Is PC gaming a meme...

Is PC gaming a meme? It seems to be the preferred gaming platform on here but everyone I know that games irl just has a PS4. The only person I know who's ever built one was this weird guy with a jesus beard who was committed to an insane asylum a few years ago for stalking and threatening to kill his ex.

When I asked one of my roommates who's really into games if he ever built a PC he responded "why the fuck would you ever do that lol". Is it really as popular as people on here make it seem?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the preferred platform for gaming enthusiasts, not the common denominator of dudebro gamers.

And no, it's not a meme, considering 99% of let's play videos are most likely being streamed from a PC and not a console.

I can't keep up with these newfags and their retarded lingo. What does "meme" even mean nowadays? Is it anything you don't like, or specifically something you don't like that is also popular?

What's the point when you can stream straight to Twitch from a PS4 though?

Well you're forced to use Twitch for one thing.
Also knowing consoles it's probably gimped in one way or another.

It's the superior gaming platform.

Plus if you build a really good computer, you can use it for other things and get those things done fast too.

There's literally no reason to own consoles after building a gaming PC.

I built my PC in 2011, still have no reason to upgrade. Still can play all the latest games better than their console counterparts.

I still have all the consoles except for xbone because whynot?

Meme has taken on its most specific definition. A meme is any idea that can be spread. Thats it. That's all it ever was.

The answer is simple OP. You are a stupid, tasteless person so you surround yourself with stupid, tasteless people. That you couldn't even recognize this is pretty sad.

The PS4 only sold 40 million copies and most games sell under 2 million and very rarely do games sell over 3 million.

Owning a PS4 is a meme, it's not that popular.

PC on the other hand has roughly 150 million active users. 125m on Steam and then an estimated 25m just emulating, playing MMOs, fucking around on GoG/Origin/Uplay, and pirating games. It's a rough estimate based on nothing really, there's probably more than 150m.

So no it's not a meme, it's very popular globally and especially in North America. You just know a bunch of normies.

>Is PC gaming a meme?
Yes, it's just a method to piss away your disposable income and play console ports with better graphics while feeling superior. Modern games suck dick, at least with a console you only pay half of what you would for a good PC. Who cares about graphics if all the good games ever made are between 8 and 64 bits?

>what is backwards compatability, emulation, piracy, and exclusive genres

Hey, it's my money, so...

No PC have literal MILLION of games from emulation, flash, web-based, DOS, Windows, Linux, etc. If you think in term of no. of game available per dollar, even a double 1080 PC is cheaper than PS4.

People will tell you old ass game like those on DOS are shit and playing emulator is cuck, but actually, those fags are the true meme. I giggle every time someone say anything that remotely means Console is better. Console IS PC that do one thing ffs.

>console ports with better graphics

Even that is debatable.

It's good for emulating and western AAA games. I wouldn't recommend building a pc just for gaming.

Don't forget you can get online without paying on the same multiplats between the ps4/xbone and a lot of other games not on them.

And the modding that isn't restricted to basic changes and limited by 2gb/900mb

Not true that portable NX has me real interested. The only thing a pc doesn't have is hard support for mobility.

PC gaming is great for poorfags like me. Playing exclusively games I can get on PC means I don't need to buy a fucking 500 dollar console every god damn year. It means I'm not being manipulated and sucked dry by greedy console companies every time they decide they want a new round of console money coming in.

Have fun being taken advantage of, consolecucks. Meanwhile I can play all my games on the same machine I do everything else on, and more and more games are coming to PC every day.

mods is the reason I play on the PC.

Skyrim without sloots with big titties and asses just doesn't feel right.

But at that point it becomes a

"I wonder how long I can play the game without jizzing in my pants this time"

>"I wonder how long I can play the game without it ctd'ing because the modders are a bunch of incompetent retards who barely do any cross mod testing, let alone testing the buggy as hell gamebryo engine since it was never designed to be tampered with"


>I know that games irl just has a PS4
Well, there is your problem op. Stop mingling with peasant scrubs irl

I'd rather pay $500 for something a computer can do PLUS play all the games that interest me

>my roommate who's really into games

And being "really into" games applies to what percentage of the young male population? 60%? 80%?

Anyway I don't want to pull the whole r9k thing but seriously fuck off my board.

stupid meme post

PC gaming is indeed a meme. Modern PC games are trash, and you can emulate the good games on a toaster.

