Can this be good?
Can this be good?
Yeah dude, this time people will play it for TWO weeks!
I miss all those threads on Sup Forums that were cause by the smart pistol
Played the first one for a few months
It was dope besides the smart pistol
Droped game 2 fast.
bots killed the first game, whether you kill them or avoid them they are an active...BORING part of the game, the game is too fast paced for that shit, it works in moba's not here as players get tired out way too quick which is fine if your gameplay surrounds engaging with other humans but when its brain dead bots it gets old quick.
Never played the first game, all I know about it is some interview where someone working on it said you shouldn't call the robots in the game mechs because they're too powerful. Honestly gave me a giggle.
>that moment they released the 8v8 no bots no mechs mode
man the game got real good all the sudden.
last titan standing was also damn fun.
Will Titanfall 2 have bots or not?
The story actually seems a lil interesting./
Has bots confirmed, but I'm all but certain there'll be options/game-modes without them to cater to both sides.
Its looks like a call of duty campaign but with giant robots. I'm already sold.
still fucking waiting on that tech test
Titanfall 2 isn't still using the source engine is it?
What's the fucking point if there's no mechs?
Titanfall 1 was fun
Better than overwatch
Single player might be decent, your best buddy is an AI in a giant robot suit
Multiplayer will be shit though
Still don't understand why people are mad at the smart pistol when literally half of the guns kill you in one hit too. At least the smart pistol takes a full second beforehand
Considering the first one is still the fastest and most fun shooter to play, yes 2 is gonna be rad dude. Hyped for a real campaign honestly
I had fun with 1,it will be the only shooter I get this fall
Not sure. It would be nice if you can customize the look of your pilots. Pic related.
Also, normies can't into fast.
>tfw no real life robobro
Honestly I am looking forward to it. I think the singleplayer will give me feels when the robutt inevitably sacrifices itself.
Has respawn said anything about pilot customisation? I know that there's the whole 'nose art' deal and that pilot loadouts can be customised, but any news on the aesthetic side?
>customizable robots
>customizable pilots
>customizable guns
>a fun anti pilot rocket launcher
game would be 10/10 if it had all these.
Only if they rework the smart pistol.
From what's been seen, it appears that it's based on what tactical equipment you choose rather than the weapon type in the first. Sadly, it doesn't look like there is any direct character customization. Possibly some some weapons skins available though.
It looks like they are taking a step back with how the titans are built with less flexibility than the first.
get good
they did
What did they do to it?
I'm only really complaining about the point of the gun. It's an FPS. Why should something aim for you? It's the same trap that Overwatch made.
It was only useful against the AI
They havnt said anything about how it works, just that they listened to the community and its not the same
This kid can't into fast.
It must be sad being a ground runner. I bet you even think that the shotgun is OP.
During the first week.
smart pistol was ok.
amped smart pistol is where its got problematic.
Character customisation is bad. You should be able to quickly see what kind of enemy you are up against. See how hats destroyed the unique artstyle of TF2 in the aesthetic and competitive aspect.
The first one was fun, so Im hoping they can improve it :)
Epic inference bro!
I'm not saying it was OP at all. I'm saying something that aims for you has no place in an FPS.
Either way according to them its fixed, beta will tell though
If you can tell its an enemy it doesnt matter what customization they add
Best bit was killing the sonofabitch and taking his gun
>The rocket launcher has no place in unreal tournament
the helmet lights changed in the first game, so theoretically they can add some more customisation. Might make telling the abilities apart difficult though
Your inferences are out of this world bro!
Only if they learn their lesson about why everyone dropped the game after a week.
>Aim rocket launcher in the general direction of someone for a second
>It locks on
>It homes in and hits them
Why even put a when that aims for you in an arena shooter?
They were different models for each side too
>clearly hitscan and projectile is the same
EPIC! Pat yourself on the back for yet another successful inference!
Why was that?
They think it was because the game was too hard to get good at
Titanfall was probably the most fun I've had with a shooter.
The parkour stuff really makes it great, and the wall-riding stuff is so smooth.
I'm hyped for the sequel.
>not on PS4
>no singleplayer
>origin only
>very little content
>"COD with mechs"
that's why it failed.
They're mostly attributing it to everyone going atlas + 40mm + smoke + cluster, aren't they?
That's at least the justification for the new titan system. Can't say I 100% agree with them
It's fine kid. We understand your pain. It must be hard to kill someone that's using a weapon that has a longest TTK over any other, whilst you're busy sucking dick.
