Video game thread

Video game thread

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how do i get steam friends that aren't gay trap erpers

I'm up for some Payday 2 or fighting games.

how do i get steam friends that are gay trap erpers

tfw no gf (male)

anime avatars

c-could be me user

> sissy white boys general

Do cute traps really exist

>add [faggot]
>all he does is whine that his family hates him for being 25 years old taking hormones with no job
>complains his life is the worst of all every 10 minutes or he dies
>already deleted me multiple times because I didn't give him attention
>once he deleted me because i was tired and fell asleep earlier
Fucking Gamestop

>guy starts talking to me like i'm his psychiatrist
>blocked him
>probably asking one of his other friends right now why I blocked him

Hit me up. I'll be off work in 2 hours to play vid games or talk about anime

Why does Steam attract so many erp faggots?

You don't see these people on PSN/Miiverse/Xbox Live.

In reality? Hell nah

>25 years old on hormones

thats not going to work out well

yes but it's not easy and pretty much all erpers are just fat hairy men who wish they had the youth and the dedication to do it

Your steam name is one letter off my real name

Steam is free and runs on anything.

No such thing like meme profiles on ps+ and they remove shit like this on miiverse

Pretty much always on and can message from phone, I don't have usual days when I play and I have a toaster so don't expect me to play any super recent games

Any ausfags wanna play Siege while its free?
I need attention...

Don't post other people's profiles user.

Don't be an ass user

>If you got linked from Sup Forums or other places it wasn't me posting

I forgot to edit my profile

Edit it now to remove that line then.

I'll wait for it to be edited then.

>this faggot adds me one time
>goes on autistic rant about his steam senpai and won't shut up
>remove and block
I think he might have actually had aspergers.

who /burlytigerbf/ here

how do I add a guy from Sup Forums who isn't scared to talk to me and has never watched anime in his life outside of like Pokemon or popular shit or whatever

>that description

either you're doing this so you're gaining more (You)s than you normally would or you're being a dick

either way neck yourself my man

Do you believe in unicorns?


Why would anyone be scared to talk to you?

Are you scary?

Everyone on Sup Forums is a shy trap

no. most people on Sup Forums that ice tried to play games with is a poorfag who can't afford a mic or a little bitch that is "shy"

>Adding Sup Forums to your steam


I only got steam last week. I dont want peepol laffin at my lack of games and low level

Shy is cute!
Playing Overwatch at the moment if anyone wants to join.

Ohhh, with a mic. I'm stupid.

Well, maybe you have an intimidating presence

Ive een about 20 anime, and id be willing to talk to you for a bit dawg


I have met one of my best friends in this despicable place

Please don't unless you are an interesting and cool person

Oh shit, wait up. Are you gay? If so, then thats not what im about

I don't RP, but anyone is free to send me a request.


There are some decent people around here, but they don't come to steam friend threads.

>shit taste in anime
Wouldn't even consider it.

NA, sorry.

I'm going to bed but I'll play with you folks later

You already seem like a regrettable choice and I haven't even spoken to you

>500+ hours in warframe
Yeah because you're the epitome of interesting

Asia servers, add me for any games you also see on your list

>add a guy from Sup Forums
>we just talk like normal people
I don't get this meme. Granted he didn't have an anime profile picture.

>All these animefags

I didn't expect to find anyone non-retarded here, but I was hoping atleast ONE guy here doesn't jerk off to chinese cartoon girls and posts them on every possible place on his profile.

Y do u post traytor

>I don't get this meme. Granted he didn't have an anime profile picture.

Maybe you don't get that meme because you're focused on another meme

>tfw completely avoid people who don't have anime profile pics
9/10 people who don't are usually normalfags.

memes are mysterious

The most that has happened to me was getting some hentai sent to me by mistake.

Frankly I'm depressed and disappointed, I expected more interesting shit

I don't usually talk beacause my pronunciation is shit
If you want to play OW/some other games feel free to add me. Hell even if you want to speak I don't mind.

>add someone from one of these threads years ago
>becomes a great friend of mine

It is nice what wonderful encounters can bloom from these threads if you take a chance to talk to someone new!

>if you don't have an anime girl profile pic then you're a normal fag
Please, I just go with nice VG art and the upside is no one thinks I'm a degenerate when I really am :^)

>mfw no cute boys to talk and play games with

but our ping...

No gays on my board >:^(

You're posting a meme picture, you're not much better than animefags.

Cool picture from facebook

Guess I'll give it a shot. Just don't be surprised if I end up removing you after a week, I tend to find most people boring.

>1200 hours in CS:GO

I am not suprised

I hate anime, but I'd never post my steam profile link here.

Post it no balls

What if I remove my japanse traces and post an apparently normal profile but I was merely pretending all along?

add me, you faglords. i crossdress, and i have a nice fat cock

Well you seem boring

Sadly we play the same games, so I'm boring too.

I rarely play anymore

But boys are so cute :c

Like you

>Groups 121



Noted Greek philosopher and inventor of shitposting.

whatsa matter, user?~

Why are you part of so many groups user?

>fat cock
sorry im only into boipucci

The best

Wow, we play the same games.


never posted in one of these things so add me if you want to.

because i can, also to browse more profiles easier that way, anyway.

good way to autists, spergs and retards in the members and comments anyway. i do like some of those groups, though eg interests and such

>strategy games
>philosopher avatar
>Intellectual aspirations in fucking steam

Yeah nah, I doubt I can stand you five minutes without murdering every hinting of your genes across the universe.

>Postal 2
>Paint the town red
Do you have anger issues?


>Intellectual aspirations in fucking steam

multiple question marks

Should I give away free/random keys?

And to top it all, you don't even understand why such a thing may be said to you.
