

MN9 has come out. Shantae has not, and likely will not come out in 2016.

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Other urls found in this thread: talk to Keiji Inafune about the upcoming ReCore/

Reminder: If shantae turns out bad 90% of people wont care.

Thats because WayForward actually puts polish on their games, unlike MN9.

But Half Genie Hero comes out in a few weeks.

Question - Is it worth starting with risky's revenge or should I go straight to Pirate's Curse?

Sup Forums will turn into 'fuck indie games' for a while again and mn9 will have non ironic fans come out of the walls

Played them backwards (PC, RR, Shantae GBC)
And i would say its totally worth it to play them chronologically, or atleast watch a longplay of the first one if you can't get an emulator properly set up

a delayed game can potentially be a good game

Release date its already set to sept 27, give it or take a few days depending on the publisher, translations and physical copies.


It appears that Shantae and the Pirate's Curse will get a physical release on 3ds in the west.

That is all.

>will likely not come out in 2016
>the target release date is Sept. 27th

I'm really looking forward to it. I need to finish RR before it comes out, but whatever.

I skipped RR entirely. I'd say yeah, you can skip it. There are some confusing aspects to it. Pirate's Curse is the one that I would say made me a real fan of the series.

I can't see a situation where shantae gets less than an 8 judging by all the videos they released and the E3 demo

>literally defending mighty "better than nothing" No.9

nah it'll probably come out on schedule.
The kickstarter was around the same time as MN9 yet shantae yet the release date was far beyond what MN9's was to the point that even with MN9 having multiple delays shantae is still coming out second.
It also has less ambitious goals.

ConMan wanted to reinvent megaman and make a media franchise out of it.
WayForward just wants to make a good Shantae game.

Yeah, that is why ducktales remastered edition crashes on PC in the final boss making the game unwinnable and they never bothered to fix it right?

Reminder that Inafune's image is forever ruined.

Capcom/Disney has to approve of patches.

Reminder that MN9 was delayed and came out shit, whilst Shantae already had at least a decent trilogy to play.

And I don't even give a shit about Shantae. Or that it's popular mostly off fap-bait.

>Beck's getting erased from history

Good, fucking faggot should have never called himself "father of megaman" when he did jackshit at all

Which is good. Guy was always a hack. He had teams of talented people actually making the game. He got to take credit for the games when they came out.

Now he's on his own, we see he isn't a director at all, is a shitty project manager, and a terrible businessman.

All the bad decisions come from him. In the documentary it looks like he's visiting the Inti offices for the first time. It looks like he made the story, designs and name, then just left. And he tried to make some media empire in one go. If they made a KISS idea, and ensured the game was FUN they could have made millions.

Oh and he said that Angry Birds was GOTY once, which implies he doesn't play games at all.

Reminder that Shantae and MN9 fags were friends at one point. Shtantae fags have tried to deny this.

He deserves it for shitting on the japanese game industry and then turning around and making a clone of a japanese game

Shame i didn't backed shantae, i didn't even knew of it existance 3 years ago, i picked up Pirate's Curse in the steam sale and had a fucking blast like i hadn't in years. I even have more hours in shantae than in TW3

How DARE you insinuate that Inafune ever said he was the father of mega Man. He just said he was the creator.

How every retard fell for this when there are countless interviews and articles about Akira Kitamura, hell, even the first google result is Keiji Inafune

There's only one english language Kitamura interview. Apparently there's more from Japanese magazines.

People assumed Inafune created Mega Man becase:

1. He's listed as character designer for 1 (he did do designs, but it was Elec Man and other art)
2. That Anniversary collection documentary incorrectly calls him the creator
3. the gaming media to this day keeps calling him the series creator
4. Inafune when asked will tell the truth, but then add confusion by calling himself half-creator. Could be a translation thing, I don't know.
5. Most people confuse Producers and Directors.

