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Night Elf.

You're now stuck on Azeroth for unknown reasons and you're still yourself. What would you do with your life now that you're stranded on an alien world?


You again? This better be a real furry thread or i'm just leaving right now.

Become a fishing hermit that gives meals to passing travelers of both factions.

Do what I'm currently doing today, becoming a mighty and powerful wizard.

do you think Li Li would play with her water dragon when she becomes an adult?

I would make it my life's mission to marry Maiev.

Can I reenact best anime of all time?

She had a pet thing in the travel journal. Named it after her brother because she missed home a little bit. And it was an annoying twat. But the point is that yeh, there's a chance she's into incest hopefully not because guy pandas are meh. She never actually had a water dragon ever but there's already porn of her with a couple so believe what you want.

Chen here.

Stop sexualizing my neice you sex deprived virgins!

To the user that said I was lying about killing 40 man KT. I've been through about 3 computers since that so I don't have an SS. I managed to put together a bit of proof though for fun.


>one of our guys that got the staff


>old guild roster

I played with them as Movac and you can see Ecilam on there too.

>pic related, our 5v5 team in BC. Old pic I think I have of my character

I'm having a really hard time reading that in your voice, """""Chen"""""

Horrigan was a better warrior.

You there, Mr Re:Zero.

I watched the first two arcs of that series (Has the third arc ended yet? I want to watch this series in arc binges)

But to use the DS analogy. Do they ever explain what counts as lighting a bonfire? I wish the series was a bit clearer about what its rules are. I mean, it took well over 10 eps to explain that he can't actually talk about his resets.

Without question.

>That hud.
Good times.

>that body


People can bitch about Yrel all they want. I would have gone balls deep in her in a second.

You'd at least give her a reach-around, right, user?
You couldn't be that rude to poor Yrel

Inb4 panda fag


Depends on how good a time I was having.

Why aren't they pregnant and hooked up to milking machines like the worthless cows they are?

>herm shit

>panda shit

Image search is giving nothing and I cant read that signature...any help?

You'd better treat her right


I would let her show me the light, if you know what I mean.

I'd kiss her, if you know what I mean.

Woah cute panda :D

how's going

Ayyyyyyy. You're cute too.

I don't know. Up early. Might be on later. I still need to even try Warrior.

Yah, though not so sure how you ll like it without the gladiator thing D:

I am just spamming bgs for le marks autism

I'll try both! I just ended up enjoying Glad because there were no dedicated healer. Arms had such little survivability, but maybe it's different now. Balance has actual laser beams now, so I've been having far too much fun with that.


I don't see why people are complaining about the further pruning of abilities

My Fire Mage still has 6 whole buttons that aren't Combustion, that's a lot

Pandas are the worst thing to happen to this game.

Panda posters are.

I know fury is gay but i think it has great self healing now, arms mostly has good damage i think

>he doesnt exclusively play male pandas
what a cuck xD

Drown me in Pandaren belly, please.

no they're not, people who play pandas are
see : this thread

>"You're stuck on Azeroth for unknown reasons, and you're still mentally yourself, however you are trapped in small female pandaren body. What would you do with your new life now that you're stranded on an alien world?"


Female Pandas are great

>self healing


I was tired enough of seeing GIANT MAN HOLD 2 GIANT SWORD.


>All this bad rp.
>Obese panda fuccbois everywhere.
Fug man, I just want me some Li Li and actual WoW discussion.
>You will never head on over to the Stormstout home of brew and debauchery to catch up on what's been bothering Azeroth this month.
Why even live.
That's a nice rock user.

Fuck, Marry, Kill

I'm really good at stealth, thank you.

Which class is the most fun to play now?

if only D:

Yep :\
Should do some bgs when you come to try arms and you are back, farming marks for mog autism :D

tfw no obese panda husbando to cuddle with at night while watching shitty found footage horror films ;_;

druid warlock DK and paladin are all good so I hear

A scantily clad female in the Moonguard, Goldshire Inn.

>fishing Turtle mounts in some dudes Garrison raid group
>group leader asks for [Dreanor Angler] achievement
>link him a fake one
>fish for two hours, people are getting frustrated since nothing has been dropping
>Get Sea Turtle
>And the crowd goes wild
>fish for another 3 MINUTES
>Get Riding Turtle
>Back-to-back turtles
>Get kicked
>raid leaders face when

F-Druid, Balance is disgustingly good but boring

go back to your containment general

They kinda sorta fixed arms warriors. More fun than rets and DKs right now.

>Laser chicken

For real? I might actually play druid now, that's my favorite shit.

The area denial game is ridiculous, though.

Things I wish for in every one of my dreams.

