Final Fantasy XV

>Dat weather
>Dem animations
>Dat firaga

Just two month until GOTY arrives, Sup Forums
Hold me.

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I still can't believe this is coming out.

I can feel the hype taking over

Is this PC version? Looks to good for consoles.

the running/walking animation sucks

Wondering too, thought it was a piss poor four exclusive but a PC version would be amazing.

It's never been a PS4 exclusive you shitposting retard

That changes everything.
Had planned to get the PS4K for that game but not anymore, I guess.

There's never been a PC version announced, for now it's PS4/Xbone multiplat.
Will there be a PC version? Probably. But not for another year or two more than likely.

>not for another year or two

I fucking detest the way Noctis always teleports somewhere, then hovers, attacks, teleports again and hovers some more

Fuck off with that shit

Square wants people to double dip

no it's magic shut up

>there are people who still think this game won't be a disappointing mess

>there are people who want it to be a disappointing mess so they shit on it on Sup Forums

Games are always developed on PC, it doesn't mean there is a consumer PC version optimized for tons of hardware options and settings.

>there are people who want it to be a disappointing mess
Where did I say that I wanted it to be a disappointing mess?

I dunno, that was the main selling point since the initial announement on 2006
Looks slick as fuck too.

Guess I won't buy it then. I hate that teleporting and hovering so much.

Shame, the summon animations looked cool.

Sad you'll be missing out on the fun ride, friend

Well, there's WoFF coming out soon, so I guess that will be a decent title in its stead.

water effects are unwhelming

It's pretty satisfying when you do it yourself, though. Warping a hundred feet into the air and then right into an enemy wih a massive damage bonus is cool as fuck.

oh god mah dick

Why is this game shilled so much?

Because it looks like it's gonna be an ambitious and fun arpg

Why does it bother you so much?

It's either going to be the game of the generation, or the bust of the generation.

>GTX980 TIで動かすとPS4版とではまるで違って見えますね。PS4版予約済みだけど高解像度のPC版もやりたい。

>Looks completely different when you run it on GTX 980Ti than on PS4. I preordered the PS4 version, but I'd like to play it in high resolution on PC too.

Why can't Sonyggers on Sup Forums be this reasonable?

It's not
People are excited for the game and want to talk about it

>Why does it bother you so much?
It doesn't though. I'm just asking a question based on what I've observed.

>It's either going to be the game of the generation, or the bust of the generation.
I'm more curious about the reception than anything.

>It's not
Well I guess I'll just have to take your word then.

I don't find it cool as fuck.

But more power to those who do I guess.

Well, my second issue is how fucking emo and gay the cast is.

>dem air dashs

That's the dev environment, of course it's on PCs..
The devs said that they would reworks things from scratch when they'll get around to develop a PC version
That will take a long time

You think this is shilled? SERIOUSLY?
Weren't you even here around the Witcher 3's release? Now that was obvious shilling

>I'll just have to take your word then.
Just read a few threads when they pop up.
There's more shitposting than discussion in these threads.

>Getting hyped for a game is automatically shilling

Not all weapons allows it, and it cost MPs.
You're pretty disgusting to hate this much on a pretty original thing few games got right (and no RPG did) to be honest.

>Noctis' reaction when it started raining
Top kek.

I hold Final Fantasy to a high standard because of its past.

Sadly ever since XIII they have completely missed the mark.

>Deux Ex in three weeks
>FFXV a month later
Welp, goodbye real world. Gonna platinum them both.

Yeah, the devs of this game realize this too. They know they can't rely on the franchise's name anymore.

>I hold Final Fantasy to a high standard because of its past

Then you have to know that FF has been experimenting with its formula since VII and most fanboys thought VII looks emo and gay as fuck, too.

This game is gonna be something special.

The difference is that not the entire cast of VII was emo and gay

But the entire cast of XV does


Could they include Radiata Stories as a pre-order bonus?

>Well, my second issue is how fucking emo and gay the cast is.
Are you american?

That's more your projecting than anything, bud.

Not wrong.

This game doesn't even have a fucking female in its main cast. It's just a bunch of homos on a road trip.

>needing a female when you're hanging out with your bros


God I was so excited for this game.

Now it just feels like a glorified tech demo to show off what the PS4 can BARELY do.

