When did you finally decide to become a Sony bro and join the right side of gaming?

When did you finally decide to become a Sony bro and join the right side of gaming?

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When I realized they were the only ones putting out fucking video games. Nintendo puts out nothing but casual shit pandering to 5 year olds (the kids of today are way more casual than the kids of yesteryear so it's not the same) and even then it's like 1 game a year

meanwhile microsoft is pants on head retarded and the xbone has literally z e r o exclusives, what a fucking disgrace

Sony has growing sales, actual exclusive video games released every month, and is pretty much the superior console

>that game list


how am I wrong?

3 0 F P S

Are you implying that I haven't always preferred Playstation/Sony consoles? Because they are pretty much the best on market each gen.

Now PC babies and the others will come shitposting as usual.

>Ratshit and Cuck
>Horizon zero shadows
>le katana samurai souls ripoff
Are you implying that this list is actually good?



The only two games on that list that appeal to me are BB and Nioh.

>ever putting jrpg shit on a list like this

I don't have autism.

Wow what compelling arguments you must be a Harvard Grad.

Can you seriously only speak in meme?

PCucks will be always best cucks.

Sonyggers should be gassed

PS4 has the best library amirite?

Not even lisiting all the XBOX/PC games that will NEVER EVER be on PS4

>that game list

>tfw never gonna save a shota robin from getting raped only to have him come in my room at night and wrap his donut hole around my batcock

Yes. Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank, Until Dawn, inFAMOUS, all these games better than shitty movies on Xbone and PC.

>Metacritic meme

>3 years
>10 games
>7 aren't out yet
Sonyggers unironically think that the PS4 is good

PCucks unironically think PC has games

Should I just avoid PC if I think all of that looks shit?

Literally the only think I use PC for is Emulating Console games.

That image makes no sense. A nintendo fan would not enjoy playing most of those games. I speak from experience.

Ratchet & Clank seems like the best game out of that list, but for some reason they went with 30fps despite the previous games running at 60fps, so it's gonna feel choppy to me. And it's not even an entirely new game, it's partially a remake, so I don't feel like I'm missing much.

Not even defending the Wii U by the way, this gen has not been so great overall.

Sir, I don't mean to alarm you, but a very clearly caucasian Argentinian seems to be touching your video games.

Truly epic, coming from sonyggers that will gladly spend 60$ on a movie with QTE's

Every multiplat game might as well be PC only, and PC has the best controls for every genre while consoles are stuck to games that work for controllers

>worth getting

PCucks actually thinks these garbage movies can compite with PS4 games.

Middle of last gen. The Wii and 360 are trash and anyone could see that Sony are the only ones worth a shit.

All I did was ask a question PCunt

Sony always wins, best library, best graphics.

My collection

trust a sonygger to say the dumbest shit imaginable, not one of those games is even remotely close to being a movie, but dont worry, you can just call the all shit anyway.

So we can all agreee PCucks and Nintoddlers worst fanbase on Sup Forums

>PC scum already showing off their shitty generic first person shooters and strategy games that will be irrelevant after a month when the next shitty graphically showcase garbage comes out

>T-theyy aree not movies, I SWEAR!!
Nice try PCuck-chan.


>actually buying Samurai Warriors 4 three times

Ruggarell, what the hell?


PC has no games, only shitty movies and multiplats.

>Posts going up
>Ip's arent
Lmao sonyggers are so pathetic, what game are you playing right now?
Oh whats that?
You dont have any?

Uncharted 4 is the most blatant paid review ever

Most of those games are better on pc nigger


Jesus fuck you Sonyfriends will eat everything they shit out.

>3 PS2 games

You 17 or something?

>that petition for deleting negative review

>good company
Pick one

Why the fuck did you buy Wild Hunt 3 fucking times, 90% of the PS4 pile would be better on PC


>PCucks so stupid they don't know how to use plurals.

