Why are Sonic Adventure fans so buttblasted over Sonic Mania?

Why are Sonic Adventure fans so buttblasted over Sonic Mania?

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>Sonic adventure fans
Got a single satisfact to back that up?

>Begging the question is a logical fallacy in which a conclusion is based on an assumption that is as much in need of proof as the premise.

they aren't

stop making up shit

This. I refuse to believe that game has fans.

3D kids who were born after the transition of 5th gen can't stand that this very series of Sonic is way better played in 2D and not in 3D. Some games are like that, Metal Slug, Contra, Kirby... Sega should cancel autistic cathering games with green eyed Sonic and his friends xD to focus only in pure 2D titles. Hell, make them for Nintendo consoles, maybe they got inspired and make a new 2D Metroid game.

pastebin com/VPqgpkhW

All this music will crush Sonic Mania's OST.

Because Sonic Adventure 3 would have been better than yet another shitty ugly romhack.

You already got two adventure style games since Sonic Adventure 2. They were both shit.
Give it up.

>They were both shit.

If the Adventure games were shit, the Genesis games were diarrhea.

the only reason to make adventure 3 is for the chao garden. the gameplaya s always hilariously shitty and broken.

the only people that want it are the genuine autistic part of the sonic fanbase.

There was a recent thread on Neogaf where it was explained why the original Sonic games were actually bad. Making a new game in that style is a bad idea because it's regressing the series.

>Sonic only works in 2D meme


Good, so you already know where to fuck off back to

You should actually give it a read. They make some very convincing arguments:


SA3 certainly would be better than a shitty rom hack which Sonic Mania is 100% not, by the way

If Hyper Sonic is not in Sonic Mania with the ability to phase through walls by shaking his molecules at very high frequencies unscathed then this game is dropped like a phat beat.

I haven't seen anyone seriously complaining, let alone wishing it was Adventure 3.

>sonic 1
stopped reading right there

>which Sonic Mania is 100% not

The point is, it's still trying to do the outdated and inferior Genesis style gameplay. Which doesn't even make any sense in this day and age.

Keep reading, they make arguments against Sonic 2 and Sonic 3.

They are? What could they possibly lose with a 2D Sonic anyway?

>why the original Sonic games were actually bad

Yeah shame on all those Genesis owners for having fake fun

So, what all was in the usb given at the event?

Just three music tracks from the demo I believe.

That's it? When they said it was a 2gb drive, I had assumed it was a filled 2gb.


They are upset about new 3D Sonic looking more like Generations 2.0 than Adventure 3. They have nothing against mania.

We're not "buttblasted", just disappointed that Sega has chosen to pander to nostalgia instead of giving it's fans what they've been asking for since SA2.

And no, Sonic 06 is NOT SA3.

They seem to forget that Sonic Team is working on Sonic Generations 2 and would rather bitch about a side project made by hardcore Sonic fans who were contracted by Sega.

>They're pandering to nostalgia
>Give me a sequel to an over 15 year old game instead that's not nostalgia

And yes. Its a sonic adventure game in everything but name.

Do you lack reading comprehension or something?

Talk about bitching without reason, if it's actually true that they are bitching.

>that's not nostalgia

The difference is, those games actually hold up and are still fun to play.

Reporting in, and I'm pretty excited for Sonic Mania desu. In fact Sonic Adventure 1 used to be in my top 5 but it was mostly because of how cheesy and nostalgic it was. Still fun to play imo but it has aged like milk.

The goalposts are now in shitpost zone Act 2

i decided to skim through first 3 pages and i found more arguments going for the genesis sonic gameplay than against it
op's complaint is pretty much "the game punishes me for going to fast", which has been regurgitated by people for years and will be regurgitated for years to come - what needs to be understood is that speed isn't given, it's a reward for learning the level layouts. thanks to the very generous ring system, even if you decide to try and go fast, you won't die too often as majority of the time you'll have an opportunity to recover
now fuck off if all you're going to do is post the link and say something that can be summed up as "they're right you know... really makes you think..."

You said the Adventure games are shit. But the Adventure games are better than the Genesis games, so you're saying the Genesis games are worse than shit.

Oh god I forgot they added a filter for to be honest

I thought that the 2D Sonics were the good ones while the Sonic Adventures were actually shit.

I talked to some of my friends about the recent announcements. To give a backdrop, my friends and I are fans of all things and eras of Sonic. Genesis, Dreamcast, GBA, Gamecube, 360, DS. We respect and enjoy a lot of Sonic games and don't suck a certain trilogies dick (classic, adventure, boost) and call everything else shit.

What we ultimately came up with is this. Sonic Mania is not the problem. It looks fantastic and anyone who has even a passing interest in the series will be excited for it. The problem is Sonic 2017 and Classic Sonic's appearance in the trailer. It hit us that the supposed "3D" game that all you retards that say look forward to that if you don't care about Mania, will be another majority 2D game. Classic Sonic is stealing Modern Sonic's spotlight. He is essentially cucking him out of his own game and what is supposed to be Sonic Team's major project. We don't mind 2D sections in 3D games, but the game in question needs to be mainly done in the 3D perspective. Unleashed is essentially the last game (and only boost game) that got this balance right.

In other words, fans of 3D Sonic games have been waiting 8 years now for a fully/mainly 3D Sonic game and Project Sonic 2017 will continue to ignore this. At least the tone is fixed and the story won't be liquid shit with cringe dialogue as seen in Colors, Generations, and Lost World. I even decided to check the Sega Forum after not having been there in years and was surprised to see that this same sentiment was present. They seem to be excited for Mania, but find Classic Sonic's appearance in PS 2017 to be overdoing it and redundant. Take my autistic ramblings and observations as you will, but until Sonic Team steps up and makes another actual 3D Sonic game without Classic showing up to the party, expect more waves of resistance and criticism amongst Sonic fans.

