What went wrong, Sup Forums?
cover art
not enough tits and ass
Women like being portrayed as attractive first and strong second.
Character design. Looks pretty good, doesn't it?
That's nice?
Seriously, who gives a shit.
Literally has the brianna wu mouth
Bad advertisement from a developer with a spotty record, against a massively hyped up game from a developer with a large loyal fanbase.
Which was the better game? No idea, don't plan on playing either.
O rly? Thank god I didn't buy that shit game
games about women dont sell unless theyre about sex.
It's almost as if SJWs don't buy games and just look for a reason to bitch.
You think that's a typo and they meant to say "fatass women", and they were referring to the tumblr landwhales that developed that shit game?
Looks like she's sucking a sour candy.
>badass women
Look if they arent titty monsters dressed in bikinis i dont give a fuck about your politics.
What is this article trying to prove? Is it trying to get Battleborn more sales? Is it trying to say that people don't play games with badass women?
I hate that fucking word
You would think with all the money they threw at this game they would be able to design a character that doesn't have her hand clip through her dress while posing.
no it was story of a fucking traitor.
Why is 2K so fucking obsessed with that word?
>people don't play games with badass women?
If I had to guess, this. I mean there is no other reason to dislike the game! Certainly not the writing, it is really good! Just look at this clip:
It's the two words that describe their games perfectly.
>Blizzard: Epic
>Gearbox: Badass
I don't know what is more irritating
I just noticed this. I guess they ran out of budget. :^)
>The pitches got crazier, the team is allowed to pitch any ideas they have for be it gameplay, be it a look of something and we would just try to take that kind of inspiration and run with it. So we never have really been one to just say we probably shouldn't do that. I don't think we ever said. I don't know. Maybe. If anything, I was always trying to prompt us to get a little whackier, get a little crazier, like, integrate more personality and just things I haven’t really seen in a game.
Then why the fuck is every character the same, personality wise? Screams their lines and says random gamer / "self-aware" humor?
Great minds think alike, but more importantly fools seldom differ.
The characters look like they were designed by teenagers
>Implying Overwatch character design is any better
>It's men's fault the game is shit because overwatch is filled with sex ojects
Any excuse
Who in the fuck would find this funny
Seriously! Look at these designs! Both equally shit! And then people jump on the bandwagon to hate on Battleborn and praise Overmeme. Sheep.
This is so painfully accurate, goddamn.
The difference is I want to kill this thing: but I'd let Zarya destroy my cock
Fuck you can't go one Battleborn-related page without seeing the word badass at least twice
It's fucking annoying
>That over sizxed shitty UI
>That cringy worthy dialogue
>Characters is litterally Zen bot from Overwatch
>That filename
i gotta feeling gearbox games will always have that one character whos evil but has the personality of a happy-go-lucky kid.
like, take the edgiest character you can think of but give him the personality of spongebob or some shit like that.
>ha ha! im going to kill you but act as the nicest guy on earth!
Closed tab at 0:32
I have to imagine it's probably the punchiest and most "offensive" they can get while still being able to print it on things like the back of cover slips or stick in press releases and shit. They've latched onto it to desperately try and project this image of irreverence that nobody actually falls for.
It gets much worse, so that was probably for the best.
The figure is cute in the "wow they fucked up so bad" way. The actual character model face is a fucking trainwreck
My amount of overwatch faps has reached an unmanagable number.
Meanwhile, I haven't seen a single piece of battleborn porn (battleporn), let alone can I even recognize any of the characters.
Remember, porn is always the answer.
Gearbox has pretty much ran the word badass into the ground and then some, at this point we can only hope they never find a new phrase to overuse and destroy.
badass, definitely.
like, LoTRs is an epic story, and even if it called itself epic it wouldn't make it any less true. you don't lose anything by acknowledging the scope/scale of something.
on the other hand, calling yourself badass is inherently the opposite of actually being badass. you cannot acknowledge it, or you lose points immediately.
>battleborn porn
Don't bother looking for it, it's 50% gay stuff with the bird(totally not pharah), 25% that weird midget goblin/midna ripoff thing, and 25% assorted literallywhoms
That passive aggressive article title makes me so unbelievably angry.
Can we retire the word badass? What's with gearbox and the word badass. is it because it's PG but also says ass?
art direction and design
>people still buy their games after how crooked they were shown to be after aliens
Only have yourself to blame
>the size of that fucking gun
>equally shit
nah senpai, just nah. memewatch may not be great, but stillborn is the absolute worst. they are in no way equal, regardless of how shit they are in their own right.
