1 month after release

>1 month after release
>no one's talking about it
>no one's playing it
>no one bought it
>Inafune's reputation is in tatters
>Inafune + Inti-Creates pretend it doesn't exist
>was supposed to launch a multi media franchise, spawning comics, live action block busters, tv shows, toy lines, etc
>was supposed to be the successor to mega man

Other urls found in this thread:


let it die user, let it die in peace...

It only generated discussion before release. Then people confirmed it's shit and moved on

People care more about Gunvolt and the sequel

>4 hour credits longer than the game

>was supposed to launch a multi media franchise, spawning comics, live action block busters, tv shows, toy lines, etc

It's a modern day Cheetahmen.

I grabbed the pirated version of a thread on Sup Forums back around when it launched, but I still haven't played it yet
Is that terrible glitch that prevents saving still in, or should I try and find an updated version

How do you go from this...

...to this?

shantae is a shallow whore
in before getting accused i am somehow a mn9 backer or similar


Stay salty you mn9 backer or similar.

Reminder that Shantae has not come out.

Shantae is a superficial bitch and Beck is a delusional idiot.


Are they even still making that cartoon?

reminder there are no good shantae games

No updates or news since the first teasier. Website is exactly the same. So no. No one funded it. And why would someone throw millions at some untested IP for a game that hasn't come out yet?

>why would someone throw millions at some untested IP
That's Kickstarter in a nutshell


Documentary is cringe as hell.

It's been 1 month. I want more episodes. I want to see what went wrong.

l don't understand this picture. How did she dodge a bullet? She doesn't even exist. Even then, she's associated with MN shit.

>I'll adjust it a bit

It's still the fucking same.

Real Call gets to star in some shitty game no one likes.

Concept Art Call gets to exist in our imaginations and not in a shitty game.

The costumes on the bottom? That's Sup Forums fan art. God damn, Sup Forums had so much better ideas than the actual devs. Selling Call as a WAIFU and dressing her up in alt costumes would have been rad. Instead you get lifeless bot.

That version of Call will always be my favorite. I can't believe the Call that was put in MN9 was basically just a complete copy of Roll while also acting like a lifeless almost-corpse that coldly said simple gameplay tips. That pic's Call really did dodge a bullet.

>>was supposed to be the successor to mega man
It kind of is the successor, in the sense that it sucks-ass.

It plays and feels a lot like a latter MMX or ZX game. But that's not what everyone wanted. They wanted X1 or 2.

A suck ass sor

Where are the comments? Can't you see them from an app?

Emotionless Call was the point, probably something that would get focused on later in the "series"

I thought those costumes were also designed by Call E's designer.

No comments allowed for the video.

at least it's released you privileged shit.

>The costumes on the bottom? That's Sup Forums fan art
Guess that explains her being nude n all



They are. I don't know where he got the idea that Sup Forums made them from.

You know I haven't seen a single Yooka Layee thread since yesterday despite the Toybox being released.

Guess the two have something in common :)

Why rhe fuck is the game footage the same as the final game if this took too goddamn long to release??

Look at all these emotions she never expressed.

Was texture face animations too much for them? I could get not being able to do 3D animated faces, but Legends did face textures for animations and that looked fine.

Porting and online took up most of their dev time. They chose for some unholy reason to make 10 versions of the game at the same time, rather than make 1 base game and port from there. Without the insane number of ports and online (which no one asked for), game could have been out in 2014.

This is just sad.

Do a reverse image search on that. You will NEVER find it posted on any official MN9 source. It's always on fan forums.

This image is what you'll find on MN9 offical sites.


Everything that could go wrong, did. The game was very ambitious, and was too much for Inti-Creates and Comcept to actually pull off. Lots of just terrible decisions.

Inafune's a moron. All they needed was a KISS approach.

this call is literally Penny from Inspector Gadget.

I bought it and I enjoyed it. Shit made me get good. Felt like a fun PS2 era platformer of sorts. Not sure why it's considered bad.

It's on the artist's pixiv, he came up with the other designs after submitting that one.

Is it a meme that everytime someone posts a pic of a ps4 game collection it's a black dude

It was pitched and sold as a spiritual successor to Mega Man. It really was not that at all, save some surface level shit, and all of the game's shortcoming exacerbated that fact. Plus, a lot of behind the scenes shit caused a lot of people who were originally really looking forward to the game lose hope and/or interest.

