Windows 10

Real talk Sup Forums

Is it worth upgrading to Windows 10 while it's free despite the issues and controversies because of the fact most modern programs will stop supporting it in a few years from now or so?

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"Is it worth upgrading to Windows 10 while it's free despite the issues and controversies because of the fact most modern programs will stop supporting it in a few years from now or so?"

I meant most modern programs will stop supporting Windows 7


Yes Windows 10 is worth upgrading, now please stop making 20 threads about this.

>because of the fact most modern programs will stop supporting it in a few years from now or so?
Except they wont, period. W10 was too much of a failure for M$ and internally they are scrambling to fix it.

Which will inevitably lead them to do what they always do and release a whole new OS to try and save themselves.

All aboard the W11 train

at some point, windows 7 will be fairly deprecated i imagine

microsoft's best bet is to just stick with one OS and continually improve it, an improvement for windows 10 would be ending all the bullshit but we know that won't happen, so unfortunately the only option is to stay with 7 as long as you can, i plan on using it until windows formally says they're done supporting it, like they did with XP

by the time 7 loses all support windows 11 will be out though its a toss up if that will suck more or not

>Finally, we will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to: 1.comply with applicable law or respond to valid legal process, including from law enforcement or other government agencies; 2.protect our customers, for example to prevent spam or attempts to defraud users of the services, or to help prevent the loss of life or serious injury of anyone; 3.operate and maintain the security of our services, including to prevent or stop an attack on our computer systems or networks; or 4.protect the rights or property of Microsoft, including enforcing the terms governing the use of the services – however, if we receive information indicating that someone is using our services to traffic in stolen intellectual or physical property of Microsoft, we will not inspect a customer’s private content ourselves, but we may refer the matter to law enforcement.

Widow 10.

Im trying to install it to a partition right now. But it is still downloading the update because I have slow internet. What is the best method for getting a free key for later? I dont want to deal with this shit right now cause im sick. I guess I can pirate it later if need be.

I'm on 8.1. Is there any super real reason not to upgrade?

I just bit the bullet and upgraded, I don't keep anything on my PC besides games and homework so they can do whatever dumb nsa bullshit they want.

>PC besides games
Enjoy that increased latency and inability to play any old games desu

Google, Facebook, Twitter, probably the place you work or your school, and many others all do the same shit.

I dont interact with any of those things

Except work but no they dont steal any of my information

The point is, don't do it in the OS.
>others crime so it make right that i crime too hurr

They don't steal files off your os. That particular ToS section is about one drive storage. And if you store sensitive information on cloud servers you deserve to have it stolen for being an idiot.

It's all good familia, I own a nes, ps1,2, GameCube and Xbox 360. I can play any old games I want. PC is for 2012+ games basically. Btw the latency isn't that bad and the difference feels pretty minimal

I don't think Google scans the contents of my computer and reserves the right to remove my own files.

yeah, you gain at least 10% performance in upcoming and dx12 games for free without hardware upgrade. Best case, with doom AMD gained 30-40%, and about 17% with ROTR in dx12/vulkan. For free.

There isn't going to be any Windows 11. They're just going to keep updating Windows periodically. The first such update is on Tuesday.

Oh, and all this talk about spying. You all use ISP right? Hardware to watch traffic is installed since 2008, nobody even hid it back then, if they want they will know everything including VPN connection you did. You can't hide these days. Not to mention google,apple,facebook all report most of the things when PR is not concerned.

>There's nothing you can do, goy. Just accept the world you live in.

>actually thinking ms scans your hard drive and modifies your personal files at will.


well, you can hijack wifi around town if you really want to
but if you have cable there is nothing you can do, encrypting all transaction specifically for your needs is another way to go but it would also require recipient to work with you all the time

ahhh fuck it. download was taking too long. guess im stuck with 8.1 which is the same shit really. I will just pirate windows 10 later when the privacy stuff is removed. fuck microsoft I need to go to sleep goodnight mofos.

A corporate directive only lasts as long as the executives who've hitched their wagons to it. Once someone comes along who wants to make a name for themselves and has the clout to pull it off, Windows 11 will be the new "why haven't you upgraded yet?"

