>love interest is taller than the MC
Love interest is taller than the MC
what gaem?
also which game can i marry a cute wife(male) like OP's pic?
>almost everyone is taller than the MC
How the fuck do manlets even have the drive to get out of bed?
She's really a girl
By japanese standards he's a giant.
Season 2 when
I think these guys are the ones with the most development.
Meanwhile, Nozaki thinks Sakura is a sentient ribbon.
>160 cm
>ultimate despair
No he's not everyone except the trap is taller
Nozaki is just asexual
I'm still surprised how Nintendo didn't monetize an entire anime about Paras.
>Sakura is a sentient ribbon
She is not?
When will they learn?
She's so cute
Nozaki would break her in half if they fugged
Their taller boyfriends wake them up with a hummer (that's SLANG for blowjob and this reference to a meme is literally older than you).
>tfw want a gf who's taller than me
>tfw 6'2"
>tfw impossible to find
>tfw will never get a gf anyways
>every single character in the game is the exact same height and width
>mfw I'm 5'10 manlet
>GF is 6'2
Play a manlet race like a breton or bosmer.
Find a nord woman to marry.
>tfw no prince gf
5'8 masterrace where we at
I'm pretty sure manlets have learned at this point
daily reminder that 185cm is the maximum height allowed for a perfectly functional body
Closest I got was this 6'0" qt I had a crush on accepting my prom proposal.
I was 5'6", only grew an inch after HS.
5'9'' here
feels good
youre a fucking manlet if you're not 5'10" at least
user, that is actually a girl.
>5'10" not a manlet
I think that a tomboy girl taller than the boy is the cutest thing
do you have any recommendations, Sup Forums?
High elf females are the tallest.
>tfw no elf qt to tower over my small imperial
>tfw 5'8" or 5'9"
>tfw too tall to be cute and too short to be handsome
Make being femmy hard.
Kashima is a girl, faggot.
Are there even any marriageable Altmer in Skyrim? I can't remember any
>tfw 6'1" manlet
It hurts.
5'10" is the perfect height
Not too long, not too short
thats a dude isn't it.
There's one: Taarie. She's not very good-looking, though.
That's actually pretty big for a penis.
Neck yourself lanky
For women right?
Eh, just mod her to be better looking, or mod literally anything, I don't care.
>under 6'2''
>anything but manlet-tier
Wanna' see my 7 inch donger?
Men don't like taller women because they are afraight of them. Makes them feel insecure about themselves.
>tall women
best couple imho
It's actually a wife((male)female)
why is the threshold getting higher
Ah well, it's not like anyone plays Skyrim without mods anyway. I think there's at least one decent High Elf follower mod out there.
6'2'' has always been the threshold you sissy cuckold manlet
Rather, taller women are not interested in shorter men.
>no tall tomboy gf
Why live?
>tfw 6'4
>not being 6'5
enjoying the weather down there?
>all the 6'5 and under manlets ITT getting mad
king of manlets 6'6 reporting in
I like taller women though
This is often the case, but I mean if I wasnt a manlet I probably wouldnt be as attracted to talller women
There's no hope for the this manlet.
>all these 6feet tier manlets
When you hit that 7 you can start feeling tall.
>not being at least 8'
I can't believe I share a board with you fucking people.
hello manlet
As a sub, liking tall women comes naturally to me. Especially if they're also older than me.
umm height doesn't matter guys
He still has more dead girls and more alive girls wanting his dick
Never understood this meme. It an inch (2 half cm)
>a legit 6'4
>everyone I work with is 5'10 or shorter
>feel out of place
sucked growing up because I was into cars and shit, but all the fast vehicles are designed for people 5'10 or shorter.
my fault for not playing sports.
Don't you know anything? That's king of manlets.
I recommend you people watch an anime called Lovely Complex.
You're at Gamestop when this suddenly this man, Jamal, Destroyer of Worlds walks in and slaps your ass. What do you do?
Keep in mind he's 1,806 feet tall and weighs 204,694 pounds.
Well even Rance is a manlet
You need to delete this post nowc
>He's over 7'
Okay you can stop growing now you freaks
>never understood this meme because joke
wow you are quite intelligent
>optimal height
a manlet made this image
>182 cm
Fuckin asian manlets I swear.
>optimal height
Considering the size of his hands, not only is my girlfriend likely dead, but so is everyone in that Gamestop
What are some games with girls (male)?
>Convert the measurements
>Woman is 5'11"
I never realized how small asians are. If someone who doesnt even break 6' is considered freakishly tall
The whole series is just him overcompensating for his height.
The funniest thing is that it's not just a scale thing.
He's really short compared to the other major male party members
>You will never be a manlet.
Being tall isnt all its cracked up to be. After living my entire life as an exceptionally tall person, I honestly think that being average or even below average would be much better.
seconded, p fun shoujo
I've heard nasty things about dating Taylor Swift user, pls stop.
5'11'' women are pretty unusual though
>tfw no qt tall gf
>he's a manlet
>he thinks he has a chance.