/quick re pick your characters with minimal loading?
loading times killed fighting games for me
nobody likes furries but everyone likes getting money from them
Join the Melty Discord. People still play.
>Not Alpha 2
>Not KOF 02
Shame, user, you were so close, too.
It was the only one I played so that's probably why I enjoyed it.
Tourney on right now
Only two Marvel vs Capcom 3 fags in here. Smh. Game is fun as fuck.
How is that even possible? Bloody Roar 1 demo came with the PSX at launch day.
>I define my reality with broad sweeping generalizations.
do you choose to live a dumb life or was the decision thrust upon you at birth?
Didn't have a ps1. As a kid I was an n64 fag. :-/
I'm sorry for your gaming loss.
Killer instinct that whole guessing when the other player is gonna combo brake or counter brake is really fun to me
Also de music and the over the top anouncer.
Sorry for bad english im drunk and it is not my first lenguage
Killer Instinct died with Windows 10.
Sure bro still fun for me
Agreed on all counts. 2002 specifically, as I believe that they are at their best therein.
>he is a microcuck
Enjoy a shitty OS for the rest of your life.
how so
Fite me.
...seriously, please. I have nobody to play me. The only dude I knew IRL who would play this with me stopped being able to beat me even after practicing so he won't play with me anymore. It's my favorite fighting game.
get fightcade I'd be down to play some third strike.
lol no
only 10 characters are worth using out of 60
Why are you so angry ? OP just asked a simple question
So enjoy playing your perfect fighter or whatever
That's kinda what I meant, but anyway thanks for the help, I appreciate it, seriously
>Smash is the best thing the genre has to offer
Something tells me that you're saying that despite never having touched any others.
As someone who plays both, this baffles me to no end.
>Smash is a fighting game guys! Please let our game be included in your genre!
>all of the actual pillars of the genre suck lol
Street Fighter
>but I like how Tekken is more geared towards reaction than most fighting games
I agree, but I despise Tekken in basically every other way.
Probably was Soul Calibur II or Smash Bros Melee at some point.
SCII and Blazblue Continuum Shift are probably the fighting games I dedicated the most time to actually gitting gud at, I spent the most time playing Melee easily but I never really tried to be really good at it and learn shit like wavedashing.
I got to silver in street fighter v today! Pretty excited.
do 'Rastlin games count
Can't wait for steam releases and kick everyone's ass. I hope Fruitbat doesn't balance anything.
Alte best girl
Nath best hand
Kae best fast
Your loss
Mortal Kombat 2.
Came out at the right time of my life.
Just an all around great package, good atmosphere, characters, music, fatalities.
Everything just came together to create a "perfect" game.
To this day I don't think any MK game has come close to it, even at a technical level they are far better playing games.
The only other 2 fighting games that come close for me are Soul Calibur 2, and Darkstalkers.
PlayStation Allstars Battle Royale is not a game period
What the fuck is this fucking piece of shit?
Is this motherfucking Orange Juice fighting edition?
What the flying fuck am I looking at? What the shit?