Which one has the better girls
LoL vs DoTA 2
dota/10 would bang
Overall, LoL. Traxex is superior to Ashe though.
LoL has the better girls
Dota 2 is the better game though
LoL's money pit comes from (in part) waifus, so their's are best
That being said, i would a CM
LoL, easily.
Dota 2 has some nice waifus but LeL beats it simply due to volume of quality waifus. They had to sell the game somehow.
DotA 2 no question
Dota has the superior waifus. LoL just has low tier anime bait.
DotA is better everything. Bigger player base, bigger prize, better game, more fun etc.
But after all that LoL has more porn wtf
>Bigger player base
LoL is still way more popular than dota
LoL has more gooks and weebs playing. That's why.
Lol doesn't
>require that great of hardware
>that much of planning
>that much of gameplay
pretty much the same reasons why MTG loses to Hearthstone in the popularity contest
Do people still play LoL? I know it was big like 2 years back or so but everybody I knew that was playing the game stopped a long time ago.
Not to mention that overwatch took most players from them
How do you know? They haven't released any stats in 2 years
It's certainly declined in the last 2 years, Riot not releasing player numbers confirms that. But LoL is going to die like WoW has, slowly and steadily from a huge peak.
>pretty much the same reasons why MTG loses to Hearthstone in the popularity contest
Hearthstone got popular because they got a fucking Activision backing it up financially and Blizzard fanbase attached to it.
It would still be as popular even if Blizzard choose to make the game as complex as MTG, but they choose not to because they know their audience.
>inb4 reddit
it's relevant
DotA 2 wins because it has the best girl ever.
Not with that nose
League was never meant to last with the way they desperately always try to pander
This is also why Dota2's playerbase was unchanged upon Overwatch's release