Reminder to always kick out Fencer players from your lobby because there's nothing he can do that a Wing Diver won't do ten times better than his useless ass.
Earth Defence Force 4.1
wow first post and its already fencer vs wing dover shit
>get revived by a Wing Diver
>get only like 100 health because of their tiny ass health pool
>die shortly after
>>get revived by a Wing Diver
You should thank her for even bothering with your useless ass.
Too enticing to insects, I keep getting raped
>want to farm some decent weapons so I can jump to inferno instead of wasting time on hardest
>force myself through the single player missions on normal to get to some decent farming spots
>boring as fuck
>try Charge Phase 3 on inferno solo
>die for stupid shit and impatience, only beat it once
>say fuck it and go online. Jap server
>mission 50 inferno lobby
>2 WD and a fencer with high level gear
>hope not to get kicked out
>spend the next 30 minutes farming Hector drops
>WDs chase the dropships around instantly destroying hectors as they drop
>get put on clean up duty
>Fencer just stands around in the corner and afks because he's completely trivialized by 3 WDs
Japs know what's up. I've never seen anyone in a US/Europe server try this shit. It's all full on rooms on Normal. At least I got all the weapons I needed.
Its a tough life even for overpowered flying cum witches
I'm actually suprised how little egg laying porn there is concerning this game.
Not saying I specifically want that but the idea of these girls being swarmed by bugs like fo leaves the conclusion obvious
>Not saying I specifically want that
Well i'm being honest but EDF is severely lacking in porn of any kind.
>tfw armor farming
>be fencer
>literally can't die
>constantly have to rescue wing divers who die 10 seconds into the match
wing divers a shit, only classes welcome in my room are air raiders and fencers.
>Fencer outspeeds and outdamages Wing Diver thanks to dash cancelling
Just learn to play you scrub
EDF is a series that I want to try but watching videos is really boring.
I guess it's like Dynasty Warriors which is more fun to play than watching.
Not much different in UK, normally play with some okay people, but the past few days I must have fallen behind due to work, now the only games around 20-30hard are played by complete morons, no idea how to aim or anything, even found a fencer who didn't know how to dash, whole team seemed more interested in standing around getting swarmed by hectors. Maybe it's because I played wing diver first on 360, but I hate playing a static game.
Anyone else think a balanced team of one of each class is the most fun? A little bit of team work with a guide beacon makes ranger missiles good at single target and brings the fencer's hevay hitters into play, wd can stay as the point guard whilst fencer is the vanguard, ranger playing rear guard. Air raider is xv70
>wing sluts
those retards won't even use your healing station
>mfw I tell the high level fencer that I'm bringing a laser guidance system, and it's a hector level
Is the hayatal any good? I don't have mine yet and pheonix is too slow. I do enjoy using the high altitude (and emerald) on single targets though, just the reload is pants.
I still can't wrap my head around why difficulty doesn't multiply armor gains considering how fucking huge the armor limiters are on all difficulties. Hard is still manageable from the start, but on Hardest and Inferno you die the moment anything sneezes towards your general direction. Luckily vehicles have their own bigger HP pool and combined with DEF towers you may be able to survive 4-6 sneezes instead of the usual 1.
Yeah, it's even better if another player also has regular missile barrage weapons since you can lock all your shots into Air Raider's beacon. I don't know if it's intended, but it's much faster than normal lock-on and you can also focus all your firepower instead of just the usual one lock per enemy.
Is there any other weapon as good as gungnir?
It is intentional, different beacon types have different stats. The laser pointer gives 3x faster lock on and 3x lock-on range, there's also a short range version that gives 5x of each while the fire and forget beacons have less.
Sorry, can't say, I just provide the targeting and let their shit work its magic
I punched godzilla in the face while piloting a giant gundam. where has this game been all my life
What the fuck is with this Wing Diver superiority posting?
Literally any class is good depending on the player. Stop causing dissent within the ranks and save the damn Earth soldier.
When are they releasing the damn mission packs on PC? The depots are already there ever since release.
