its so easy, extra credits can do it. why aren't you?
Why aren't you making a game?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Extra Credits can do it
Actually Extra Credits CAN'T do it. James' only project he was ever on was some shitty IoS shooter that he drove into the ground because he mismanaged the budget overestimating what they could do with the title.
I'd love to, now that I finally only work part time at a much better job I have the money and time to do it.
However I still have a hard time knowing where to start. My dream game is a diablo clone style thing, but like I said I don't have any idea where to start.
Making a game is easy. I already did it.
Making a GOOD game...
Planning to make a VN. Is the Ren'Py engine still good? Recommendations
Extra Credits everyone
zero creativity
Because I'm unimaginative. Thanks for reminding me.
jesus fuck
EC is teaching people how to make video games
someone fucking save us
>Game is edgy as fuck.
>Makes a video to tell people that being such a edgy bastard doesn't make a good game.
Really makes you think.
>>Makes a video to tell people that being such a edgy bastard doesn't make a good game.
Except that's not what he said at all. He said the only value games have is teaching a moral lesson, which is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard said about video games.
He also said retailers should stop selling the game because he considers it evil.
This video is a year old you faggot
>Getting creative
Just make a simple metroidvania/platformer with everything good about your favorite game, coupled with quirky dialog and cute anime girls.
If you make a Diablo clone, I hope you have a good art director.
Diablo's enemies and maps are so much more pleasing to the eye than the eels, blob monsters and vague humanoid things shooting blue stuff in PoE.
>James porkhole's projects are all failures
>makes a webseries to paint himself as a professional
>never mentions his projects
>Scams amateur developers out of their budget by offering consulting out of his "experience"
What has James done? 2 shitty mobile games, he worked on a canceled call of duty game where he was "handling sound and some other duties (probably janitor work LOL)" according to a polygon article.
>cute animu girls and a quirky cute dog
Oh jeez that's actually how to make a perfect game fuck
Pretty much this
After that. all you need is a Kickstarter and a little bit of Sup Forums shilling and you're good to go.
>It's another typical 'lol everything old is better then anything new' and the 'wow MUH darkness in 2d such much better then the exact same stuff in 3d weow'
Your worthless opinion has been noted. Here's your (You).
Don't make a game.
But I don't wanna make a shitty waifu pandering game with a kikestarter page.
>can't code
>can't art
>no drive to learn
Not that guy but what exactly do you mean by Diablo looking nicer then Path of Exile? I haven't actually played either of them yet but was thinking about it.
I'm too busy with real life. After things calm down I'm going to start working on one using openGL. Obviously it's going to be terrible since it's my first game but hey you have to start somewhere. I'll probably make it free.
Sometimes you begin to suspect that Extra Credits' entire claim to authority on the subject is specious at best. But they've got a picture of a guy speaking at a podium in their videos, so that can't be right.
I did.
It's been downloaded about 600 times.
That really brought my outlook up even if it is a small amount of people
its not 1990 anymore where 2 basement dwellers could make a triple A game
>going to uni and studying game design
>acing all my classes
>going to go into the industry and choose a loremaster as my profession
>Sup Forums is going to be eating out of the palm of my hand as they play in worlds that I craft the mythos and lore of myself
how jelly are you fags?
>studying game design
Stop spreading rumors.
>studying game design
Almost as bad as art of gender studies. Jesus christ man.
I heard Extra raped and killed a woman last year just for finding Missile Command boring.
Yeah, stop being unfair. These guys have no specific credentials, good or bad.
>choose a loremaster as my profession
nigga that is not how the industry works
Fuck off STEM fags, you meming fucks
I think playing the games would be more effective than me telling you Diablo 2 had better designs than guy wearing loincloth and giant spider.
>studying game design
Is this a new scam in burgerland?
I would want to do everything myself and I'd need to learn from scratch everything
Good on you, user.
a CS degree is more broad and open than a Game Design degree, right?
You didn't studied Soft. Eng. so fuck off.
Do you even have to ask?
I hope for your sake that you're a yuropoor and can live off welfare because you ain't getting employed anywhere.
CS isn't about neither computers nor science
What if I don't want to make a video game and I just like playing them?
CS is a completely different field
If you're going to regurgitate received wisdom, you could at least keep the grammar consistent.
I'll be telling engineers like you to shine my shoes after you create the world I envision.
What's that one religious cult indoctrination video he made using another name called again?
you can still get into vidya with a CS tho, right?
just because i like to watch movies doesn't mean i want to be a director
That wasn't him. Stop fucking spreading rumors.
sure, but you gotta do some projects on your own first
>studying game design
Wouldn't loremaster be more of a /lit/ thing?
You won't need any, just get working
Sure, but if you aren't into CS itself you'll just graduate as a code monkey and write smell code monkey code. It's a shitload of math, too. Games especially. People who work on the more technical, challenging side of game development are more interested in CS than the vidya.
You don't need CS to make typical 2D indie games. Or rather you only need 2 years not 4.
I had a friend that legitimately thought he could get paid to be the "idea guy" for a video game company. He figured all he needed to do was send them a few ideas and they'd hire him. His great idea was that it was going to be a game about revenge. I feel like i kind of hurt his feelings when I pointed out that wasn't really an idea worthy of a job.
Fuck it, I'll just become a truck driver.
Why? Is Ren'Py the only option now?
Because Ren'Py is easy as fuck. You can make a simple VN with no coding required
Doing a game is easy.
Doing a GOOD game is hard, very hard.
And you can spend years of your life and million of dollars doing a shitty one due having a retarded view of what games are.
