Anyone here ever watch Metal Jesus Rocks on Youtube? He does gaming videos, mostly related to collecting video games. His videos are pretty entertaining and informative. I've even masturbated to a few of them because he has a very attractive guest star named Kelsie come on every now and then. Thoughts on the show?
Anyone here ever watch Metal Jesus Rocks on Youtube? He does gaming videos, mostly related to collecting video games...
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He looks like a faggot and I'm sure his videos border on mediocre
I just watched that video today.
I actually really enjoy his videos and it's nice to see someone else does too.
I wanted to share him on Sup Forums but people wouldn't take me serioulsly...kind of like they're going to do to you now
Also, I think Kelsie is dating a Chad
only his 64DD video.
waiting for a follow up to that.
otherwise he's a cuck
Why is the metalhead look so fucking stupid and juvenile? I'm pretty sure no one in history has ever gotten laid while wearing camo shorts.
yeah i'd jack off to Kelsie too, got any more pics of her?
I only watched his US 64DD video
>it's a stand and talk to a camera episode
I want to cum in his butthole, fucking SCREAM in his ear while Kelsie watches, maybe let her squeeze his balls, and we gotta have his shitty theme song play on repeat in the background.
I can't decide if I want to shave his beard, or leave it on for the punishment. He looks vile with or without it, but since the beard looks as though it was penciled on, and is therefore atrocious, I think we'll leave it on.
How the fuck does a guy like that get a girl like that?
Good taste
I like her smile
He's disgustingly ugly and an example of everything wrong with retro gaming enthusiasts.
>buys any garbage he can find for le retro gamer cred
>knows shit all about most games but thinks he does anyway
>owns a mac
>manchild who dresses like a 15 year old well into his 40s
>wants to be a internet celebrity and get paid to have women half his age and much better looking than his wife talk about retarded video game shit in his basement while he films them
>massive casual
He's also bought almost every game he owns AFTER starting his jewtube channel.
its dorky af famalam
love it
>Gets a well known game
>Calls it a underrated gem
I think he is genuinely enthusiastic and seemingly down to earth in his videos. I enjoy his channel.
Here's a good shot of her armpits
I had this book!
i bet shes got a nice little patch of hair above her clit
Am I the only one that likes a nice muff?
There's something that turns me the fuck on me in a primal way when I see hair between a womans legs
Just a reminder that she's dating Chad.
Are the Game Sack guys gay?
Also his impression of Happy Console Gamer is pretty good.
What's wrong with his face
Average: The Guy
is he public on twitter or some shit? someone show this thread to him
It's from his public Twitter
>Chad is Team Instinct
Of course.
he's shaped weird
they look like cartoon characters
>His videos are pretty entertaining and informative. I've even masturbated to a few of them
so dumb, yet I laughed
He's pretty Ok
His hidden gems vids are good
I prefer LGR/Lazy Game Reviews
She's such a qt pie.
does Kelsie have a twitter or instagram?
@kelslewin is her twitter, dunno about instagram
Does his head and left hand have gigantism?
>those hands
>Chad with actual vidya taste.
He's pretty funny and knowledgeable. Also, Kelsie is super nice, hell both are super nice people.
I also know them IRL so I'm surprised they're just popular enough to be posted on Sup Forums.
found instagram, it's tentikels
Really? Will you tell her I want to smell her farts? I just want her to know.
I just want you to know you should kill yourself, you're never amount to anything.
Hang yourself you piece of shit loser.
>I'm pretty sure no one in history has ever gotten laid while wearing camo shorts
you'd be wrong there
I actually like his videos, he just seems to be some guy who really enjoys vidya and wants to show it to the world. The name and the metal theme are cringeworthy, though, and whenever I watch one of his videos I turn down the volume until his introduction is over.
>I can't decide if I want to shave his beard
It looks like it was drawn on with permanent marker.
Should I message her on twitter and tell her myself?
whats wrong with sniffing her farts?
>all that Kelsie love
What was the name of that fat girl again? I think it started with a K, too.
I want to fuck her and spank her ass.
His channel is cancer, m8.
His black buddy Reggie is awesome too
MJ rocks!
Kinsey Burke, I think she's a qt
His videos are entertaining and he was born of a master race, therefore I respect him.
the cutest teeth
is she slef conscious about the mole on her forehead?
i find it cute!
He fucking sucks because he doesnt collect japanese anime games.
Alright well link me so I can see this thicc chicc
kyssing these lips
>vidya taste
Yeah, just kill yourself fag.
Upboat :^)
Right, that's her. Thanks.
Here's her instagram.
>I've even masturbated to a few of them
You are one sad little man/woman.
>He looks like a normie therefore he prolly doesn't know anything about vidya!
Literal retards.
literal fag lmao
Jesus Christ.
Yeah shes qt
Holy shit I never would have thought I would make it on Sup Forums. Hi.
>pretty funny and knowledgeable!
>I also TOTALLY know them in real life give me (yous) I stalk the girl i-I'll give her instagram!
Reddit, summer, and faggotry all in one post
which qt are you?
>chargers sweater
She probably hates football but this gets me rock fucking hard
>She probably hates football but this gets me rock fucking hard
Wait, what ?How?
He looks like a young Jimmy Carter.
So is reddit down today or something?
>that slight peek at her soft pale belly
ITT: Metalfags who think they're intellectually superior than everyone else.
>pokemon go
>actual vidya taste
>Disagrees with someone
>"Y-you must go on Leddit!"
Literal retards.
>replying to same guy twice
Feelings hurt? I know you like to come here from reddit as your little guilty pleasure naughty club xD but can you stop making it so obvious? Hahaha such a little faggot.
Are you metal jesus?
T. Butthurt reddit retard
Fuck you, bitch. Get out
>hitting the gym a few times a week means you're a Chad
The dude looks totally average. You must be one ugly fucker if this guy is miles above you.
You know nothing about me. Get out faggot.
How does it feel know that I own a better retro collection than you?
Well he does browse reddit
You're cancer, m80
That just makes him a normie Norman. Chads are different beasts
nah but you can suck my cock
Yes, I also browse reddit do you have a problem or is that the only insult you will keep slinging? Be original for once moron, Sup Forums is for funposting deal wit it
I prefer LGR to Lazy Game Reviews.
Go ahead and jerk yourself off in front of a mirror loser.
I'm sure you're so much better, user. Or do you really believe what mommy tells you
>watch a vid a year ago
Jesus this is so cringey
>he actually shows off good games
welp I'm hooked.
>I also browse reddit
you're also cancer, get the fuck out with your hurt feelings.
Dude, like don't you literally have to be on r/intellect totally upvoting the funny posts?
Disregard what I said I suck a lot of fucking cocks. Also, I'm a cool kid who tries to keep Sup Forums as their own sekret klub. Uhmm, go back to fucking reddit FAGGOT NIGGER HITLER? LMFAO.
*Listens to his shit metal music and prances around like an intellectually superior retard*
>Getting this riled up over a harmless picture
This is why you don't have friends, faggot
>deal with it
t. Underage preteen faggot
My feelings were never hurt, if you think "GB2LEDDIT" was the trump of all insults to hurl constantly on the online playground you'd be wrong. Try again, Kiddo