>Apparently there's more from Japanese magazines
Those are actually extensive though, should have sufficed for people to not fall for his shenanigans

Hell, even putting Capcom in the red with Legends should have been a clear warning sign

If they're in Japanese, then they might as well not exist for most Westerners.

shmupilations should track down more Mega man dev interviews and translate them.

He was also behind Fuck You and Lost Planet 3

6. that G4 documentary ONLY interviews Inafune and give syou the impression he did everything.

Fun Fact: If you look at the credits in MN9, Inafune is not the director. He's just listed as the concept creator.

The actual director of the game happens to be a guy who has worked on MN9. And that's it. At least according to what people have found.

As to why Inafune/Comcept would give direction of a hyped game to a rookie, who knows.

Was it delayed again? I thought it's coming out in September.

Probably wanted to harvest talent from a potential Kitamura, I mean, it basically paved his career the first time

MN9 has two directors. One from Inti-creates and one from Concept. As to why they went with rookies: probably that's what they could afford?

>fun fact

That should be obvious. Inafune has never directed a game in his life. He's clueless at that.


A competent developer is making Shantae, with a known track record of making good Shantae games, and is progressing on a schedule which works to make sure the game comes out good. Mighty No. 9 was made by a studio which had created no games previously, struggled to even show work and progress, and eventually rushed out just to have the game released.

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You might as well play Pirate's Curse. It was a bit different from the other two. (Shantae normally got powers from stopping and dancing, but in Pirate's Curse she just has them all the time.) Plus, Risky's Revenge was a bit short for a Shantae game, being a DSi title originally and being only three dungeons long.

On the other hand, there is an ongoing story so there is some worth to playing the GBC one first, then Risky's Revenge, then Pirate's Curse.

The best thing to come out of the Kickstarter was Mighty Gunvolt.

He wasn't even the producer. He's the CEO of Comcept. THe only thing he did was general concept, then he fucked off back to running Comcept. Nick Yu is the producer. Looks like another rookie.

This documentary is a whole other set of cringe.

>Comments are disabled for this video.
>Almost 50% dislikes

Are they ever going to bother releasing the rest of the episodes? It's so awkward to watch since it's done from the position that we're seeing the magic unfold on a new ground breaking amazing new game. But we know what happened.

And did anyone save their launch stream? It's deleted/gone now. It was a gold mine for them explaining what went wrong. They were playing it and dancing around about how bad it is.

Even if Shantae is merely average it will still be more widely accepted simply because the creators didn't go off the deep end and make a million additional kickstarters.

Well the Japanese game industry is shit the people defending Japanese game industry are weeaboos

Nipponese are some of the best designers around, with decades of experience. They have some problems, but Inafune's a retard and he has none of the solutions.

>Deleted the original launch stream

Oh wow, they actually did, and no, I don't think they will ever release the rest of the episodes, if I were Inafune I would steer clear of everything MN9 related from now onwards

Well, part of the Kickstarter was that we'd get a documentary. It's already been paid for. Two Player productions seems to have gone and made it. But all we got was Ep 1 and then that's it.


works for me :^)

>hype up a new series
>giant kickstarter
>talk about how it's gonna take over comics, movies, tv, etc.
>talk of a live action Hollywood film
>flash forward 3 years
>Inafune and Inti-Creates pretend it never existed


Uh, shitlord Shantae is a WOMAN OF COLOR. Stop white washing characters to engage in cultural imperialism.

yeah, but MN9 sucks.

Heres your reply.

Japan and Poland are the only countries capable of consistently making good video games.

It comes out in September you idiot.


Do you think there's a slight chance that Inafune actually learned a valuable lesson from it?

At most, Inafune might nto try to be as ambitious in the future. But he's generally a retard.

Hahaha, no, have you seen his recent interviews? He's hell bent on pushing a ReCore movie talk to Keiji Inafune about the upcoming ReCore/

He hasn't learned anything, even gave out several excuses as why MN9 was shit

>several excuses as why MN9 was shit

Can I see it?