Not enough badasses
I honestly don't get how they thought it was a good idea to charge 60 dollars for a moba. No moba has been successful that had a price tag on it. What a bunch of fucking idiots.
Looks good to me.
What the fuck. From the thumbnail it looks like the "underwater escort mission" pic
The only way to play borderlands is at max FOV
>mustache is a perfect vertical line
My sides
>a straight minute of this incredibly unfunny bit
Holy fuck, do they ever shut up?
>got all eight eyes on ya!
>cause spiders have a lot of eyes, get it?
fucking kill me, holy shit!
and to think there are actually people out there that defends this type of writing because its "whimsical" and "fun".
Don't you mean longitudinal?
that's a horizontal line, user
What exactly happened there? Didn't they use money from sega to bankroll borderlands 2 and then use the remaining scraps on collonial marines? Did they ever get sued?
I was so hype for that shit
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women choose inferior majors and are bad at video games; people without work ethic and ability mostly fail at life; no one played battleborn, somehow this relates to badass women
>when left hand isn't covering literally a quarter of the entire screen the right hand is covering like 15 percent of the right side of the screen
>with UI puke all over the place
Seriously how did this get passed QA?
>you shall not pass, because there's a giant spider in the way, heh.
Who am I kidding, these fags have no QA
>pre-release build
I guess
Not that it matters now.
user, I....
This is what underwater escort mission would look like in 16:9
Not even joking here. I'm laying on my side looking at this thread on my phone. My vertical is your horizontal
Ummmmm excuse me?
Did somebody say BADASS?
After so many years of Gearbox's bullshit I take extreme satisfaction watching them burn.
holy fuck that's badass dude xD hahaha
>Borderlands start selling less with sequels
>Destiny tried to be a competitive Borderlands FPS and failed terribly
>no MOBA has ever been successful at anything from FTP
Hey, let's make Borderlands + Destiny + some MOBA for the heck of it. There's no way this can go wrong!
>I-I was just pretending to be retarded
>Preordering saves you 10%!
Pirating saves you 100%.
Holy fuck I can't breathe.
I'm retarded, but not in the way you thought
Jesus Christ that writing. Jesus fucking Christ. I dare anyone to find a worse "joke" ever written.
>paragraphs of cringy sooo randum XD dialogue
im really fucking glad overwatch squashed this piece of shit before it got any traction
desu I was one of those. I just saw a couple of threads and thought it was the hottest shitposting fad so I jumped on it. I bet I wasn't alone. Seeing Sup Forums squirm about it was hilarious.
Fun times.
how often can you mention the word badass in one cover
Did you hear the joke about the minecraft player who tried playing with TNT?
He was destroyed!
A badass number of times !
it must be hard to be anthony burch's father
This is legitimately why I didn't enjoy the game. From the screenshot you can see what's going on, albeit convoluted, but in actual game it becomes hard to distinguish an enemy from the background/environment because of all the colors and weird shit they put all over the game.
Also it was optimized as all fuck.
If you're going to make a game very cartoony, you need the players and NPC's to stand out from the environment.
They could of named it borderlands and it would've got more money because it's the fucking same thing
People still use "badass" in this day and age?
>you shall not pass
>because there's a giant spider in the way
>What went wrong, Sup Forums?
They pandered to sjw with butt ugly girls. Sjw didn't buy it.
Overwatch pandered to gamers with sexy girls, hot enough that Overwatch was the most searched term at Pornhub for a period of time.
- Relative lack of marketing
- Bad release timing
- Game is somewhat poorly optimized
- Huge price tag
The game isn't even awful either, just average. It's just that a bunch of little things piled up to make a big ass problem.
>open gear box
god damn it, gearbox
>What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Simple, none of the characters are memorable and too many to remember them all.
And the characters talk too much, so most people don't really pay attention to what they're saying.
The only memorable quote from BB I know is the "feminism is awesome" only because was Sup Forums spamming it.
All the characters from Overwatch have some quote that you can easily remember like D.VA's "Nerf this" or Winston's "How embarrassing".
I knew the game would have bad writing considering the progression of their last few games, but jesus fucking christ I did not know it could get this bad.
>pre release
Please tell me they kept this colossal fuckup of a UI