
By that logic nobody refuted me, and all I have received were shitposts. It's pretty ironic you say all these things, or is it? Because in your way of thinking you see by calling me a shitposter and siding with the small group of elitists you show a bit of power here but realistically you are the most pretentious and dimwitted motherfucker in the thread, making your cut-in "enlightened" posts but everything you say is garbage anyway compared to what I have actually said, which is true in every meaning of the word.

Sup Forums is garbage = Sup Forums does unfairly criticize games and refuting these won't make a difference. unfair criticisms are garbage posts, I haven't seen really good criticism of the game that would warrant a discussion, instead of arguing over unfair criticism that would turn into an argument on your level.

But I saw this game, and it played fine. You can go ahead and think that way, you're a brainless retard who rides on other's backs.

Other urls found in this thread:



Being so buttblasted you made a thread.

Go to sleep Sean.

Go ahead and tell me what isn't true about what I said. Because Sup Forums very much likes to unfairly criticize and bash every fucking game and has been doing so in a very pathetic manner that screams "I have a shitty life" "this is how I make my life better" or "this is my past time".

I agree. Anyone hating this game is just jealous, IMO.

I don't give a fuck, stop acting like nu male's sky is your mother, why would you white knight a fucking game? Get a life kid.

why would take arguments so seriously on Sup Forums that you make an entire thread lmao

dumb cocksucker

wow, maybe you DO have a mental disorder, if you're making fucking threads just to respond to archived posts.

im pretty sure that thinking everyone else has a mental disorder is a mental disorder itself, user

>muh Sup Forums serious business

kys desu

your life is fucking worthless kid. i just love replying to fucking retards in big threads like this just like you do the same because you think you're defending society from a BIG BAD GAME!

The reply before that isn't showing, but a decent criticism is that the multiplayer is basically non-existent.

yeah, im the one who originally posted that, it was the last post in that thread before it got archived. i figured that other guy was just trolling you, apparently you actually ARE crazy

There never was multiplayer, if you listened to them they explictely said it wasn't in there, everyone else just ran with the fucking rumourmongering story of OH IT'S SO BIG YOU'LL MOST LIKELY NEVER RUN INTO ANYONE ELSE.

Fucking annoying faggot.

That tactic won't work on me. Not an argument.

Game is shit. Deal with it shills.

oh drones of Sup Forums you people are so delusional and elitist. FUCK THIS GAME, YEAH! PROCEDURAL GENERATION. lol shut the fuck up. game looks great.

>0.02$ were deposited to your account

assuming you're the OP, the argument is that you're nuts

if you aren't OP than i don't know what you're referencing

What the fuck do you know about self-awareness? Look at the way you're acting. You're self-ignorant and all you know is Sup Forums and how to manage yourself on here better than others. If you don't give a shit, stop replying to me. Because nobody actually gives a shit. You add that extra garbage telling me something I know that isn't true like a fucking loser, like I give a shit. You are nothing at all. You might actually want to try to recognize yourself next time.

>hurr muh shill meme
And you think you deserve my attention? You better be fucking honored.

>Games come out all the time that are actually good and Sup Forums shits on them
>Hardly anyone defends them
>No Mans Sky a blatantly bad and shallow game with no depth that even has people leaking how bad it is is about to come out

What the fuck is actually happening here? Why is there such a butthurt defense base for this on here? How bad is the damage control gonna be?

>y-yeah we were wrong those other 3 times, but W-WE'RE RIGHT THIS TIME! I SWEAR
tortanic ruined this site, made every autist and his autist brother think that it was cool to hate on every new release. if you don't think the game is going to be good, then don't fucking buy it. trying to """"""save"""""" people from spending money on this is absolutely reddit-tier, and not something any self-respecting person would do

But yet this time, a game actually looks pretty bad, and seems like a huge cash grab and a huge majority of Sup Forums is bending over backwards to defend it. The more "gameplay" that gets leaked the more the fears of the people who were skeptical of the game seem to be confirmed. Yet when games come out that are actually even half decent this board has a shitposting fest against them with a very Very vocal minority defending them. It's just kind of ironic.

>dollar sign after number

What the fuck retarded third-world worthless country are you from?

You on the shovel.

The game does look great for what it is. That is indisputable fact. All I see are Sup Forums diagnosed autists on a rampage flocking to these threads restarting what the last thread was, which is unfairly criticizing the game and also make wild accusations and generalizations as is standard to the Sup Forums drone formula. All I've notably seen are "procedural generation is garbage" and "wow so zis is all u do, smash rocks for the first 15 min" You know the same stupid shit I see everyday just a different variation for each game. The game looks and plays fine. Go ahead and do nothing by accusing people of shills while it will still flood your shitty fucking board bitches because people will buy and have fun with it, while I shake my head at the Sup Forums drones constantly repeating themselves in a retarded loop.

>You on-
That's all I read for you. If you want more, beg for it.

