Dark Souls is full of Artificial Difficulty


Prove me wrong Sup Forums

>implying I'm going to click on your shit video to give you a single view



>circle strafing enemies is exploiting the game and the devs never fixed it
>bosses hitting you for 90% of your health with 1 hit isn't "difficult"
>multiple enemies don't make a game difficult
>unlimited lives is no excuse to make each life miserable gameplay wise

Where do people get such terrible opinions on video games? "Game design" degrees?

I've never met someone with a game design degree with a valid opinion on vidya.

>it's a J-ARPG
>expecting it not to have artificial difficulty.

>we should just accept flaws instead of trying to improve the medium

well done famalam

>Taking the term "artificial [anything]" seriously

>Thinking it actually means anything in a context outside of trolling

Finally I can take a relaxed crap

>bosses hitting you for 90% HP
ever heard about upgrading defence and health?

sorry 80%*

what multiple enemies? talking about the small crowds of hollows that barley do any damage and goes down in one hit?
you're shit m8. dark souls is full of flaws but these are some bad points, other than the circle-strafing shit

can you name a boss that does this? I've never experienced this outside of my glass cannon builds in all my 340 hours of DaS 1

Twin Dragonriders
Bed of Chaos

>twin dragonriders
I didn't watch the OP video, only read the TLDW and saw the picture you posted
I'm not going to defend DaS 2, I'm with you on that one
>bed of chaos
It doesn't though. It either does 30-50% of your HP or completely pushes you off the map
and I'm not defending it at all. fromsoft even apologized for it, so that's a valid point too. but that's only one boss, and it doesn't make an entire game filled with "artificial difficulty"

I mean I could give you more examples dude, there's plenty of those kinds of bosses. O&S weren't particularly engaging until you beat one of them.

Plenty of bosses did a 1-2 punch or combo that did enough damage to your health bar that one more hit would have ended the fight.

like who? you need to back up your claims man
I can only think of attacks like gaping dragon's body-slam and iron golem grab attack
but those are designed to crush you because those bosses are insanely slow

Beanpole and Fatty is a good boss

yay nay

>circle strafing enemies is exploiting the game and the devs never fixed it
What's the problem of circle strafing?

>bosses hitting you for 90% of your health with 1 hit isn't "difficult"
Are you complaining about getting hit like an idiot till you are dead? Because the game sure let's you take more than 1 hit.
Granted, not every boss is well designed in it.

>multiple enemies don't make a game difficult
>Dealing with more enemies isn't harder than dealing with one enemy.
>Not knowing how to crowd control.

>unlimited lives is no excuse to make each life miserable gameplay wise
Yeah, good thing the game doesn't make you feel miserable after playing it if you are decent at videogames.

Dancers in Borreal Valley (DS3, and those aren't even bosses)

DS2 take your pick

DS1 taurus demon can easily knock you off the bridge and insta-kill you (I count it as an attack since thats where the fight takes place)

Capra demon has his 2 hellhounds which is one of the hardest bosses to kill during a phase in the game where you have barely any stats

Gaping dragon is more avoidable than most, so I give that one a pass. Most of the DLC bosses were tough as shit though.

As for Demon's I can't recall too well since I played it so long ago but the Maneater Gargoyles did plenty of damage with their attacks

Don't get me wrong I love Souls games. It's a testament to how good they are that I take issue with such small design flaws, because they don't have to be there in the game as From has proven time and again that they can design mechanically great fights/games.

the good:
>very cool and menacing visual design
>cleverly designed to co-attack with a mixup of fast and slow attacks
>one's weakness is the other one's strength
>multi-phase bossfight makes for varied and interesting multiple playthroughs
>clearly the mid-point in the game considering location and difficulty
the bad:
>ornstein's movement can get really fucking bugged at times
>their attacks clips through the other's body
>smough has a weird lingering hitbox on his slam during 2'nd phase
tried to be as objective as possible
very nice boss

I liked it. Giant Ornstein not so much but I dealt with it after some tries.

only issue with maneaters was the possibility of getting knocked down by two of them chaining pounces one after another, they didn't do that much damage on their own desu

that's just you personally saying you think the bosses do too much damage
it doesn't prove anything
you don't need to fight taurus on the bridge, you can lure him to the tower and plunge/fight him up there

>What's the problem of circle strafing?

A catch-all solution that works against multiple enemies bosses and scenarios is boring mechanically.

>Are you complaining about getting hit like an idiot till you are dead? Because the game sure let's you take more than 1 hit.
Granted, not every boss is well designed in it.

The game certainly lets you take more than one hit. I'm not saying it's impossible to beat, I'm just saying the punishment is a little too high. I'm curious how fun the game would be if everything dealt less damage and was faster (I know this is basically asking for Bloodborne but I haven't played that entry)

>multiple enemies don't make a game difficult
>Dealing with more enemies isn't harder than dealing with one enemy.
>Not knowing how to crowd control.

Multiple enemies are fine when executed correctly. Abyss Watchers is a good example of this. Four Kings is not.

>git gud

>A catch-all solution that works against multiple enemies bosses and scenarios is boring mechanically.
It is a slow paced combat that focus on positioning and timing , that's just how the combat works, It is more slow paced and it has an uniqueness just for that, and in my opinion it's more fun than a lot of RPGs you see out there.

>I'm just saying the punishment is a little too high.
It's a little too hard because it is the way the game is. They make the player try to be more careful and they succeed at doing that.

I'm not saying that the game is for everyone, but it doesn't necessarily make it a bad game just because you don't like it.

>the game series mechanics are carbon copies of each other

This applies to pretty much every rpg series out there, of course they will have very similar mechanics with a few tweaks here and there, it's what give games an identity

>circle strafing is a problem that from never fixed

You showed the first part of champion gundyr which is the tutorial boss, literally the easiest boss to circle strafe around in dark souls 3. Most other bosses like nameless king, dancer, twin prince, etc. Kick you shit in if you only strafe. Yes it's easier to circle strafe in the older games (not counting 2) but it's not exploiting.

>series is loaded with artificial difficulty

Only a couple bosses in the entire series I would consider to have artificial difficulty (excluding ds2). Most bosses are very well designed

overall I think you are being a little to nitpicky a lot of things you stated in this thread shouldn't even be considered artificial difficulty. The game simply requires you to pay attention to your surrounding, use your head, and earn from your mistakes



Cleared most of DaS3 without dying. Once you're trained to be cautious you don't die all that frequently.

If you want to be super safe you can even be a white phantom to learn more about the rest of the area and the boss moveset.

Wait so what's an example of a game that does difficulty right? I often see action games cited like DMC/Bayonetta but those have much more open level design that allows for more complex movement/combo's, compared to Souls that is more often than not set in very cramped environments which doesn't leave much room or need for complex movement or combos.

not monster hunter

If OP thinks DS1 is "artificially difficult", wait till he plays 2.

genuine difficulty?

2 is the only game in the series that actually does feature the things OP is complaining about

Why do people keep using the term artificial difficulty when all difficulty was artificially designed and is only different in how hard it is and what kind of skillsets it requires?

Also if a game is too hard lower the difficulty or play something else, for fuck's sake. Furi is full of "artificial difficulty" and it was made exactly for me. If you find Dark Souls too hard, maybe it wasn't made for you.