Is the Balam with guns any good? I haven't gotten it yet
Found another Fencer here.
I prefer air raider myself.
>air raider
>not in cahoots laser locking fencers
I know your game.
Giant explosions are my fetish.
Can you wing bitches provide?
They're all good but Wing Diver is a hundred times better than any of them.
What kind of multiplayer does this game have? Considering purchasing.
I have the B Type and its guns are dogshit. Even against Hectors they don't seem to have much of an effect, let alone against an Erginus. And they're definitely worthless against small targets, you'll probably only kill one bug with each burst. The B Type does have vastly increased armor, and its punches seem to do twice the damage too, I'm taking down Hectors with just two punches each on Hard.
You play co-op through the campaign, which is like 90+ missions long. Online supports up to four players and splitscreen supports up to two.
>laser guidance
>not guide beacon
What's the point of laser guidance again?
plasma w30 and e5x plasma deal some shit yo.
I love all classes equally though, i'm not a shitposter
But even after playing since 2025, I've never gone past lvl60 weapons apart from a couple of times. Taking it slow on pc to let my friends keep pace and then there's too much work on right now.
I wonder if the Tempest could one-shot it.
>finish hard solo
>have like 1.1k HP at the end
>Jump online and start doing hardest and inferno
>game expects me to have 4k-10k
I don't even get how grind that much health, you'd have to replay the game ten fucking times.
Grind Mission 27 Inferno in singleplayer.
You mean Crimson? It's mission 26, not 27.
Makes shit lock on faster. Much faster than beacons. Beacons are for concentrating multiple missiles on specific targets. Laser guidance is more effective for missile launchers that shoot out just one big missile.
Well the game is not really sexy
I mean WD is bait design but in game they look like shit and all
>>can't play without god mode
Just download a trainer from GCW.
2-4 players play the main story campaign together. Your unlocks in single player also affects multiplayer and vice versa, and loot is also shared between players in online play. In fact the game is more multiplayer than single player focused since there's certain weapons and support abilities that synergize better / only with other human players. F.ex. the Air Raider class in particular has powerful AoE buff / heal fields, can call in bombing runs (that refresh whenever you or team members kill enough enemies), can help with missile locking and call in different kinds of vehicles with separate gunner seats or as long range siege weapons.
it's 27, you numbnuts
No, it's 26, I literally just played it.
Isn't Brute Force better for armor farming?
It has a lot more ground that you need to cover to pick up all the item drops, which will be pain in the ass if he's playing Ranger
Are they making another EDF game after 4.1? Or will 4.1 be the last one?
why is the laser chainsaw only a level 25 weapon when it's only out DPS'd by 3 other mid range lasers? I have the LAZR-202 but that only does 12dps, when the chainsaw does 20x2
Because it has a shit range, has shit rate of fire and takes too damn long to reload.
I has the exact same range and charge time as the 202 though
>spend 3 hours waiting for wing diver to snipe queen bees
>run up with my shield and jackhammer and blow it up in seconds
Frankly almost everything dies too fast for putting a beacon on it to be worthwhile unless you're fighting godzillas
>giant insects that can jump very high have been spotted
>oh shit grasshoppers
>get to the next mission
>it's just spiders
Just how bad is japanese education?
>wing diver
A good Wing Diver just flies up and lasers their asses. But I guess you don't have those in your pitiful western servers.
>game about the underdogs beating an unbeatable threat
There's a reason you don't deserve to sing.
How the hell are you supposed to legitimately beat some of the missions on inferno?
I've been farming Death queen online for some 90lvl weapons and every single time the strategy is to let a WD just shoot at the giant wasps for 10 minutes around the corner then miss all the loot because the mission instantly ends.
Do you need some retarded amount of health or something?
>Playing EDF
>Hearing some NPCs rangers chatting
>"Do you have a girl back home?"
>I'm sorry"
Looks like someone was pretty gay for this guy
They're called "giant lifeforms" in Japanese.