>Spreading Nintendo propaganda


PS4 has best multiplats, PC multiplats are unplayble.


Oh lordy

>Every PS4 game is 10/10
>Everything negative towards the PS4 is a Nintendo scheme
Why the fuck do all you people suck Sony's dick so hard

>Bbbbbeeeeter on PC!
>Plz buy on Steam for Gaben!

Jesus you PCunts reading from script or something?
Who gives a shit, as if The Witcher isn't some shitty movie game with bad gameplay anyway.

Sony best company, Better than shitty Nintendo.

Nice cherrypicking, its still better quality then blurry 20fps garbage that the ps4 has

>haha it's actually other platforms that have the movies, not us!

Is this some shitty forced attempt to flip a meme round or something?

I bought a PS4 for Idolm@ster

PC always was and always be movie platform. True games onlu on PlayStation.

"is a shitty movie game with bad gameplay" whoops.

>Steam is the only distribution service on PC
>Facts are wrong if put them in a green text and add a meme
Objectively and indisputably they ARE better on PC this is a literal fact

Sonyggers are literal children, they couldn't actually argue to save their lieves

I'm only interested in Nier Automata and buying a console for one game is retarded.

>Nogames PCuck trying to argue with Sonygods
You are not worthy


>all these sonyggers getting put in their place
Got back to making petitions to remove negative reviews you cucks

Sony best gaming company.

What's with PS fans and threads like this?? It's like they're viciously patting themselves on the back for buying a console, desperately trying to convince themselves they made a good choice.

trying a bit too hard guys

Stop being a nintenshill.

I bought my PS4 for Bloodborne and MGSV.

The only other game that has interested me since then is Tearaway, though I'm looking forward to Horizon and Last Guardian. If there were any games that interested me on PC or the 'Bone I'd buy one (already own a WiiU), it just comes down to the fact that there aren't. They may as well not have any games at all in my eyes.

There are no games. Gaming is dead. You can bring up Uncharted 4 all you like but who is going to be talking about Nathan Drake ten years down the line?

>state facts
Seems like you do since you're getting all butthurt over it.

>Physical games

Look if you're gonna straight up lie I'm ignoring you.

Petitions are Petition Cuckputer exclusive, pathetic PCuck ;^)

>this thread
Holy fuck this is pathetic

>people saying this list isn't enticing
Is this what I associate with by having all the sony consoles? Do I also look like a huge fucking faggot?

Do you remember the name of the doujin? Google and Saucenao/iqdb give me nothing.


>All of this anger over Sony winning for the 4th time

Shit nigga this helps me while I grind out these wanted posters in One Piece Burning Blood


not a fan of souls series. played demon and ds, but had no interest in ds2, bb or ds3.
don't care. obvious pander shit to lure in nostalgia buyers
don't care
+1 jelly
don't care
+1 jelly
>ni no kuni
+1 jelly
+1 jelly
>last guardian
stopped caring. I'm sure it won't be the 10/10 masterpiece we thought it would be when first revealed.
I own a ps3

the only good ps4 games are weeb games. why can't western devs step up their game?


This thread is for grownups Redditor take it back to Tumbrl SJW.



Also DRM free, but keep literally buying all your games from one source with no other options at all but then trying to make it sound like that's a negative thing for PC when PC is the only one that does have a choice


>pcfats getting btfo the thread

Cry harder cunts

>m-muh bloodborne

Stop talking to me and my wife son ever again.





Left western PCuck shit
Right is superior Japanese PS4 games.

>PC gaming

>Sony wins again
>Nintendo going mobile
>PC fats gaining no ground in the PS4 exclusive war

Damn, Sonybros are fucking killing nintentoddlers and PCucks in this thread.

Quoth the tiny dicked boy whose board censors people like NoA.

Holy shit is that bad, the only game I am even remotely interested in is persona 5
> ratchet and clank
A platformer? in 2016? you are truly sonyggers