>Might make telling the abilities apart difficult though
That's why this time around, your pilots appearance is based on your ability, rather than the weapon class.
Hopefully they can somehow strike a balance between an easily identifiable model and player customisation.
You're on a roll mate! Keep it up man!
First game wasn't even that bad, it just lacked content
The fact that they've confirmed that all future maps are gonna be free in the second game might remedy that even if the launch product had fuck all to do
It's the same from the perspective of the shooter bud.
>Lock on
>They ded.
The only difference is from the targets perspective. One requires you to be reactive and the other proactive. People that are too stupid to be proactive and can only react are the people that bitch about autoaim hitscan but think auto-aim projectiles are fine. Because as says, the smart pistol has the shittiest TTK.
It's already an uphill battle.
>still thinks that people care about the publisher
>especially the target audience.
people buy whatever games they are interested in, noone cares wether it's activision, EA or Ubisoft.
Ah yes, clearly the rocket launcher and smart pistol is identical in every way. Especially from the perspective of the shooter.
They're mostly just getting money from EA, and they've already gave a big middle finger to shit like microtransactions and the post launch dlc that splintered the community
early in the games life most playlists were dominated by stacks, to the point where people would drop the game because theyd get steamrolled over and over
new players didnt want to make the effort to get better at the game so the playerbase vanished
>Aim at enemy for a few seconds
>Smart pistol bullets hit target
>Rockets track and hit target
>No skill involved
>Promising free things
People actually die to the smart pistol?
Only reason that should happen. Is becouse of shitty situational awareness or not being fast at all times.
he asked if the game was going to to be good not if it was going to sell well, you stupid faggot
Yeah, I totally agree. Having to aim directly at someone is totally the same as having to aim in their general direction.
>Expansions is the same as dlc
>the EA doesn't publish good games
bravo user, you deserve an award for your unique point of view on the industry of videogames.
That doesnt contain map updates though
So even though it's a projectile, the rocket launcher would have no place if the lock on area was bigger?
The smart pistol, even though it's hitscan would be fine if it locked on in a much smaller cone?
What happened to "hurrdurr projectile not hitscan" bud?
Pity the MC in the campaign is some boring douche.
>plot is basically a man and his mecha dog
How can people be mad at the smart pistol when the r101c exists
>you can only have 1 argument against something, having more is cheating!
>So even though it's a projectile, the rocket launcher would have no place if the lock on area was bigger?
>The smart pistol, even though it's hitscan would be fine if it locked on in a much smaller cone?
If the cone was small enough, then it wouldn't need lock on.
I'm not actually mad at it at all. It's not even OP. It's probably the shittiest weapon in Titanfall. But in principle, I'm against the concept.
extremely tight and responsive gunplay
>40 years old
>Cant aim anymore
I want to enjoy it but I dont think that is possible anymore.
but the main question remains
will i be forced to play as the dirty militia or can i rejoin the ranks of the glorious IMC
>I'm not actually mad at it at all. It's not even OP. It's probably the shittiest weapon in Titanfall. But in principle, I'm against the concept.
So basically, you're upset that there's an underpowered weapon people with bad aiming skills can use to do well if they're good at other skills like map awareness and positioning.
>Tunnel vision, spirint-in-a-wide-circle dipshit with great twitch aiming skills sniper headshots anyone he sees and anyone that shoots at him first
>Gets killed by a scrub that can't aim because the scrub ambushed him with a smart pistol
>Goes on a chinese painting baord to complain about the smart pistol "on principle"
Anyone got any leads on the remaining 3 titans? I know that one of them is titled 'legion', but is there anything else floating around?
IMC is just another big corporation fucking over the little guy. Even the developers know this.
Plus, glorious olive > disgusting bland grey.
Fuck off finalnd
Vanguard is another, theres a document with everything floating around, i dont remember if its got the last one or not though
People who are bad at aiming should play something else. Devs adding crutches is wrong. Just look at Overwatch.
Do you have that document on you by any chance?
>wanting to help terrorists destroy the interstellar trade network because "muh freedoms"
>wanting to take orders from a fat philippino fuck instead of based Spyglass
sounds like a bitch
Best girl better be back in the game
>By a mech game
>Play the mode that literally turns it into CoD.
Why even fucking buy the game if you're going to do that?
Movement system was goat.
Thought we got a new waifu instead
I sure hope you're not one of those people that crucified CoD from moving away from WW2/Modern shit, then.
Haven't played CoD since 4.
She's alright, but none is better then cutie 4-eyes
nah, but its on the site for the general