Why'd you guys want it to fail so badly?

Why'd you guys want it to fail so badly?

Because you can't stop sucking dick.

I don't. I want it to surprise me but it won't.

Its DOOM all over again isnt it?

because they dared to make that shitty game featured in like 3 E3 and in the end it's a student project

Because since day 1 it's been transparent to most people that this game would be shit and lacking gameplay, but a vocal minority and/or shill campaign has made threads about this garbage for over a year.

because its not on a nintendo console.

This guy gets it

The gameplay looks shit so I dont care

Because I want the retards who thought it was going to be good to eat shit, and eat their $60, and learn from their mistake.

It's going to be a HUGE flop. People will quickly realise there's nothing to do in these infinite worlds.

I don't want it to

I think it has potential. I'm not falling prey to the hype, and neither am I falling prey to the stereotypical Sup Forums hatred.

I just want a fucking game where I can be comfy and explore space and name my planets suggestively lewd things.

>Huge Flop
>Been in the top sellers on Steam for like a month
>Literally the top sold Steam game right now at full price
Sick meme dude

When Cubeworld was first relased, some faggot on Sup Forums were defending it. The same with Starbound.
For some reason, the new kids coming to Sup Forums are gullible and will eat up anything.


How fucking dare people play video games not made by Nintendo! What an absolute outrage.

Story missions were just now confirmed.
Something nobody had any idea was in the game.

I hate when developers blatantly lie to their consumers and the consumers still eat their shit up.

There is no multiplayer at all and there is no depth to this game at all.

Yet it was advertised as a huge multiplayer game with 5 billion hours worth of content.

You mean there is a story in a single player game?
Jolly, nobody would have guessed! Definately worth my 69,99 dollaroos

I won't lie. I was fooled with Cubeworld. Starbound was rocky to start with. its pretty decent now since its done. I'm hoping No man's will be good.

>Yet it was advertised as a huge multiplayer game
>advertised as a huge multiplayer game
They literally did the opposite of that. They did their best to make people not think it was a multiplayer game, and not to expect an MMO. They outright said not to expect an MMO or a multiplayer game, because if you do you'll be disappointed.

Did I say Nintendo at all?
Quit being a nigger that falls for everything.

>Yet it was advertised as a huge multiplayer game
When did they do that, exactly?

yep, but everyones going to bash them for it anyway.

If retards learned from their mistakes, WoW would be the best game ever made right now.


Because I hate indie game developers.

this is extreme nitpicking

but what can you expect from the board that brought us GooberGrape

Are we still pretending this game is bad?

And Bethesda would be bankrupt

>a super hyped and incredibly ambitious game from the developers of Joe Danger
>only known for Joe Danger.
>office was flooded and lost much data

If it's even a 4/5, I'll be shocked.

Because Sup Forums hates video games. There are a lot of people here who seem to actively wish for the industry to crash again, as if burning the whole thing down would somehow cause the overall quality of games to rise after it recovered or something. There's no real logic to it, just endless angry feelings.

It's like those assholes who masturbate over the thought of getting raptured and getting to watch all the sinners be tormented and fucked over back on earth while they jeer from heaven with Jesus, but with neckbeards instead of christfags.

That's awkward. Looks like Minecraft with farming gun

jesus christ

>extreme nitpicking
>zero in-game physics
>extreme nitpicking

110% pure A-grade shill.

>at first
>wow this is pretty cool!
>see a floating piece of stone
into the trash

because sony needs to die in order for real gaming to survive.

>5 billion hours worth of content
Compare that to Skyrim which has an infinite amount

They are the only ones still having good games
Also NMS is on PC too you turboretard

by your definition what is real gaming and how is Sony harming it

death of sony also spells the death for sonyggers
would that really be so bad?

>I take post-ironic shitposting as the general consensus of the board and then translate that into my own narrative, featuring the help of my 1st year university English class

>watch gameplay video
>guy spends his entire time playing grinding resources so he can repair a dozen different items in his inventory that just keep breaking over time
wow so much fun

Sup Forums just wants it to fail because they have a hate boner for Sony and Sony is backing this game. Put two and two together.

They don't produce nearly enough turn based strategy games and FPS on controllers is too hard for my withered hands.

Why should I even take you seriously after you said "sonygger" unironically
Only idorts are good anyway

Nitpicking? user, this is representative of the kind of design philosophy that went into this. The survival elements of collecting useless minerals. The floating, physics-less rocks. The recharge time on a gun designed for collecting minerals.

This game is going to burn, and you will burn it with your own hands.

>Post ironic

That's not even a real thing nigger.

I want it to fail because procedural generation as a core feature for games needs to stop

Someone post the picture of the dev team and their Nu-Male beards. That's all the reason I need to loathe this game.

>guys I really want to hate this thing

because infinite meaningless content is to the way we want to go. imagine if stanly kubrick made a never ending naruto cartoon about 2001 instead of the movie. thats no mans sky.

Someone post the picture of the Doom dev team

I've always wondered how the whole homeless man beard look got started. I hope it dies soon.

Because the person hired to shill it on Sup Forums failed to be subtle about it.

You mistake anticiation for prayer.
The former is arrived at after the processing of information, the latter after a lack of information.

The game will fail at fulfilling most people´s expectations, but, most likely, will sell pretty well.
Much like fallout 4, watchdogs, etc. ...

It's almost like human males naturally grow hair out of their faces.

Frankly you should be asking where that whole idea to cut it all off came from, there's no reason why we should do it.

>there's no reason why we should do it

Well there's one reason. To not look like a homeless person.

this desu senpai
It just looks like endless grinding and procedurally generate animals that are the same as the last 5 planets but this one has green feet instead of red.