>Inafune-san said “You know, I want to word this in a way to explain some of the issues that come with trying to make a game of this size on different platforms.” He’s like “I’m kind of loath to say this because it’s going to sound like an excuse and I don’t want to make any excuses. I own all the problems that came with this game and if you want to hurl insults at me, it’s totally my fault. I’m the key creator. I will own that responsibility.”

>When you do the Kickstarter campaign, a lot of people don’t realize this, they see the big number—we’ve talked about this before—but they see a number like four million and they expect that’s the actual budget. And on every single website and every single user forum, that was the number that people would say...heck, people are having a little fun with us and mentioning it in the chat, as well. The reality is that it’s 60% of that.

>He said “In my many years at Capcom, and Capcom was known for their multi-platform strategy. But never did they ever do 10 SKUs all at the same time, 10 different versions all for one title.” Traditionally, this is true—I know, we worked with a lot of different porting houses—usually you have the base game and work on the port after the game was done. In this case, it was do the base game and do the port all at the same time. it ended up being a huge amount of work, more than they actually estimated. Definitely, when they looked at the project, they were wrong about a lot of things. They underestimated how much time, work was going to be necessary. All of those things create a huge amount of pressure.


The thing is, Inafune was actually apologetic the whole stream and he couldn't shake off that sad puppy look. He confirmed that making so many ports at the same time was a mistake.

But his interpreter was way too defensive during the stream. From going on about the "salty comments", to completely ignoring people asking about the duplicate/missing DLC codes (which one of the other members of the staff decided to answer as soon as he read it), to the "it's better than nothing" comment. There was even a point in the stream where he chose to answer to people talking about his pizza and his energy drink.

>But his interpreter

That's Ben Judd. Who also translated the game. (blame him for "it's the present year" nonsense, Japanese game says it's 20XX). He's Inafune and Iga's agent. He's their Wormtongue, whispering in their ears about Kickstarters.

He actually gave excuses for him too

>I’ve [Ben Judd] seen a lot of different comments that suggested Inafune-san was only focused on being a business man and taking the IP and making anime or manga or branching off into a lot of different directions. To your average everyday person, it’s going to seem that way. But the reality is, during production, the key creative pieces really happen for the first 70% and then beyond that, it’s all about doing porting and bug testing. I promise you Inafune-san’s time is best spent focused on taking this IP in new directions. Again, as I said, to be an independent studio and get a chance to own your IP, it just doesn’t happen. It does bring in other opportunities, which is great. I guarantee you [that] you want your independent creators and developers to have their IP, you want them to be able to take them in different directions. It gives you more choices as gamers. I 100% stand by this sentiment.

However what can you do when you are being led by someone like Inafune though

>From going on about the "salty comments",

People were pretty vicous in the chat. They said, among other things, that "Akita Kitamura has more creativity in his left thumb than Inafune has in his whole body". People were saying all sorts of variations of "Con man". Even a guy was posting the Japanese phoentic verison of "Canno manno".

>that accent

jesus christ

tilt your screen back and she'll be darker just for you ;)

Ben Judd sounds like a business guy himself, and pretty clueless about actual games.

Didn't he deserve some of it tho?

I don't see how it could turn out bad.

If your going by review scores and metacritic then your going to be disappointed

Decent vid but
Is right, wtf is that accent

I don't give a shit about review score, in my personal opinion, those two countries are the best at making video games.

There is basically no chance it will be bad. At worst it will be like the second game which wasn't even bad.

>well defined stomach
>decently defined legs and arms
>chest looks so out of place, like it was pasted on
>face is completely flat
fucking learn to walk before you can run, drawfaggot

Both are mediocre trash
one relies on nostalgia
the other on tits

Shantae has small breats.

I thought this little blue shit snapped away all the money from the shantae ks, so no.

That is true, i'm willing to bet Shantae would have gotten more stretch goals if they hadn't launched the kickstarter alongside Mighty No 9's.