Don't mind me

Don't mind me.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dont mind me.

It's not going to last if Sony doesn't start dropping the price.

Microsoft already dropped the Kinect long ago to match them and you can regularly find the Xbone for $100 less. They're going to catch up.

Why does Sony keep winning?

>Halo Wars 2
>Quake Champions
Ruined. OverQuake of Legends.
Rock, paper, scissors: The Fighting Game
>listing an emulator

Cuppy looks good, though.


There is literally no reason to get a Xbone at this point considering all Bone games will be on windows 10 store

3ds sold more than all 3 combined. NX is going to sell even more than that

>PC gamers patting themselves on the back with multiplats and emulators


Hooooooo boy

4 out of 28 you dont like

i did my job

>60 million sold
>Massive library of hardcore games
>Ignored by consolebabbies because it doesn't have FIFA


Fuck off white boy

Did you steal those?

l don't give a shit about the others.
Besides, isn't System Shock remake coming to the PS4 also?

Dogshit hardware

>loveless nigger with a small cock that only like drawn women

I feel so threatened Rug

>sonygger thinks he can run forza horizon 3 or gears with his garbage bin laptop

>40 mil PS4 sold
>Bloodborne sold 2 mil

Simple math shows that 95% of PS4 users actually don't use their console for anything. What's up with that?


Every time.

small doesn't even describe it, shit's like the first two digits on my pinky

>Implying you actually fucked a female

xbox and pc only

hippo = wii u

girl = Sup Forums




I use the PS4 to watch youtube and play lego batman with my bro.
That's it.
I've been here for 7 years and I still don't understand, if you can afford to post on Sup Forums clearly you can afford to get more than a console.

Problem with that logic is that with a situation like we currently have with PS4 ownership, people are going to get PS4s because their friends have PS4s, not xboxes.

What is that ship game?

Sony alwas wins.

Best games, most sales.

Nintencucks can eat shit.

Thanks for funding this PCucks. :^)

>look it up
>Uncharted 4 is the best selling PS4 game of all time and it sold 3 million copies
>only six PS4 games have ever sold more than one million copies and one of them is frigging The Last of Us
Holy shit, what are people actually *doing* with their PS4s?

I don't know! It's really scary, it's like games stopped mattering.

yeah he was definitely an xbot because they exist

That's a rhino

I know it may be surprising to people who own platforms with little to no games but over at PlayStation™ you actually have a choice and don't have to buy the same games as everyone since there is nothing else to play.


>girl = Sup Forums

I wish.

Sea of Thieves


lel she aged like milk

Small dick nigger


Has the Wii U beaten the Dreamcast yet? I think it should, right?

Don't mind me.

Handhelds are for children

I'm wondering if Sony can finally take over Japan as well with Final Fantasy XV and Persona 5 coming out this year. Also waiting on that Neo announcement...

Video games are for children

>because their friends have PS4s

So normies are good for something after all

delete this


this is true, still this generation of consoles is so aesthetically and creatively fucked that it nevertheless comes out as the best piece of gaming hardware to own this gen

>than list
>good games

>Sales -> Quality
Please, drop the PS4 and read a book or two. The less drawings the better.

>than list

Our guess is that Sony is somehow inflating the sales numbers for PS4. Software sales simply don't correlate with what they're telling us they are.

The fact that NEO even exists is strongly suggestive. Why replace a console that's doing 'that' well?


>It's not going to last if Sony doesn't start dropping the price.


A year or so ago.

you're that dumbass looking at the unfinished wikipedia article as a source

the two best selling PS4 games are Black Ops 3 and GTA V, each at more than 11 million copies

I posted in the daily console shitpost thread!

Time to cozy up.


W-what the fuck?

They sold 3.5 million PS4s in Q1 2016. 0.5 million more than in Q1 2015.

Persona is pretty irrelevant in Nipland. Preorder ratings suggest both Berseria and FFXV will sell much more than P5.

it's the fsm

>three years, going on four
>one game, bloodborne


Xbone has crawled to a stand still


As a hunter myself, safari hunting is for fucking faggots and deserve to kill themselves. Trophy hunters are the fucking worst.

>its a "I own a ps4/xbone and post to Sup Forums with a mediocre pc" episode

Petition Cuckputer for cucks.