As for Windows 10, Microsoft was on a good trajectory with making CLI an open standard and supporting development of Mono, but I guess they just couldn't resist the siren song of being overbearing assholes in other departments.

for you? yes since you are clearly retarded and don't understand anything about computers

>can't remove ads anymore
>can't stop telemetry
>forced to use Cortana
miss me with that shit

>quoting your whole post
>using actually quotation marks
You're fucking retarded

Sage in all fields

Serious fucking question: when does the Sup Forums OS come out? Or is that gentoo?

3 hours remain

>increased latency


>I meant most modern programs will stop supporting Windows 7
Just like they stopped supporting it when 8 and 8.1 came out amirite?

wut? wasn't the 29th the last date? 9am on the 30th here so most of the US should be in the 30th too.

There website has a countdown and that's how much time is left

GWX says the offer's over for me.

West coast ended 9 minutes ago, I claimed it 1 minute before it ended.

cut off time varies by time zone. the "master time" is like gmt-11 or something like that so for some regons its passed, other have a couple hours left.

Umm... doesn't dx12 require you to have W10? So shouldn't you upgrade so you can play those dx12 games?

>made an image of my win7
>activated win10
>restored win7 image
>can now upgrade any time I want

Decided last year to wait for W11 the moment MS tried to force this unstable OS full of malware on me without my permission.
Basically the only game I'm interested in here is Civ VI and it will almost definitely have dx11 support.

Well what are you going to do when you run into a game that requires W10?

You tell me

I don't think this is the last time it'll be free.

Microsoft clearly want as many fucking people as possible on this, because the users are the product.

Just look at how hard they tried to push it on people the first time around.

indian shill bot?

No dev will shoot themselves in the foot by making a game W10-only with that market share.

Well, maybe Halo or something, but I don't play that.

devs will wait and see what happens with adoption rate. direct3d plateaued for what felt like 20 years with 9 because vista was such a disaster. 10 and 11 and have only become commonplace relatively recently because people slowly but surely adopted win7.

windows 10 has some really ugly shit hanging over it despite being free and for all we know it could be vista 2.0 in the long run and we'll be stuck with d3d10/11 for the next 5+ years. its just too early to tell right now.

>roll back
>enjoy your Motherboard registered for a free activation whenever you feel like upgrading for good.

You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.
Microsoft is actively pushing towards making this ever harder to do as well - see the recent group policy change for example.
Even if you yourself are not concerned about the data collection, you still expose information about your friends and family via Microsoft's aggressive surveillance methods.
You should not use, support or endorse this operating system.

The spyware has been backported to Windows 7 and 8.1 as well.
You can much more easily remove it though - all it takes is uninstalling the related updates.
You can find out which via a quick google search for 'telemetry updates for windows 7 and 8.1', and then hiding them in Windows Update.
Don't forget to check for these every month or so, as Microsoft can push out new updates anytime that can reinstall the spyware.

>You can't ever completely disable windows 10 telemetry.

you do it at the router level.

How is this even allowed?
Doesn't this violate consumer protection policies?
Microsoft lawyers deserve to be shot in the head for even trying to think this is okay.

I tried 10 for a few days and hated the interface. I don't like how dumbed down the folder explorer is, so much information has been removed. I don't like the start menu half of it is dedicated to ads and the app store and other shit. I don't like all these fucking things popping up at me like the weather and one drive and all this shit asking me to sign in to something or create an account.
It's like I booted up a pc filled with malware. it was fucking horrible.

I rolled back to win 7 and all is good now but i'm a little concerned it left some residual files of some sort

Vulcan is better anyway.

except that now you are part of the botnet.

What if you don't have access to the router you're currently using?
What if you're using a laptop?

1. It changes next to nothing from the UI standpoint
2. MS will keep motivating you to upgrade, by which I mean they will gimp W7 users gradually
3. There will be more and more W10 exclusives
4. Your data will be gathered one way or another

"Whether you like it or not" applies to all four points. I think you might as well upgrade now that it's still free.

Why the fuck would you upgrade when you can disable these things in windows 7?

>app store
>all these fucking things popping up at me like the weather and one drive and all this shit asking me to sign in to something or create an account

So essentially using Windows 10 is like using an unrooted, bloated smartphone?

yes it felt like using my iphone when I first got it.

I hate my iphone.

You can disable all of those things (and more) completely.

It sucks that you have to, but it's completely doable.

latest steam survey puts W10 in front at least for people with steam installed, but I still agree that it'll be a while before we see any devs stop supporting Windows 7

wow, I didn't think so many people were on win 10.