Holy fuck I never noticed how you can actually see the Air Raider's face through his helmet visor. This actually kinda ruins the looks of the class for me a little bit.
That makes much more sense.
I hope this isn't one of those dubs that are essentially a spoof of the original and the Japanese are having just as much fun as we are with the dialogue.
Why PCucks so love Sony's games?
>No matter how much the giant insects evolved, they can't fly
>implying progress faster than science is possible
EDF threads have just devolved into X class is better and X is gayybo XDD
Good job guys, i'm getting off here.
>implying shitposting isn't just a last ditch effort to bump threads before we're back into never having EDF threads reach even 50 posts again when they're even made every once in a blue moon
Good job ignoring 60% of the posts in this thread then. Go home ant scum, this is a human thread.
Ranger 16, you're supposed to be trained in fighting giant insects.
Why did you join the EDF?
The Fencer vs. Wing Diver shit is most likely just joking banter at this point.
>One of the last missions on inferno
>Not sure what to do, first time playing with decent players
>Air raider puts up shields, keep pushing myself out
>Wing Diver can't rez me, has low health
>No one else revives me (I'm being fairly useless at this point)
>Wing Diver uses the command "Please revive !"
>One of the rangers revives me
>Wing Diver says "Thank you" in my steed
Wing Divers are now the top of my tier list
>that HP on inferno
>mfw Volcanic Napalm
also there is a general in /vg/ now
Thats not how reviving works retard.
>not constantly dying and doing a no fighting back retreat whenever an ant get within a hundred yards of them
My games have had far more fencers dying than wing divers. And at least when any other class is retreating they do it while also killing a few bugs.
needs more HDR
yeah it is. you give the downed unit half of your current health, so even if a diver is at full health, they're going to give you less than if any other class picked you up when they were at full
Wing Diver is just a lot different from the rest, and has a larger selection of OP weapons. Though they arent better than Air Raider or Ranger.
They are however much better than fencer. Fencer is only questionably useful when you have an air raider with a laser pointer. They may be fast when played correctly, but their output is still very low compared to everyone else.
Everybody is dick fighting whose better, Wing Divers or Fencers
And I'm just sitting here, Goliath Z and Volcanic Napalming those fucking bugs like I'm supposed tosupposed to
I like wing diver because dogfighting with drones is really fun.
Wind divers can fly and insects can't.
Welcome to the PC community
>And I'm just sitting here, being useless like I'm supposed to
>And at least when any other class is retreating they do it while also killing a few bugs.
Fencer is great at doing that with spears, since the pursuing enemies tend to form a neat line. Wing Divers obviously have the upper hand in movement due to flight, but depending on your weapon and how far your friends are it may be not be viable to risk wasting valuable energy, fall down and die.
Fencers in general excel kiting in wide open areas like fields or when others have leveled the city for them, whereas Wing Divers are better kiters in cities. It all depends on your squad set-up, though I like having a Wing Diver in a team for their sheer value in finding weapon boxes.
Not true at all. On PS4 I've beaten every class up to hardest, and fencer of played right can wipe out whole mobs and then some before most others get to them. Also, they're perfect for meleeing big bads. The problem is most people don't play fencer right and think dash cancelling will cover up their lack of skill.
if you know how to boost with spears you should literally have no problems playing as fencer.
You must have had a lot of shit players user.
I would play as fencer but the prospect of piloting giant robots was too fun.
>Wing Diver kills everything before the Ranger can even hit it
>Ranger then throws a desperate napalm somewhere
>he thinks he's helping
>Playing anyone but the glorious Ranger or Air Raider, the true defenders of Humanity
None of you deserve to save our mother Earth from any alien attack
From vicious giant insects who have once again come back
Or drive back all their forces, we won't cut them any slack
The english version is so fucking lame.
You're lame
Don't respond to bugs.
Said the Wing Diver who is only here because she's using bug technology
Air Raider here.
Glad to see we're still welcomed by everyone.
Waifu Balloon launcher master race