But the road trip they're on is so Noctis can go get his dick wet

Yeah, let's not let those icky girls with their cooties get in the way of our "broadtrip" haha amirite fag I mean famm

They are literally on a road trip to get the MC laid.
Next time you are driving around, keep a look out for how many cars you see filled with 3+ young guys. You see guys hanging out like that all the time. People have friends, I'm sorry to tell you.

Could you repeat that? I think I missed it the first two times :^)

When's the last time your heard,
"Hey dudes, let's get a girl in here. If we don't we might end up sucking each others dicks! Haha!"
That's what you sound like.

>haha I'll shitpost about shit because I never had neither friends to hang out with nor a girlfirend in my life

GOTG, I won't ever get over actually holding the fucking case and thinking it's an actual FEASIBLE product,

>shoehorning females where they aren't needed
Holy shit dude
>it's a king with his bodyguards
>he's going to see his fiancee
>still want a random girl in the cast
Just no.

It's really said people like him can't hang out with other guys without being obsessed about being gay.

How is this cutie gay?

>moving the goalposts

No one gives a fuck about why he originally went out there in his car with his "bros"

It's gay as fuck and you all want to suck Noctis' dick, I know you fags

t. weeaboo with no friends offended he doesn't have any 'waifus' to fawn over

fuck off cunt.

I want to suck ur dick, my lil faggot :3

>moving the goalposts
I know you are shitposting but at least learn to use logical fallacies correctly.

Project your desires more, user
It's amusing.

Why don't you go buy a Noctis shaped dildo, I'm sure that's part of the XV diamond premium VIP collector's edition

Don't put us all in the same bags as this faggot you normalcuck. There's a time and place for female characters in games, that's all. FFXV doesn't need that is all.

>It's taken ten years to get here
Looking forward to XVI in 2027

>XVI in 2027
You won't have to wait this long.
They're going to want to put that new fancy engine to use.

Lol this Versus XIII Noctis looks so fucking gay-anime.

>this game doesn't need females, I'm perfectly fine with the all black e(ho)mo fuccboi bro roadtrip we're getting!

>You won't have to wait this long.

Kinda worried about the magic about this game, i mean the magic crafting + visuals look great and all, but using it feels kinda clunky. You become completely immobile while casting making you vulnerable to getting your ass beat. Hope they made improvements so that you can move and cast at the same time. :O

Yes I'm fine with it, not everyone as insecure as you.

So nothing has changed.

That'd make it too OP
It's a good think you have to commit to casting it.
The only concern with the magic is aiming it

Yeah sorry I'm not a gay. I guess if I was homosexual like you I could enjoy this game.

No, XV Noctis looks like a real man. Also Stella was looked like ugly-slut, and Luna now looks like pure and innocent beuaty girl.

Careful not to accidentally suck on a dick while speaking with a guy, heterosexual user, sound like it happens frequently to you!

Maybe add a soft-lock on feature when aiming with magic?

No, he still looks like jut as much of a sasuke fuccboi as he always has and Stella and Luna are literally the same person

Please get a trip XV-kun

>t. person who hasn't hung out with a guy in 10+ years

This is what anime does to you. It makes you hate actual real life friendships and delude you into positive notions about 2D cartoons. How does it feel to be that jaded? The japs have cucked you hard.

He's still pretty effeminate
Which is a good thing

You can aim it easily on target

Am I supposed to be impressed?

>a real man
>this is what weebs actually believe

Even Japanese girls laugh at all these harajuku tier andro fagboys

7 summons confirmed in the video op posted at the 3.32 mark.

>tumblr frog poster cancer
You're not helping your case and FFXV is anime you dumbass.

ugly nu-male spotted

I thought the Japanese are into effeminate males, and Chad has hardly any power over there.

nice effects but thats it

the art direction is generic and dull as fuck, combat looks like shit

You would be wrong.

>the art direction is generic and dull as fuck,
This is what the west want. Brown plains!

They are of course.


Why do you think they're staking their entire company on effeminate bishonen characters? Seriously.


Yeah if you are 14 and have k-pop posters on your walls.

I'm 22 and hate Kpop
I was also mainly talking about fictional bishies because they all look gay in real life

Aren't bodybuilder seen as stereotypically gay in Japan?