This design is so fucking lewd.

Literally "Loli who does not wear pants".

Rightfully so, it's a really mediocre game that wasted a hideous amount of fan-supplied budget on something that literally Mega Man rom hacks and fan games are more fun than. Hell, I doubt Mega Man 9 had 1% of this game's budget and it's 50 times more fun. Same with 20XX, but change that to 0.1% of the budget.


what game?

This. It was everything surrounding the game that was a real disaster, the game itself is just constant below average. Not enough there to just be passable whatever but also not enough to really rip into outside of the game looks bad

It feels like something which had zero ideas or passion, which is annoying as that is the opposite of what the pitch had.


Bosman is on point here, companies like Capcom have a lot of issues but you don't last that long without knowing something

Also the fuck are those designs at the end? Like did he actually think that ugly gremlin with the high skirt would be popular?



Guy is such a narcissist that even though that design lost he put her in the game anyway.

I don't know why people are shocked that someone who had never actually a video shit the bed making his first game.
Inafune is a character designer not a developers

it's better than nothing

He clearly is not

Is this design really taht bad?

Where is it in the game?

It looks like something Dobson would draw. Has that shitty 90s tv show mixed with anime vibe

Someone could make it better

Reminder this is never going to come out.

She's also the final boss of the game.

I was actually more interested in this, the designs are good

It will probably be rebranded now if it ever comes out but it has sort of disappeared

>mfw Dobson's self-serving ego jerk comics still somehow manages to make the main characters seem like complete assholes.


Fucking sucks. I was cautiously optimistic for this.
They didn't even really reveal Not Tron during the campaign. That should have built some hype.

All 2D platformers will just go with the wind shortly after launch.

Do you people talk about Rayman Origins? It's often lauded as a fantastic experience but no one talks about it.

People are hyped for Sonic Mania now but once it's out in the world the following will die off quickly.

>PS4 owner
>is black

like pottery

are you fucking stupid, this happens with every game Sup Forums talks about ever. there's one guy that wants to talk about and everyone else just rallies around an irrelavent social issue or makes retarded speculations and when it's actually out the people that care play it and the autists move onto to some other pointless debate

>tfw the most well-known person with your fetish is Dobson

Who's crying like an anime fan on prom night now?

You are


>tfw you don't have a shit fetish

Wait, only you know that feel.

>The costumes on the bottom? That's Sup Forums fan art
The game could be great. It could be literally what Megaman series needed. But no, now megaman is dead, forever. All I wanted was Megaman Legends 3.

Even if MN9 did great Mega Man Legends 3 would never happen.

Is this supposed to be a thing outside of Sup Forums or Sup Forums? I just don't get it.

Little Miss Salt? Is it angry?

It was going to be trash regardless if it got ported or not, yooka laylee is coming to wii u ps4 and x1

>cheetahmen gets its own orchestral performance
>MN9 gets absolutely nothing

How bad can it get? The game is literally less loved than Cheetahmen.

The guy is a good business man

The fact that there are panty quest weeb Mega Man clones with more thought put into is pretty low too.

Kamiya really spoke too soon on that one.

So where's the porn?

Does anyone else know how much input IntiCreates has in this? I refuse to believe they did the majority of the development. IntiCreates did the Zero + ZX series and are currently working on that new Castlevania game.

How the flying fuck did they churn out the shit that is Mn9? I'm beginning to think they had little creative input.

It's around.



Good times.

I can believe they had some, the quality of their games dropped during the ZX series and Gunvolt is only moderately better than MN9 gameplay wise.

I think they had some parts of their staff leave that were holding things together.

>I'm beginning to think they had little creative input.
ding ding ding ding ding

IntiCreates are mercs, they do what you pay them to do. Give them shit ideas and shit direction and MN9 comes out.

>Gunvolt is only moderately better than MN9 gameplay wise.

Please also consider that Inti Creates apparently rejiggered some of the content in Gunvolt based on feedback from Inafune.

Ye. They went maximum lazy.
Even MM:PU had face animations.

Speaking of Mega Man, MM8BDM v5 came out yesterday and added MM9 content. Anybody try it out yet?