I-I did it Sup Forums I finally finished my game

I-I did it Sup Forums I finally finished my game.


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wheres my maplestory videos

What's it about? Art and music look on point.

Send me free code so I can shitpost about how bad it is.

Looks cute.

Good luck

looks pretty neat OP, nice work

looks good, now don't make it to expensive and I buy it.

That looks pretty fun, will buy when my next paycheck comes in

Wait, you guys are dutch right? Goed gedaan Knuist en Perzik.

>That main character and artstyle
Getting some REAL Untitled Story vibes

Sorry. Been busy with school and this game has taken me a long time to develop. Been posting my progress on YouTube and my subreddit though. Thanks for caring.

Why didn't you post the new release announcement video you dongus

Looks good OP, congratz


This trailer has gotten me more excited than any other trailer for anything else this year. Good luck, OP. I'll buy it for any price under $25

Don't understand what that is but looks neat.

Looks neat, will buy as long as its not over priced.

Cant wait for Sup Forums to shit on it.

>i kiss women


Looks cute and interesting, I would buy it.

Jeez, you're not the best at marketing
That Banner made me think this would be a meme game.
Not to mention I've never even seen this fuckin game before

sorry but the trailer doesn't tell me what the game is even about

Looks cute. When does it go on sale?

Yeah I'm a bit confused OP it has an art style I love but what is it?

indie trash


Looks pretty adorable. Hope it goes well for you.

Just don't overprice it and enjoy the easy dosh.

Looks great OP, give it out for free now

Story based 2D adventure game, a bit like Ori and the blind forest but with more combat focused elements instead of platforming. You get new weapon and equipments along the way, either by purchasing or exploring and bosses but the main weapon is the paint gun.

You should send free copies to some YouTubers for more exposure.

Forgot to mention the puzzles as well.

i'll buy it when i get my next paycheck
wishlisted for the moment

Wow its a fucking terraria rip off full of meme faces and the combat looks boring as shit. I can't believe you indy trash devs think you can get away with making this trash. Go back to redit already.

Just giving you a taste of Sup Forums when you're game gets big, shit posters are usually only attracted to big names, best of luck OP.

Looks neat, good luck OP

Good job, looks p cute

Art and music kind of remind me of the little grey creatures from Paper Mario TTYD

Looks good user, I hope it does well

>puzzle indie platformer with le wacky meme graphics

great, another of 1000000 indie games that no one plays

6 buzzwords.

Bad time to post it on Sup Forums op.

The summer childrens will spout you with shit and memes to oblivion, like this guys But that's a neat job!

I know it's hard, but try not being a faggot for 5 consecutive seconds.

I honestly didn't want to make a meme game. I just liked this particular aesthetic and been developing it for 6 years now. I just wanted to make a non-edgy, fun game.

holy hell i want to play this RIGHT NOW

thread is almost completely positive though
stop cherrypicking

the summer/unredaged/ignorant here is you
market is flooded with such unremarkable indie games since everyone can easily make one noweredays, and no one cares, unless you can hype it or have existing fanbase like that homostuck guy
just a reality check

I'm actually really happy with all the responses. I thought I would get laughed out.

Same, I fucking loved that shit.

OP, are you the guy behind that? Your art style is cute as fuck, instant wishlist.

Good ol' GreenCream. You can have my monies. Congrats on finishing it!

What programs did you use to make sound effects and music?

Looks kinda neat, I'll keep an eye on it and as long as the price isn't retarded I'll throw you a (You)

People will only start to hate you if too many threads about your game show up too often.
Like that guy that'd come here and try to sell that weird circular game

Happy enough to post steam codes!!!
Go ahead!


this pls
just a couple
we need to get the word out

OP release a demo or something.

Please! I'm so hideously poor right now, it would make my month. I will be your word of mouth guy.

W-what if someone uploads the game on pirate bay then no one buys on release date? I can't risk sorry guys.

People will do that anyway. Come on my dude.

What programs did you use to make sound effects and music?

That's okay I guess. If it gets you more buys then cool, we could really use more good games.

>D-Do I-I fit i-in yet g-guise?

where's your game anons?

or any achievement in your lives for that matter?

if you know what's best for you and your game, DON'T leak your game 1 month before release on fucking Sup Forums

don't be that idiot

The irony is that the original comic is making fun of people with your attitude.

OP don't listen to this guy, he's a pirate.
Give us hard working beggars a well deserved code.

How much will it cost? Does it have a story? If yes, how long is it?


It looks great but I can't tell what it's about

first it looked like some pikmin/worms type of strategy game, then it looked like a terraria 2D builder, then it's more of an action game?

can you clarify what it is that you actually play?

Yeah, I'm gonna have to second this on second thought. I love me some good indie but do what you gotta do OP. Don't blow it, it's your time to shine.

>giving out steam keys
>the same as leaking

as if the 3 - 4 guys who will get a key will know how to fucking crack and leak anything

I don't mind the poor anons torrenting it but the game still has a few weeks to go, not even sure if the price. Have to hype ya know.


I would enjoy it more with pixelart, but fuck it I'll toss some cash your way when it's out OP

You could hand a demo out desu, at least we'll know what the hell is the game about

Post more art of main character, he's adorable.

I am capable of doing that shit. I'm not a jackass so I'm not going to do it to an indie dev, but you never know who's lurking around on here.

If you look closely it's pretty clear all of that early stuff was lore.
The action parts are gameplay.

they might not be

they are completely capable of giving out the entire game to people who are willing to pay for it, and THOSE people will 100% crack it

How much is it?




>you must be a cook before you can judge someone's cooking

This but not rude.

If it's DRM-free and has no multiplayer even a retard can leak it.

don't listen to those leeches
just don't make it too expensive

Nice, looks sweat.

Gonna buy it.

Nigga how is an user going to make anything BUT an indie game.
You cant just snap your fingers and be the head of an AAA project

>goes to restaurant
>checks the menu
food analogies.

this honestly i dont think people fucking get it
we should just stop using the word indie its become too fcking generalized, the dude made a game, obviously its an independent game because hes not fucking will wright or some shit

no, please pull massive funds out of your ass before you decide to make a game

don't follow your dreams, MAKE ME MORE TOYS YOU IDIOTS

OP this is a day one buy for me at 10-15 dollar price range.

I applaud you OP for not releasing Early Access shit like many other indie devs do but the trailer doesn't tell much about it.
What is the game about?
Is it story-mode only?
How much is it?

I know its hard but try having good taste and not pandering to shit indie trash. :)

I didn't make the sound, this was a two man job and i did all the programming and art. Search up Thomas de Waard, he's the wizard who made the awesome music

This is his Soundcloud if you want a taste.

don't you have a subreddit to post in?

Did you ever ask him?

Also, how expensive is he?

Giving out free Steam codes is asking for it to start cascading into trouble. Free stuff can be hard to resist for many and the thread here already has generally positive vibes. Just give it a good price and let us support your passion project!

i agree with you but also fuck you
i want this game now

don't be a kid and wait for your toys like everyone else does

Getting a lot of nice vibes from that trailer, wishlisted!
I will probably stream it in the little community I'm part of as well, maybe get some small bit of hype going