I'm studying game and app design at my school too. It's a bachelor's degree and the career field is pretty open to things outside of game design since that was the first thing I wanted to know about. Whether or not it's useless I guess i'll find out, but nobody in my family I talked to said it was bad when I showed the curriculum.
they didn't want you to go elliot roger
Probably. If they said anything bad I would send them to the corn field.
>we need games to teach us lessons like "killing people makes people sad" and "sometimes you can achieve goals without killing people"
What causes a lack of drive?
It's so common but I really don't know where it comes from.
really nigga, software engineering was too much for you to type out?
dude..I'm not meme'in you, your degree is useless and you WILL find out in a couple of years. If you dont wanna take my advice then thats fine. But dont say you weren't warned, why not study something a lot more employable like cybersecurity?
Laziness and/or being content enough with your current situation that you don't feel the need to try
I kinda want a completely straight faced, well made and intelligent game that plays the whole mass murderer thing straight just to see the SJW backlash once again.
Because that's not available at my school and I can't transfer my credits to it. I mean if this degree is as useless as people say then I don't understand why nobody I fucking talked to said anything. My lawyer mom said it was good.
Aren't lack of drive and laziness the same thing?
It comes from people being raised in a society where everyone's station and achievement is not based on their own personal ambition and 'drive' but on external factors like upbringing and genetics.
It is poison to intelligent minds to tell them they are only intelligent because of factors they cannot control. Be proud of your intelligence, and gain drive and passion.
hint hint
They are normies who think that a college education is anything but a scam in the year 2016. Or they are simply misguided, they think that 'wow video games are so popular, that means it must be a strong market so user going into the field is going to be successful' not realizing the reality is totally different. The reality is colleges are scams for the most part, and the course of 'game design' is even more of a scam being pressed to impressionable minds like yourself who grew up with games and now wants to make them.
You've been duped. Sorry.
Im planing to.
I want to create a Shmup with level selection like Starfox. I'll do it someday for shit and giggles but now i have to finish some Touhou games.
Well, this thread just got unbearably real.
I'm gone.
Hey there's money in a game design major if you become a professor of game design.
Any articles or anything to back that?
This kind of saccharine didactic lecturing parading itself as an accommodating olive branch is the surest sign that somebody's ideas haven't been cross-examined nearly enough in their lifetime.
Never mind that they fell for Hatred's marketing scheme which specifically sought out public moral outcry in order to move copies. These guys have IDEAS.
Well, this thread just got unbearably real.
Back to r/gaming I go.
I am a professional game dev.
Don't study pure design. You will only suffer. It's the least in-demand position in games, coupled with an inflated number of applicants due to it seeming easy.
If you really want to design, learn another skill and do design in parallel. Engineer, Art, or Production skills are essential.
Why do I need an article? Look around you. Game companies mostly hire internally, their 'game designers' and project managers are people who worked there the longest and part of the close circle. They have large staffs of people working in art, programming, modelling, music, animation... Where are the game designers?
More importantly, you've jumped on the video game trend 20 years past it exploding and getting huge, and how many other dumb kids do you think are doing. Logically think, and realize you are wasting your time with something that is an absolutely crowded, pointless market with no hope.
Remind yourself that your college is making enough money for a new car, anywhere from 10-30 thousand dollars, off you if you succeed in the job world or not.
You've. Been. Had. That's all there is to it, don't let them take any more of your money or your life away chasing a dream.
My University has game design classes in the CS degree.
Does that mean anything?
But it's just like his video games! He's choosing the loremaster tree!
Because I'm making a visual novel instead.
Besides, I've already made a couple of really, really shitty games and it was a really fun experience. Now I'm taking what I learnt fumbling through the process of those shitty games and I'm trying to make a VN that I don't just feel proud of because I finished it but because it's something I consider to be genuinely good.
When I finish this one, I'm want to move on to making a mystery-solving point and click.
Edgy doesn't even mean edgy anymore.
Edgy now means "how can I say I'm offended without telling the public I'm offended?"
>don't let them take any more of your money or your life away chasing a dream.
I spent two years doing this bullshit after changing my major from medical assistant and now I've got people telling me to drop it? I'd sooner kill myself than admit the last year of hard work I did was for nothing and go back to fucking retail jobs with faggots yelling at me and being paid minimum wage and never going anywhere. I'm going to find out if this was worth it, from anywhere I can, and if it truly wasn't then I'm fucking ending this.
Fuck you you anonymous fuck.
I'm making an RPG Maker game.
It's fun to make, I just wish I could draw my own assets.
I assume you have several lower division courses meant to expose you to fields you may be potentially interested in without going in-depth, and game design is in there. A lot of degree programs try to show you breadth before you get into later coursework because universities understand that part of what they do is help people explore what career path they want to go down (plus, they get at least a couple extra semesters of tuition if you switch majors). So no, it doesn't mean anything, and it's not like any potential hire is going to go, "Whoah, this candidate has a CS degree from Bumblefuck University. I hear they have GAME DESIGN courses in their program there!"
Different user here.
You can get the design job but make sure you do the following if you want to actually get work after:
1. Learn to code.
2. Actually make as many games as you can. Demonstrate you can provide value without someone else holding you hand. If you go to a recruiter and show a mobile game you made yourself, it will be like you showed them a divine artifact.
Aren't vidya jobs shitty, tho?
I don't give a fuck about game design, I just want a fucking degree, just fucking anything so I can have a decent job. I don't want to do game design, I just want to do art and this was the least retarded form of art school for 3D modeling and shit.
Art school is a bigger scam than game design.
Don't go to an art school. Nothing is stopping you from doing art at a normal university
>Art School
All is not lost then, user. Learn either animation or shaders and you'll get plenty of job offers.
Man, I've never seen anyone get so angry at me illuminating them before. I think this might be a legit conversion.
you could always make SFM porn I guess :^)