This game looks bad and is overpriced. Steam is full of similar games that cost less than $20 and have more features

>tortanic ruined this site, made every autist and his autist brother think that it was cool to hate on every new release

How new?

are you implying that this site didn't act differently before TOR came out? because if so, lol

your reply was longer than his post


Congratulations being wrong, retard

>your reply was longer
That's all I read. Feed me more power.

>Latter interview clearly state that there is no multiplayer
>It's not sold as multiplayer anywhere
>The autistic user who made that collage accuse the devs of dancing around the question when he literally answers "Yes" to the question "Will your friends show up on the map".

Sometimes I think the hate for this game is justified but then I recall it's one of the rare case where the anti-shills are a thousand time more autistic than any paid professionnal could be.

What I don't get is why people take opinions so seriously on Sup Forums. They're video games.

>the game looks great for what it is
>that is an indisputable fact
No, my friend. That is an opinion that seems to be fueled by what you think is fun, and your emotions against people who don't like what you like. The quality of No Mans Sky does not look like a 60 dollar game. The actual game itself has proven through leaks and videos from game sites have proven this game to be a shallow grind fest full of developers lies. If you buy that, more power to you, but don't act like your somehow above the people that can spot this game for what it is and choose to avoid it.

The best part about the whole thing is you've probably been shitting on actualgames that other people like on this board that have proven to be good despite Sup Forums generally not liking them, yet somehow don't see how flawed this one is.

Also, I know the whole "lol umad?, argument is petty and childish but your argument as to why this game is good seems completely opinionated and fueled by emotions. Your best bet is to probably just leave for a bit, go buy your shitty no content "exploration" game and return after your disappointed. No need to reply though, just agree to disagree and I'm going sleeps. nite bb

Tortanic didn't completely change this site, but it does act a lot more contrarian now. I'm usually buying all the "shit" games that Sup Forums hates and having a blast, but this one is definitely an obvious one to avoid until a price drop.


why isn't it a good game? why do you think that he cares about it being "elitist good" and not just good being that it is a perfectly playable game promising to go seamlessly out and into other planets?

i know exactly how you act and this is how i'll play with you. too bad. it plays fine and i saw it. prove me wrong.

i don't try to predict whether a game will be good or bad before it's released, at least not to the extent that the people in this thread do. most people on Sup Forums dont waste their time on that bullshit, but the few that do sure do shit up threads dont they

>you've probably been shitting on actualgames that other people like on this board that have proven to be good
i never did this. thats twice now that you've implied that i've said things that i havent, how about instead of that you grow the fuck up and focus on what im actually saying, rather than having to pretend im being a hypocrite

>being so desperate to get the last word in that you start a new thread to say your piece after the thread 404's mid-post

Faggot of the night award goes to OP yet again.

your life is fucking worthless. i just love replying to fucking retards in big threads like this just like you do the same because you think you're defending society from a BIG BAD GAME!

By that logic you didn't refute me, and all I have received were shitposts. It's pretty ironic you say all these things, or is it?

Had a chance to correct your atrocious grammar and everything. Shame. I was going to let you off with a warning, but the retard police have to take their jobs seriously sometimes. I'm afraid this is going to be a formal citation.

yes, I also like passive aggressive posts like these. I think of Sup Forums as a flower garden. a very poorly managed one. there are lot's of different withering flowers, all trying many different things. one tries to be passive aggressive, witty, or insightful. another shitposts about how ugly that other flower looks. it's the same retarded attempts. you know my grammer is fine isn't here, and by that logic yours is atrocious in every fucking thread you moron.

Your petals are shit!
And the bees that visit you, cunts!

Oh darling, no. I was calling you a retard. That is very aggressive. There is nothing passive about it. Of course I'm insinuating through condescension, but you're too much of a dimwit to pick up on that. If you weren't, you wouldn't be painting a broken metaphor while maligning anonymous users for their frail insight. But that's enough. I just came to this thread to impress upon you that you are an idiot among idiots, and I've made my point clear. Have a nice day.

The game is shit, even if I like it I'll call it shit to everyone I know

You can go ahead and think that way, you're a brainless retard who rides on other's backs.

Sigh. You are everything wrong with Sup Forums culture. You have become such a sheep from being spoonfed and handheld over the years, that anything that isn't a linear babbymode game completely puts you off because you have no fucking imagination left.

Go read a book or something you fucking cretin.

>people still responding to him

He went as far as to create a new thread after the other one died, isn't that enough for you guys to understand he's doing it for the (You)s?

He's just mad he has a small dick.

the worst part is that they probably tell themselves that what they are doing is really noble since they're trying to enlighten people to make smart purchasing decisions but really, they just want another TORtanic. They wanna get their laughs and post their reaction images before moving on to the next game to shit on or the next e-celeb thread instead of doing something productive with their lives

Haha this idiot thinks I'm on his side, fuck off OP, go play with your small dick.