PS1 was such a shit console. N64 versions of multi-plat games are always better.
PS1 was such a shit console. N64 versions of multi-plat games are always better
I love Tenchu
Which is why the N64 did better.
>PS1 was such a shit console
In terms of hardware it was generally inferior, but the library is clearly superior.
>N64 versions of multi-plat games are always better.
Ports from the PS1 to the N64 were generally lazy and suffered because of it.
Megaman Legends is an example. The PS1 can't render textures for shit, but is good at rendering polygons. Megaman Legends used a lot of polygons to render scenery to avoid texture deformation and keep a crisp look. A proper N64 port would have simplified geometry and improved textures, but instead they kept assets the same and just added fog and reduced draw distance to compensate for the fact that the port wasn't targetting the N64's specs well.
On the other hand, Resident Evil 2 is an excellent N64 port which makes up for a lot of the deficiencies usually found in N64 games compared to the PS1 (audio quality, FMVs) and is generally superior.
Most of N64 version of games sucks.
name 4 n64 rpgs
name 4 n64 side scrollers
PS1 had more, and better vidya games. And a controller that didn't require three fucking hands.
But N64 had terrible games compared to PSone. The only reason people had the N64 was for social gaming.
I prefer the N64, but will freely admit it's probably mostly due to nostalgia since I didn't have a PS1 when I was a kid.
>It's a 'mommy bought me a better console than yours' thread
>social gaming.
wtf just call it multiplayer.
Do you call characters "toons" too?
I like both, I owned both, and played both.
Played lots of Rogue Squadron, Episode 1 Racer, Goldeneye and Conker's Bad Fur Day on N64 with friends.
Played lots of Gran Turismo, Omega Boost, G-Police, Twisted Metal 2, Air Combat, Test Drive Off Road, Oddworld, and Ridge Racer Type 4 on my own.
kek, op didn't sucked cocks once
Echigoya, where have you hidden?
Can someone tell my why the PS1 couldn't display straight lines?
there was never a n64 version of tenchu, the pic of op is bait
The simple explanation is this; when the PS1 is putting a texture on the screen, it doesn't take into account how deep into the camera it is. It simply stretches the texture to fit the space it's meant to fit, and draws it as a flat object.
But this texture thing did happen on PS1 an not on N64.
Doesn't matter if the pic and game in question is fake or real.
Hi there mark (((zuckerberg)))
hm yeah
ps1 came out 2 years earlier
your point?
ps1 also had the best exclusives
Just to prove you stupid, even though I hate the fifth gen entirely:
>ogre battle 64
>paper mario
>quest 64
>aidyn chronicles: the first mage
>yoshi's story
>mischief makers
>kirby 64: they crystal shards
>goemon's great adventure
Yes, I scraped the bottom of the barrel.
I owned both and love both a lot. But overall, while it had less good games overall, the N64's good games had a lot more charm, life, whatever you want to call it to them. Mostly because of Rare I guess.
Only games I can say the same for on PS1 were based Resident Evils and Metal Gear Solid
It could, but not PERSPECTIVELY straight lines
>Quest 64
>PS1 was such a shit console.
Too bad for you it had the better games and all of them ran beyond 15fps.
>social gaming
I bet you call your MCs Heroes
no it didnt
PS1 games performed like shit too, don't kid yourself.
does this look you /vr/ to you kiddo?
thats the nostaliga taking, crash, spyro, klonoa all had their own charm that was distinct from n64
Nigger the game id not happen on N64. That's from an emulator.
N64 was the original nogames console.
It only had a handful of halfway decent kiddie games, which have been overhyped to hell and back by nintoddlers because it was literally all they had to fucking play on that shitshow of a console.
>muh mario
>muh 14 fps ocarina
>muh banjoo collectathon
shit console with shit games
Nintendo consoles are only the best in the handheld department, none of their consoles have ever been better than the competition (only counting past the PS1 here obviously)
Better hardware doesn't mean shit if there's barely any 3rd party support.
Games are the only things that matter. The 3DS is a fucking abomination of a handheld, yet it's clearly superior and more successful, because it has fucking video games. I fucking love the Vita's hardware, they fucking feel so good /solid to hold, they don't feel like cheap flimsy plastic, and they look fucking gorgeous. But, who gives a shit? It has no fucking video games.
ps1 games also had better texturing, unlike the n64 where the ground was just a massive polygon in most triple A productions.
>I know nothing about the VIta
This. On a side note, who the fuck okeyed the 3DS design, it's painful to hold for more than five minutes in literally any position imaginable.
This, it's called Holy Magic Century and it's really good.
>mfw finding out that the PS1 version of Rayman 2 had cut content because all the shitty voice acting took up extra space
>ps1 games also had better texturing
Even the Saturn could draw textures better than the PS1
I'd be willing to give up the entire MGS series if it meant voice acting would remain minimal in vidya.
Well, here in America, the only country that matters, it's called Quest 64. So therefore, it's officially called Quest 64 and anything else is incorrect.
You say that like getting rid of MGS would be a bad thing.
>tfw new tenchu never
>From will forever sit on the ip because muh dank souls
At least Armored Core fans have a lot of stuff to chew through.