Anyhow, I know all classes basically have some sort of self healing. I just hope Fury don't have Second Wind and only fury. Then I'd be mad.

Bruh. Fury of Elune is so fucking cool. It is a literal goddamn laser beam from the sky. And you can MOVE IT AROUND.

Post your earliest screenshot.

If you really want an awkwardly bloated rotation you can just talent LB and Cinderstorm. I'm just enjoying my reliable burst rotation.

>mfw once fire mages get our artifact our burst rotation involves 15 instant spells in a row

I want to ____ this panda!


Hold in my arms.

look, armor is great and all, but have you ever tried to wear a helmet like that all day? It's fucking awful.

Oh I'm laffin

Go and hit on the nearest Night Elf and get rejected horribly/make a fool out of myself.

It's righteous suffering saracen

Found some stuff from 2006. Not sure where all the 04-05 stuff when.

Goblin prostitutes.


No day has been a lower day for paladins than the day they changed the Lightforge Helm.

she only cares about Illidan's mighty dick, you're only looking to get cucked by a cuck.

No day has been lower for paladins than the patch day of the new Lightforge Helm...

Not my earliest but here's my guild wiping on Anub'rekhan. We ended up getting "carried" by a couple of the server's top guild members after their guild broke up, but at least we killed Razuvious without their help

My earliest is me screenshotting people's reactions after I did "/e spits on you" in the AH

Then I'd serve her instead. What a perfect woman.

Good thing my old warlock main from back in the day was lying around. I got him to 100 right after my mage, so I was able to hop on this motherfucking OP train that locks are on right now.

They're still retarded in beta, but this 3 or 4v1 shit won't last so I'm getting what I can from it.

I'm pretty sure they'll explain why he resets everytime he dies at the end of the LN.

>Guilds MT finally gets full T2
>"Y-Yeah guys sorry but is better suited to my schedule, b-bye."
>Repeat process for 3 other guilds on the serve

Fuck Naxx and fuck the Four Horsemen.

DK is boring as shit.

Honestly, I'd say Arms Warrior is by far my personal favorite.
Enhancement Shaman also became A LOT smoother and more fun to play.

I see I am not alone in my green jewess fever.

You had to SUCK THE LITERAL COCK of a warrior with the Wrath Set Bonus for high end naxx. They knew you needed them, they could be shitty players and/or shitty people and they knew you'd never kick them


>He doesn't block Isle of Conquest and AV

You had to SUCK THE LITERAL COCK of a prot warrior with their unlimited AoE tanking in TBC too. Literally caused so much drama in my old guild for refusing to put up with that belf fags nonsense.

>tfw used to be decent at the game when younger
>now I can't even seem to do basic things in the game even though the game is meant to be casualness and it upsets me greatly

prot paladin*

>Had to outfit each warrior with 4 piece T3 for taunt to not potentially fuck you over for Four Horsemen

What a grind, so I heard from better warriors in better guilds than I since I only ever killed them in BC

Source though?

>Shit like this was the norm back in vanilla/TBC
>People will still defend it even though the only thing that came out of it was a completely toxic community

> that one tank in t2
> died on Sartharion
> no response, ignore ressurects, no answers to whispers
> whole guild: wtf maybe raged too hard, he'll come back later
> after one week, we got another tank from friendly guild to help us
> body of our old tank is still here
> still here after another week
> stillhere after month
> his broken lifeless body is propably still here even after naxxramas moved to northrend
> he's still offline
> that fucking Sartarion killed real person fucking fuck
> ;_;

I have no idea what happened I just enetered this place and there is nothing but sheep and one alliance mage gnome

Goblins are alright when the proportions are just right. Just like pandas. Which for some reason now includes Gorillaz' Noodle.
Like what bud. It's all ridiculously self explanatory now. with a lack of min-maxing these days.

It was T2 I think right? which meant you had to do BWL which probably nobody in a higher end naxx guild needed/wanted to do.

>Which for some reason now includes Gorillaz' Noodle.

you got any sauce on that pic?

Being able to heal properly, I used to heal through vanilla, BC, wrath and then stopped for a bit, during cata and mop and now wod I've tried to come back and heal but I struggle to keep people alive even in just stuff like heroics.

I played shaman in vanilla and bc, pala and druid in wrath and a mixture after that till now, I have a 100 shaman and 100 pala but I can't t seem to do well in them healing, especially my shaman

>TE full of shitposting Sup Forums residents

Not surprised at all

Lost all my TBC/Vanilla/Wrath screenshots ages ago.

Here's one from Cata, though.

End of the first US WoW beta. They dropped fuck loads of demons on stormwind and everyone sold everything they had to go buy booze and /dance till the server went down.