>Being a PCuck in 2016


Irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with my post. I bought a Super Famicom and a flash cart with literally every game in it's library for under $150, remind me why emulation is an argument for why PC is better again. You can play games on the original hardware cheaper than on a PC.

PCs are for enthusiasts. People who want their games to run well, look the best, and have the most customization and options. Also a lot of PC games tend to be from developers that develop games for specific or niche audiences which is a larger number of people than you'd think.

Basically it's for neckbeard losers. But this is Sup Forums, wouldn't expect anything more.

I've been lurking Sup Forums since it's baby days, and even I have no idea.
But keep asking the kids, it's fun when they try to stutter out a meaning, and it's always different.
They got no idea. A meme originally was just a running gag in the widest sense of the word, I have no idea what kids think it means today.
I blame kids.

Just looking at this post I know you are not older than 15. Fucking kids everywhere.

The vast majority of """"PC gamers""""" run fucking toasters that are functionally less powerful than last-gen consoles and only suitable for running shitty clicker MOBAs at Very Low.

Only 10% of PCs or less can be considered suitable for modern gaming, whereas any PS4 is far beyond the rest of the crap.

PCuck detected.

It's always sad to see the PC conference at E3 and people acting bored or annoyed by it, even though it usually has the widest variety of games.

Indeed, I can think of no platform with as wide a variety of indie early access survival sandbox games with bad optimization.

It's like Atheism, the majority lives on the internet.

No but that pic is a literal meme
>RAZER peripherals
>and it's red
>Red LED

You know what I'm gonna see this through. Let's see what you got son. So far it's just standard phrases you saw someone else post amiright? And that's all you do all day every day in here amiright?
You think that's how it's supposed to be, you just post some shitty phrases and you think you belong here. What is a meme son? What do you mean with that? And what does PCuck mean for you? It definitely means a whole bunch of nothing to me, you could've also said "Sputnicky" or some other meaningless word.
Oh god he was right

That jpeg

>Microsoft and PlayStation conferences
>99% third and first person shooters, 1% anything else

I'd rather have a poorly made game with some soul than a soulless sequel.

>Mfw exhentai add-on stopped working all of a sudden

What the fuck?

>Only 10% of PCs or less can be considered suitable for modern gaming
Ahahahah that's what the kids actually believe. If you count every soccer mom that has a notebook as a PC gamer...Just kill yourself son.

What god do you believe in?


he's right though

PC has become the most irrelevant platform over the last 5 years. It got a small bump of relevancy when Microsoft decided it was a good idea to give all Xbox one games to it but it is increasingly failing to demonstrate its own value despite its laughably high price point and incredibly shitty and lackluster software output. It's only good for people who are graphics fags with disposable incomes who need the latest Deus Ex multiplat to look hyper realistic otherwise they can't enjoy the game.

Even with emulation, you are literally indirectly acknowledging the value of consoles is in their software library and admitting you're prepared to build a $1000 PC to 10 year old play console games.

>be me
>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards
>don't want to suppport platform with such a shitty and hypocrytical audience
>literally stopped buying games on PC
>havent bought a game on PC for like 2 years
>pirate and play everything on PC though
>buy console version instead so I have a legal version and devs get my money.

>less powerful than last-gen consoles
Incorrect. Even Intel graphics and laptop Radeon/Geforce nowadays have more powerful GPUs than those 2005 pieces of shit.

What you are doing is actually good for the industry weather you realize it or not.

Is it? How?

It's not like Steam is used exclusively by PC gamers, and it's not like you can only ever own one PC at a time, user. I have steam installed on a laptop from 2004 which I used for a considerable amount of time while waiting for a new mb to replace my fried one.

>is ______ a meme

I don't even mod that many games. PC is still superior to me due to better graphics, better controls and multiplayer (higher skill ceiling + not having to play on a dumb gamepad).


And still, of course that's the case, all console only fags got a PC most of the time too, people play steam games at the office, steam doesn't mean shit. It's an idiotic idea that when looked at closer is just meaningless.
A Personal Computer is not a "gaming console" per se. It's a tool for every software known the man that can be tailored to your needs and exactly your needs. it's not for fratboys soccer moms 8 year olds ect but even for those I can build a PC that suits exactly their needs.
It's the free market an open platform, and consoles are communism.
That being said it was never that cheap to build a PC capable of maxing everything consoles can dish out for years to come.

is meme a meme?

PC is best for poorfags and richfags.

