>game references memes
Game references memes
Other urls found in this thread:
>game doesn't reference memes
>Sup Forums still calls it a meme game
That's because the game is a meme.
What the hell else would you call Goat Simulator?
>Game has a funny catchphrase
>It's slapped all over merchandise
>Fans repeat it constantly
Fuck off
...now i want to read hentai. damn.
>searching with the search searcher
source faggot
Sauce please
What's the point of this thread?
>Praise the sun XD
>Would you kindly? XD
>Then I took an arrow to the knee. XD
>Do a barrel roll. XD
>The cake is a lie. XD
Broken to the point of silent acceptance of your fate. Almost as good as necro.
>Determination XD
>Spaghetti XD
>You wanna have a le bad time? XD
>Badass XD
>one character has shitty dialogue and is constantly memeing
>you have to spend a lot of time with her for the "true true true ending" of the definitive edition of the game
>op doesn't give sauce
>sadpanda plugin is broken
You forgot every time some faggot starts quoting MGR or its lyrics.
>worst girl ruins mediocre adaptation
Giving me a boner you fucking sexy fucker you.
>They do it everytime you see them
Fuck that fag
What about Streamer/Youtuber bait?
>What's the point of this thread?
STANDI-fuck it.
Serious and dignified videogame discussion.
>rape doujin
>victim stays quiet
is she a futa or what?
Source is Autumn Princess violation
rape usually ends with mindbreak
stop whining with your vanilla as fuck fetish
>game pulls another character out of it's ass right at the end
>he was in the room with them all along!
>nobody ever acknowledges his existence until now
Are you sure it's not just because Mind-Break?
It's another form of mindbreak.
That's bullshit, I've read all of those and OP isn't even the same artstyle.
OP is probably less fappable, too.
god i fucking hate mindbreak
Why is it so hard to find a good rape where girl doesn't enjoy it and takes revenge or gets raped again
It isn't.
that's because girls are sluts that enjoy rape
they might say no but the pussy always ends up saying yes
I'm not from r9k
alright user you can't drop a lewd photo of that magnitude without some salsa
they might enjoy it but no one becomes cock addict after getting fucked once
Alice no SHITbako
Repulsive artstyle
I know right, finding porn were the girl is disgusted is so hard too, not in pain but disgusted. Like "I'm having seconds thoughs about this but can't do shit about it", the pain ones are always too fake or too sad.
>read NNB dojin
>guy drags Renge off to bushes
>Renge is silent through it all
>he leaves after dumping his load in her
>Renge leave acts her usual passive self after returning to her friends
>then she goes home and cries
that one loli doujin where she blankly stares at the tv at the end
and the one with the down syndrome guy
There are only 20-40 pages to tell the story, gotta expedite things.
You can do it well and you can do it poorly. Subtlety is everything. So in other words, literally the exact opposite of Battleborn.
>game has memes
>sticks to things like single item names or move descriptions
>actually kind of funny since they aren't intrusive
I usually don't like references that much but I chuckled when I found the quad laser in Gungeon.
And there's that Kiniro Mosaic one Karen gets raped by a couple of dudes after she goes missing. She doesn't recover from that, despite trying to put a brave face on to Alice and Shino when they find her.
That one's fine, Karen a shit.
>All units, be advised: Feminism is awesome!
Battleborn was amazing in that sense actually, so much forced shit that ended up becoming a meme itself.
>Karen a shit
gimme the sauce man
It also had the fucking Raiden Coil. It was painful how much wasted potential Gungeon had.
Here I go
It begins
Thanks, user.
Fuck it, I'm out
It's already too late for us, isn't it?
Only fuckin Japs are fucked up enough to make porn based on real rapes.
Please Jesus destroy this thread before it's too late.
I'm on mobile right now so can you give me the title?
I don't get it. What's it about?
what a revelation, thanks for that
why the fuck do the janitors purge lol threads but not doujin threads
source pls
I can fap to hard guro but this is bullshit.
So from what I can gather a bunch of autists are on a train and a bigger autist ends up triggering all of them.
Is that right?
That answer and many more are readily answered when you lurk more
Somebody please stop this.
Somewhere on the deep web
someone? pls
down the shitter we go.
Am i the only one that has never seen this shit?
Janken Shoubu! For OP.
just replace ex with g.e- for the other since that content isn't loli.
I wish we could kill retarded people. They can't do anything and only make life worse.
usually the banhammer strikes long before the end
Can someone please tell me what the fuck this doujishin is about?
We could be having a cute loli doujin thread, but no.
No, but you don't want to.
Or if you do, artist is Chemical Janky
That is not the one in the OP.
You REALLY don't wanna know
ok nevermind