Can someone please just make a great LOTR RPG already? I'm tired of not having this in my life

Can someone please just make a great LOTR RPG already? I'm tired of not having this in my life.

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Christopher Tolkien is cockblocker in chief of just about everything LOTR related.

Once he dies, you'll see some serious shit happen with this IP, since his kids don't give a single fuck. He's almost 92 years old, so it's not even that long a wait in all likelihood.

Remember this post.

Well to be fair, having seen what Jackson did to the Hobbit, I'm not at all surprised Christopher Tolkien is so protective of his father's work.


I want to see Aragorn blush and stammer around Arwen, Eowyn and Legolas in a LotR JRPG.

Doesn't EA still have the license?
Good fucking luck m8.

It's well past that. Chris actually worked on this shit a lot of his life, and was entrusted with it all after his dad's death(silmarillion wouldn't have even been known if he didn't finish it up.)

It's as personal for him as if he was the original author. But yeah, he does not like what came of the movies, at all.

Yeah, Hobbit was such fucking cancer, holy shit.

But at least it's completely separated from the trilogy.

>He didn't like the LOTR movies

He probably hasn't even seen them. He seems like the kinda guy who would just dismiss anything like and pretend it isn't a thing. The movies are fucking great though, especially if you can't be bothered to read the books like me.

>Hasn't even read the books

You're the same as the way you describe him.

But you're doing exactly the same thing.

You should look up LotR the white council and weep.

I wanna read the books one day, and I'm sure they're great, but holy shit I just don't have the patience for long novels. Maybe when I'm 60 and can't play vidya anymore I'll take up reading and finally get round to it.

He knows it's a thing. The whole family knows it's a thing. They tried to stiff the estate on royalties from the film franchise and got sued for it.

The whole thing's been a shitty experience all the way around for that guy. I call him a cockblocker, but I don't really blame him for being one.


>LotR :white council
>council is full of black people
What the fuck?

>these are the people you are posting alongside

Yeah, absolutely disgusting.

You can't really blame a feeb for being a feeb. Bad genes, or parents who fucked him up, or whatever. Whatever happened happened, and he is how he is.

I feel bad that he'll never know how easy and quick reading long novels actually is, when you're not a feeb and it's halfway decent stuff, but I'm glad he can enjoy the movies in the meanwhile.

You don't have the right to have an opinion on anything that requires more focus than a Beyonce song.

It's not Jackon's fault that the Hobbit was shit

Dude came into a project he didn't want to do that the studios wanted to make 3 movies.

Dude was shooting scenes without a goddamn script because production was that fucked up.

>a universe where good and bad is clear
>a universe where everything will be probably not-canon
please no

He should've just called it quits, they had no fucking pre-production, for fucks sake! The original trilogy had a YEAR of pre-production!

Too much money involved. The terrifying thing is there are people who will talk about how much they love the Lord of the Rings and what they then go on to mention are the Hobbit movies alone. And not the cartoon.

Nice trips btw.

>a universe where good and bad is clear


>Muh canon


You must be some Bioware-rpg cocksucker.

That's a weird analogy, but OK.

I actually know quite a bit about the EU and lore just from reading through LOTR threads on Sup Forums. OK so I've never read the actual books, but along with my former comment I've also seen the extended editions of the movies multiple times. My knowledge is probably better than most peoples. Quit being pissy about it, I can still love something I'm slightly ignorant about.


Then why crave for the theme? They can make a good rpg with another theme, and pour those royalty money into production.

I'd just like an even bigger, even better Battle for MIddle-Earth. The first one was fucking great. The sequel was also pretty good.

>tfw no game set in the First Age.
>You will never fight in the Battle of Unnumbered Tears.

LOTR has the best fucking games.

>Two towers
>Return of the king
>Third age RPG
>BFME 1/2
Hell, even conquest is decent.

Actually, the only one I really don't like is that Shadow of Mordor garbage, good thing on one cares about that anymore.


No. Stats would ruin the entire premise of the story. You'd have level 99 Frodo rekting the place which wouldn't work. The perfect LoTR would be a linear (but along the lines of Crysis) hack and slash, mixed with Gauntlet multiplayer like coop. AI driven companions, with drop in coop players. This would be the ideal.

Shadow of Mordor was a good game for an hour. The problem was just the game had you repeating that exact same hour for the rest of your playtime with it.

Even knowing all the broken promises with it though, the nemesis system was still pretty surprising. Those niggers had it keep track of every fucking orc currently spawned just in case, no matter how lowly.

Better devs could've done something amazing with that.

Nemesis system was just a shitty gimmick that ended up in

>Press x to kill orcs
>Press x to kill orcs

the thing is if you die to one leader it gets more powerful and gets harder to kill. if you die to it too many times it becomes impossible cos it literally gets immune to every single shit


Even on the hardest possible difficulty I only died like once, it's really fucking easy.


The thing of it was though, the groundwork was there. Literally every orc spawned, anywhere on the map, was tracked by the system. With the basic nemesis mechs, and the whole "convert and turn orcs to make them moles and move them up the ranks thing", you had the start of something really great. Just yeah. That's all they actually did.

In the end, you had to be the sort of player who enjoys tormenting scared orcs to get anything more out of it, and that's only fun for so long.

Just wait for bonerlord and the mods will do the rest

Yeah it was a lot of fun when you first start seeing the nemesis system in place. I remember getting killed by a random mook orc who got promoted and kept hunting me everywhere. He had the trait where he wouldn't finish you off and let you live while being a smug bastard about it. Felt good when I finally managed to chop his head off.
But after a certain point you're so overpowered that you just destroy every orc within seconds and you can't remember any of them.

>That Warband mod that absolutely refuses to use any movie assets, even the music.
>Unless they like it in which case it's ok ;))


You talking shit about TLD?

So what if I am?

The campaign AI is also atrocious.

The Last Days is literally the best lotr simulator out there. Sure it could use improvements and that's what bonerlord is for. But it's damn good for just a mod.

wait this had a PC version?!

Lets be honest here. The movie armor for Gondor is baller as fuck.

How was The third age?