>can pirate so all you have to do is buy the PC itself
>it's cheaper than a multimedia box that can play games
>peripherals are noticeably cheaper and not shitty despite the price, my keyboard still living after 8 years
>emulation is a bonus too
>mouse and keyboard is usually superior unless it's a shitty port of some action game
>if you rich you can have bigger resolution, graphical fidelity etc, consoles are for communists

>Even Intel graphics

Dude, don't even fucking try. I have an i7-6700k and for a week I had to use integrated graphics while waiting for the 1070 to get in stock, and Intel HD cannot do fuck-all.

Let alone render something like GTA V or Spec Ops: The Line or Black Ops II as well as a 360 can.

Disregarding optimization is also asinine. Console games get optimized, whereas the only PC devs who optimize for integrated graphics make top-down clicking games.

It turned into one, because the kids don't even know what it means anymore.
Do you?

Nothing wrong with console games, some are fun. The consoles are shit tho. Low quality noisy hardware with atrocious performance.

PS3 has like a 7800 GT and runs games on 720p at 30 fps, it's a total piece of shit. Yes, Intel HD is better nowadays.

I mean, it should really tell you something when the most popular FPS on consoles is Black Ops III, which has the best-fucking-looking maps of any FPS, whereas the most popular FPS on PC is CS: GO, which has abysmal toasterware graphics that looked five years dated in 2012.

The biggest one of all of them, no other meme has spread as wide or far as the notion of what is a meme.

Fuck you, thanks to you, devs will focus on consoles even more.

I just like being able to do whatever on one machine. I get sick of playing vidya, I go and watch some youtube video or read some PDF or skype with buddies or shitpost on Sup Forums or do dumb shit on Photoshop and whatnot. I realize that you can probably do most of those things on current gen consoles, but it makes more sense to incrementally upgrade a computer that I already have and already use rather than buying a new machine every now and then.

Plus, KB+M is neat. My little 720p machine has done me good when it comes to playing vidya both new and old.

An Intel HD is not going to give you 720p30 at PS3 settings in GTA V or any other game that matters.

Like I said and you ignored, optimization matters, and real games don't get optimized for integrated graphics.

Literally how, you fuckwit?

stay salty kid.

I have a ps4 aside from pc. You cant really do much for streaming. It's 15min max and you can only trim bits from that 15min session if you want to not use the built in movie maker like app on the ps4.
By the way, using that app (which only lets you do shitty powerpoint tier transitions and lame stock music along with a few basic things like slowdown) forces a really gay ps4 shill intro in your videos that basically just let everyone know you're a cuck with no capture card.

Justifies Denuvo

GTA V on PC even on minimum looks better than the console version. You don't understand just how low the settings are on the Piss3 and Shitbox360.

Most games of that era Intel HD can run on 1080p with at least equal FPS. The consoles often ran at a resolution even below 720p.

Stunningly stupid post, kid.

There are way more cons to a console than that. For example that it's a dead block of garbage outside of playing games the most shoddily possible way.

I got an xbox for a bit over a year and I had to buy 3 controllers already for 60 bucks a pop that break like ass, shit expensive peripherie like a horrible headset for 30$ and numerous mini usb cables because they easily break at the port, had to buy a 40$ digital/analog audio converter because that shitbox only has optical out, and bought 2 fucking games that cost me way over 200 fucking bucks to get the full fucking thing, and to top it off I have to pay 50$ to play the shoddiest possible fucking online mp and party/teamspeak infrastructure known the man that shits itself constantly.. The "free" games you get were almost exclusively shoddy 3rd party shit that didn't sell in the first place, or it's ancient shit you already played through 3 years ago and is never a AAA title, ever.
And all this is not even touching the subject of devs having to squeeze their >5 teraflop games onto 1 teraflop fucking bricks, and if that wouldn't be bad enough they also gimp the PC version due to pressure from publishers and Sony/Microsoft so that ther console shit version doesn't come off that bad.

Consoles having "PROS" is a fucking myth There is nothing positive about these communist shitboxes, they only exist because "exclusives" and the only reason why these games get chain'd forever in console hell is because the fucking console exists.

There is no fucking reason for a video-game enthusiast to think positively about the modern day cashsoles. Not one.

is this pasta already?
Or are you just so exceptionally stupid that you think reposting your retardedness is a good thing?

It is really hard to tell nowadays, since there are people, geniunely braindamaged, who´d do this.