>Nu-Male's Sky

Right ? I can't believe all the feminist bullshit they pushed in the game !
Wait a minute...

get off the 4chins, pre-millennial.

If you can't understand the concept, then I can only assume you sincerely post in console war threads.

good one

Ah yes, pointless status contests. I missed the days when we just clubbed people to death.

>space exploration game
>no gas giant type planets

To not look like a nu-male. Only faggots with terrible faces grow beards to hide their deformities , like Dan Blitzkreig.

because it will never live up to the hype

I bought spore back in 2008 and it was a huge disappointment. this is spore 2.0. They promise everything and deliver nothing.

fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on Sup Forums.

>nu-males whine they can't grow beards

man up cucks, oh wait... estrogen overload, too late to save you

The game is all marketing.

Procedurally generated work well if you are just making something simple but if you are making millions of planets with them it will obviously get repetitive

They have shown fuck all mechanics, cause there aren't any more. The ones that are seems so basic and not even done well like the mining

The crafting is the most basic it can be, there is literally nothing more to it

>Haha only feminine faggots grow facial hair!
>This is why I dont have facial hair, not because I cant grow any but because I am actually the manly man!

i don't WANT it to fail
but it's bound to happen
trust me, i'd like to have a cool space exploration game with interstellar travel, alien species to discover and shit, but from what they showed and told us about the game, it's pretty clear it's going to be shit
no amount of hype can fix it

because procedural generated games are fucking cancer and allows lazy devs to give fuck all effort in level design

Hello Dan!!!
Just man up and shave that shitty beard and have plastic surgery on your jaw to make it look like a man's.

Another 20 dollar budget title that's getting hyped up like the next coming of jesus by retarded game journalists. Disingenuous as fuck advertising gimmicks ("5 billion years!!!"). It's an indie title. Whenever it's brought up by people who are shilling for it, gameplay videos are never linked. It's always a link to a kotaku article or some dumbass tweet that's referencing the procedural generation of planets and creatures as a substitution for thoughtfully designed content.

I have legit never, ever seen someone post positively about this game while posting a gameplay vid. It's only ever buzzwords and intellectual dishonesty. At least an actual fucking game like Uncharted will get E3 footage passed off as real gameplay. With NMS there's 0 effort from the shills to show off what the game is actually like, and it's cuz they know the game has dick to offer past RNG cookie cutter planets and animals.

I dont get the reference.

Sort of saw a lot more of this since TORtanic, every big game needs to be the blunder of the century now, with everyone rushing to prove how they're so much more informed and cultured than the rest of the sheep buying into the hype.

At this point I'm certain everyone bringing up gamergate regardless of context is false flagging, this is literally every time I've seen it mentioned on this board in the last year - no one mentions anything even related to it and then some shithead comes in and is like WOW MAN THIS IS SO BAD THIS IS ALMOST AS BAD AS MY PERSONAL BOGEYMAN

like fucking why nigga how big is your complex, go to twitter or something

Does this game has DENUVO ?

i've seen the leaks and i'd give it a try, seems fun.

i'm not paying 60€ though

DRM free, RC1 is already leaked on GGn as of 20 minutes ago, go get it

$66.50 Canadian.

It got positive reviews a couple years ago at e3. Most agreed it looked intriguing at the time. IIRC it was billed as a PS4 exclusive and its mystique separated itself from the movie-game mold.

Go move back out to the middle east then, habeeb

I'm at a ski lodge with shitty internet and a decade old laptop so one of you faggots better post some memes

I would argue that coming up with a way to generate a planet via only a set of parameters is higher on the difficulty ladder than placing a few items in UnrealEd.

I, for one, am glad that there's another game out there that doesn't feel like a fucking hollywood flick (FPS and action games, I'm looking at you).

I liked exploring planets in Mass Effect, if this provides as much variety and fun as that then I am happy


Yeah or how about knowing that you're not a fucking axe murderer or something? Homeless people are dangerous. You know what's disarming? A nice smile and a clean outfit. Alarming? Shaggy unkempt beard and an outfit looking like you got it out of a dumpster.

Sup Forums just wants another tortanic event so we can spam epic reaction images and make screencaps


Can you confirm for bigger sites?

Because it should have come out a year ago and devs need to learn to stop sitting on their hands with this shit.


Looks even better from what I've seen.

20 dollar budget title that's marked up at full price, I should've said

Every time I read that it's full priced I then remember that it's full priced, and I scoff in bewilderment.

This is actually the most gameplay I've ever seen of this fucking game. I'm really not impressed, especially not for 60 fucking bux

Awesome, preordered

>fanboys still using tortanic as a scapgoat
I wonder what you faggots would cry about if it didn't happen.
This game is shit and people are pointing out why it's shit.
Fuck off to a fan-made NMS forum.

Yeah, I'd actually consider it if it was $20 Canadian. I'm not even buying Inside at that price.

This game isn't even on my radar. You howling monkeys are simply this predictable.

I don't, I just know it will.

>I, for one, am glad that there's another game out there that doesn't feel like a fucking hollywood flick (FPS and action games, I'm looking at you).

It also doesn't feel like a game either, from what I've seen. Unless if you think and the like will be great fun, but only as long as you get to do it next to a slightly different looking animal than last time. Not just fun but, 60 dollars worth of fun. '5 billion years' fun.

My boyfriend said he'd get this game tattooed on his TW if it scores above 85 on metacritic.

Watch Dogs 2 will be that

>looked at game footagr that leaked
>i actually liked it, picking up elements, scanning and discovering shit with info about it.
>traveling space and dicovering new areas like some space archaeoligists
>pretty neat and cozy
>cant say shit becausr Sup Forums going yo ridicule me for liking it at all

I hate peer pressure. Guess ill have to cancel my pre order.