Were you seriously trying to use the whole controller? Do you also try to drive your car from the backseat? Are you simple?
>sony consoles are shit
wow, what a fucking surprise
P..please don't r-remind me user... ; ;
the end result matters, not the tech shit under the hood. nintendo fucked itself with the disgusting blur filter. I'll take the wobble over the blur all day erry day
I love the NES and SNES, I loved nintendo and I believed in the ULTRA 64 but it was a massive letdown. sony won by a landslide. if you didn't have a PSX, you basically missed out on a whole generation of games because they were all on sony's platform.
only if you had a saturn and PC you were able to play about 60-70% of the good games of that generation. The rest were PSX exclusives.
whats wrong with using 3 hands?
oh wait...
Your memes sicken me
there was no tenchu on n64 - you idiots got baited hard
One Silent Hill >>>>>> all N64 shitty lineup.
do you have basic linear algebra education? perspective projection in 3d games is done using a 4x4 matrix that is multiplied with the position vector of a vertex (corner of the triangle) to shift and move the vertex such that it appears to be getting smaller the further away from the viewer it is (it's not important for now what the contents of this 4x4 matrix are)
position is 3D (x,y,z) and you since you know that multiplying 4x4 matrix with 3d vector doesn't make any sense, the actual "position" vector is 4D, with an added coordinate that is simply there as a mathematical trick (it's called 'w' coordinate). when you multiply the 4x4 matrix with this vector, the value of the w coordinate will be something that is important for projection, because the final equation that gives the results for the projection transform requires the x y z from the position to be divided by this w value.
>cont in next post
ps1 wins again.
n64 fancucks BTFO
MGS1 and 3 were breddy gud user.
Well I'm Dutch and we pretty much created you. You're welcome.
>first time using debug mode
greatest cheat in video games
Oh I totally agree, the games are all that matters. It's hard to find reasons to play the N64 but there's a deluge of PS1 games on my backlog.
The hardware was shit though, like every Sony console it was designed for impressive numbers and polygon-pushing, but produced much worse results in practice.
Some of it isn't worth a nibble. The Armored Core series is a lot of ups and downs.
tl;dr it jitters depending on the angle of the camera
Why did the PS1 have warped textures like that? I remember how they would jump around anytime you moved your camera, too.
>Making retarded ass levels in Tenchu
That was pretty good. I wish there's a current-gen game that has the same easy to use map making mode as Tenchu did.Gave the game tons of replayability.
Yes, because obviously controllers should be designed to be handled one side at a time
"Ergonomy, what the fuck is that?" -Shigeru Miyamoto
Division is too difficult for the PS1 GPU.
PS1 is CD-based which means constant loading screens but it has enough storage space to even have FMV cutscenes
N64 is based on cartridges with very little storage space which means horrible textures and bad sound or very small audiovisual asset variation, but it loads fast because no spinning disk shit
>The one gen when Nintendo's console had better graphics, graphics mattered
>Every other gen after when Nintendo had the worst graphics, graphics no longer matter
How convenient for Nintendo fans.
The SNES had better graphics than the Genesis.
The Gamecube had better graphics than the PS2.
>it loads fast because there's nothing to load
My TI-86 has better graphics than urmum.
Shut up DAD.
Doesn't change the fact you faggots keep flip-flopping whenever it suits you.
I think we all know by this that console power had nothing to do with its success at the time because there were so few multiplats and so many exclusives it basically didn't matter. Each console was selling on its own merit and games library.
Yes. PS1 does what Nintendon't, only a bit slower.
You guys want the real ball buster? Neither one of those are from the Playstation or the N64.
Wasn't the Xbox the most powerful console of that gen? I don't really care much about this stuff.
Yes, it was.
>64Mb of RAM
That was titanic compared to the PS2's 32MB and the Gamecube's 24+16 MB RAM.
Then BTFO, I guess. I was told that by our only friend that was dumb enough to buy an Xbox and was always left out, I wasn't sure if it was buyers remorse talking or actually true.
The name Quest 64 always makes me laugh, as if there was a game called just Quest before.
I sure as hell didn't raise you that way, should've never divorced mommy Britain and leave you in her custody.
I hope you all realize that you're system warring over 20 year old consoles.
PS1 was better though
64Mb is only 8 Megabytes.
>Mb is Megabit
>MB is Megabyte
I still can't believe that thing could run Doom3 because back then my PC had 512Mb of RAM and a 128Mb Geforce FX 5200 and Doom3 didn't exactly run fantastic. Actually that wasn't the only game with fully dynamic lighting that was on XBox. Thief 3 and Deus Ex invisiblergh were on it too,
No, the Xbox had 64MB with an uppercase B.
The Xbox port of Half Life 2 is amazing to see running, even though it's close to unplayable.
I know. That's why I pointed out why it was wrong.
I can never get that straight.
Oh god I love you so much. Elder Scrolls was so much better without voice acting.
I've never been bothered by loading screens. It's just a few seconds.
The only game where loading screens really piss me off is STALKER on PC. When you first start the game it takes about 2 minutes.
>Hello, I have never used a real PS1.