>faggots pretend to be special enough for the gobernment to give a shit about them
> they actually believe they're going to jail for installing an OS
>they think they're safe on windows 7
>they don't know that just connecting to the internet already compromises their privacy

You are literally crazy, but what can we expect from lifeless pedos that hide their minds in weeb trash?

I wouldn't. But since Win10 dropped, I made the decision to stop gaming on Windows, and switched my OS over to Linux.

You may be more heavily invested than I am.

Don't use any of those things, with the sole exception of Youtube, and that is because there is literally no other options.

Linux OS
DDG search engine
FF browser (with security add-ons)
Tutanota email
Libre Office for docs

Am I missing anything?

I upgraded to Windows 10 and overall it's been a better os than 7. Not sure why people refuse to upgrade.


>one thing compromises privacy
>ah fuck it, lets go all out and just abandon any privacy left

he no longer has any privacy

>all these W10 shills
Hope you're being paid for that.

yeah user you know how with windows 10 you have a MS account with email?

yeah all those emails you get, are actually stored in a server run by MS, they arent stored in your PC. so yeah effectively MS preserves all your personal data and contents of your email cause shucks you know, you had to create an account when you installed windows 10 (still you can just avoid all this by creating a fake account)

I mean, Google has all my email content in their servers as well, just like facebook has all my messages, contacts, information etc etc stored in their servers.

Well if someone doesn't use Facebook, Google, or Apple products, nor use a cell phone, then they have more issues to worry about than upgrading their os.

If someone uses any of those things, then says privacy is an issue when updating their OS, then they're a huge fucking hypocrit.

>implying it's about that
I don't want to gimp my internet by sending data to Windows every 5 minutes. I don't want to have ads on my fucking OS. I don't want to have to use Cortana, or that ugly W10 interface. I don't want to screw up my drivers by installing that shitty OS that STILL bricks your PC sometimes even though it's been out for a year.

The only thing W10 could bring me over 7 is dx12, and I can honestly see that going the way dx10 went with Vista.

Depends what you use your iPhone for, but I get the gist of what you're saying, and have no intention to argue it.

Oh, totally. Because services that don't I don't mostly even do and those that I do I know exactly what I input in them do something that means I should totally install something that can go even deeper than all of them with access to my personal files, etc.

Thievery happens. You should just accept it and leave your doors and all the other things unlocked.

>Because services that don't I don't mostly even do
Fucking eyedrops

"Because services I don't even use"

Free update is over. now fuck off.
Pro10 and anti10, both of you!

If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to fear.

Spybot anti-Beacon.


Only blocks most of it. Not all of it.


Goebbels is my Reichfu.

No, not worth the risk. Go check on Sup Forums tjere is an ongoing thread about why you should not upgrade. also
You can't fully disable telemetry/analytics. Not even in the pro. version anymore.

Patachu was right. They took the fucking control.

>hurrdurr a nazi used this everyday saying that means that its unusable

Literally kill yourself

Caveat to this.

You can upgrade if you go for Entreprise/Education versions, which aren't getting policy removals... Yet.

Companies, government and business have a lot to hide for legit reasons, if you read the whole EULA, the license says basically, 'if you refuse to get spied or refuse to give MS your whole hdd's content it's illegal for for to use Windows10' and 'we own the data we collect and have all rights on it, even making cash out of it, and don't guarantee it's safety'

Well so if you consent to this you should get shot, but I guess this user's generation is different than mine.

>Prevent spam
I've been getting more spam than ever after I upgraded to w10

on Sup Forums, they usually are. People even get the banhammer for reporting/exposing the spammers, I think there's a contract around and I don't like it.

I regret upgrading. As soon as I did it, my disk usage maxed out to 100% in task manager and my laptop became sluggish. It wouldn't come down no matter what I was running. I reverted to win 8.1, but the issue persisted. Microsoft permanently messed up my laptop.


France has issued a lawsuit againt Microsoft over win 10 invading user privacy. It's likely Microsoft will just pay the fine and change nothing.

>Updated to Win 10 on launch
>Blocked all updates and telemetry
No fucks were given since.

Literally no reason to upgrade unless you're gonna keep your grandpa Windows 7 machine for more than a few years.

>Blocked all updates

>tfw you installed Gentoo and no longer forced to suck the M$ cock

Windows 8.x is much more shit than Windows 10
Windows 7 is transcendent

Open resource monitor, then find which apps are using the disk. Pretty basic shit.

>He doesn't know how to block updates