Actually it will. It's also gonna look about as shit as ps3 does.

No, friendo. Sup Forums is a meme.

pc gaming is 100 times more popular than any other form of gaming eg mobile, console etc because of moba's. if you think 50 million console sales or 100 million 3ds sales is a big amount then you'll be shocked at the amount that play league of legends and dota. there's like 100 million people playing league of legends in a day alone.

also pc gaming has become more popular in general and the fact sony are releasing the ps4k for the sole reason of stopping people migrating to pc is evidence of this. building a very powerful pc (5/6x the power of a ps4) is almost as cheap as buying a ps4 now which is about £300/350. i can buy a brand new 970 for £200 and a cheap i3 or fx processor for ~£90 + all other peripherals and it'll come out at under £400.

I thought CS: GO was popular because you can rmt things?

>see discusting and immature behavior of PC gamers and especially PCMRetards

What a load of bull. PC masterrace was just a running gag, meant ironically when we watched the consoleturds kill each other.
Then one sunny day around 07 consoleturds included the PC into their consolewars because they probably felt dumb.
Most posts you see are just kids parroting shit they've read until infinity.
Sup Forums has become an echo-chamber of idiocy and teenage angst.

Also this

reminder that IntelHD has been replaced with Iris Pro

>implying that is a bad thing
>implying games didn't get better when they shifted it's focus from PC to consoles

This is GTA V on an Intel HD 530 (6700k).

GTA V on 360 absolutely both looks and runs better than this 20FPS flatline with no traffic shitheap.

>Disgusted by immature behavior of pc gamers

You realize consoles are filled with children right? There is a reason there's million of videos like this.

It's actually not. It's keeping the shitty industry alive, but who wants a shitty industry. Itz just helps them continue their path of fuck the consumer. No other medium's industry could've survived with going that much jew on the consumer.
Just fucking imagine you could only run certain movie DVD's on a sony DVD player. Imagine that shitstorm.

And there are also videos like this:

It is not about children on both platforms. It is abou that hypocrisy how PC gamers are supposed to be more mature (PCMR idiots are saying that unironically all the time) audience than on consoles but then they behave like total retards everywhere.
You think I don't know about the kids on consoles?

Also think about what would film makers life would look like.Would it help them make better movies? Would they make more money that way for themselves? Or would it be the other way around and the only one that would get richer is Sony in that case?

>It's keeping the shitty industry alive
People buying games at all keeps the shitty industry alive, retard. Shitty games aren't made because of consoles, shitty games are made because manchildren retards will buy them.

PC is more mature there are less children on it than consoles.

Well according to PC Gaming is more popular, but only around 15 million users have actual PCs as good as a PS4. PC Exclusives generally arent made to run on these 10% of PCs, they are made to run on all the toasters. This is why DotA 2, CS:GO, LoL, Total War: Warhammer, Stellaris, and basically all the good exclusives can all run on regular Laptops at like 900p. You're basically paying to run multiplats at a higher framerate unless you get an expensive 4k setup.

Theres only one true masterrace. You are all filthy peasants to me.

Your roommates sound like a bunch of dudebro normies.

Here's Oblivion running the same fps as the console version at 1920x1080 4xAA.

>says this while literally every kid has fucking notebook and plays fucking minecraft, DOTA, LOL or CSGO which are considered as cancerous games


It entirely depends on the game in either case (CS:GO has more children on the mic than CoD on PS4 in my experience), and also PS4 has such a broader playerbase that it would have more adults as well as more children. It's the ratio that matters.

>which has the best-fucking-looking maps of any FPS
BO3 doesn't even look as good as Crysis 3.

You know minecraft sold more on consoles than it ever did on PC right?

>Game with 300k players has more children than a game that sold 11 million worldwide and is the most played game on both PS4 and Xbox One.


>things that never happened

Please don't post Bethesda games in any discussion of optimization or performance, ever.

PC is my only platform for modern games but I can agree. While 10% sounds like a number you pulled out your ass PC numbers would not be nearly as high if it was not for all the low spec F2P games like MOBAs.

>Is PC gaming a meme?
I fucking hate that word by now
Memes were a mistake

People play Crysis 3 multiplayer?

News to me.

The idea of multiplats is becoming obscured now since the consoles are x86 based and Microsoft will start integrating PC and Scorpio games.

It's actually pretty populated.
Hilariously enough, it's also much better than BO3's.