>A tranny
>making a convincing argument

40 keks

Read it again. HE said that the two adventure style games since adventure 2 we're shit. You're on an image board, learn to read

What if Classic Sonic has 3D gameplay

Get out of here nigger

>He is essentially cucking him out of his own game

I hope you don't say "cuck" around your friends. Because that would be pretty embarrassing.

I literally cringed at the thought, ya know

The chances of that are extremely low. They would have used Adventure era Sonic if they wanted to make that distinction and frankly it would've worked much better. Adventure Sonic has full 3D levels while Modern Sonic has levels with camera switches introduced in Unleashed. This ensures that the game ends up being majority 3D.

I don't know, but I figure I need a memeword or two in there to get the average idiot to read it.


Because classicfags have been pandered to enough. Sega doesn't give a shit about Adventure fans and it's not fair.

>Pander to Nostalgia
>By hiring the guy who remade Sonic CD to make a fully new game in the style of the original Sonic

Ok, friendo. You have everything you want, but it's not enough to stop you whining.

Accept it, the "best" 3D games are Adventure titles and Heroes, and they are forgettable games. Generations could be redone in 2D without losses as the gameplay is 2D oriented

>Taxman, along with Headcannon and PadogaWest Games are bringing us a brand new experience feature select levels from Sonic’s past, as well as brand new levels for fans to explore and enjoy

Sonic Mania has nothing to do with Sega and the progression or regression of the series. It's a miracle that Sega would do this in the first place.

>You have everything you want,

1. No hub world
2. No multiple playable characters
3. No Rouge or Shadow
4. Story will probably be lame and have many pathetic attempts at humor like Generations
5. No Chao garden.

Sounds like I don't have anything I want to me.

So what systems is this thing even coming to? I haven't seen anything on that.

The classic everything but nintendo

Sega Saturn

PS4, Xbone and PC.

Sonic 06 checks most of these btw

Funny thing that everything you want is what I think makes 3D Sonic games an aberration, save for Chao garden.

>I need a memeword or two in there to get the average idiot to read it

Unfortunately you're not entirely wrong there and that's pretty worrying

Sonic 06 was pretty good. But we want a NEW game.

Have any of you adventurefags went back and actually played those games? SA2 used to be my favorite until I revisited it recently. Holy shit it literally aged like milk.

>implying I already haven't constructed my own opinion throughout the decades playing this series

People should play more games, srsly

>Only one adventure game had a hub world
>Only one adventure game had Rogue or Shadow
>Both had attempts at humour which utterly fell flat

The only thing I agree with you on is the Chao Garden. Stop being so entitled, they can make the game they want and if it's not as good as you remember, go play the old game.

It is what it is. Please focus on the main point though, as I believe that's where most of the derision is coming from. If anyone wants to prove me wrong and say that there has been a more 3D console Sonic game since Unleashed in 2008, please prove me wrong. Fans of 3D Sonic only have had to sit back for so long and watch as each new entry got crammed with more and more 2D sections.

I play it all the time, they're still excellent. They hold up better than the genesis games do anyway.

Okay so I just read the whole thing and all he really does is bitch about the last few stages and basically calls them out on their artificial difficulty and even quotes Megaman to acknowledge that games for that time were based on trial and error. So then he just talks about how this is a bad game and even though he's an expert on it because he played it so much as a kid it's still bad because he knows the game inside and out and would know that. Yes that was a run-on sentence.

He literally has nothing to back up his argument other than the level design was poor in Labyrinth zone which I have to kind of agree on that one. Even then he only brings up a couple points to back that up. He then says that he was basically bored of the game, which if you've been playing video games the past 10 years that's completely understandable.

To say his points were convincing is to say the most about what he wrote, and that's giving it a chance. His analysis was probably just as bad as when Ego Raptor decided to roast Ocarina of Time solely to try to be different. Actually no that was worse, but you get what I mean. It just sounds like to me he's tired of video games and has moved on from what made them fun in the first place. We look so much for a fair challenge that we've all forgotten what the originals were like. I will say that Sonic 1 doesn't hold up to the classic he mentioned, but there's no need to praise this guy for what he said.

>Stop being so entitled, they can make the game they want and if it's not as good as you remember, go play the old game.

I would say the same to Genesisfags, and yet Sonic Mania exists.

Are you one of those autistic faggots aren't you

Disagree. I can easily go back and play S3K no problem and find more reasons to enjoy it. SA2? I can only enjoy the chao garden. Everything else is clunky and controls awfully, namely Sonic/Shadow and Tails/Eggman. Knuckles/Rouge controls nicely but they mostly have bothersome stages aside Wild Canyon, Pumpkin Hill, and Meteor Herd.

...But they are making the game they want. AND A 3D sonic game. They're making both, why can't you just accept that?

Yeah no
They've been trying for 20 years now(since 3D Blast)

It's time to give it up

Time to get rid of that awful Modern Sonic too since he's just ruining the brand and confusing/turning away newcomers

>all of those "he"s and "hims"

I see wat you did thar

Kill yourself Arin
And go back to >>>/tumblr/

>outdated and inferior Genesis style gameplay
I don't think you know why Sonic became such a huge hit.

Because they're not making a game that I will enjoy??

>outdated and inferior Genesis style gameplay
Your favorite game has scripted ramps because of how shit it is
Kill yourself you fucking gamecubebabby


Exactly what I thought of, just have it be Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. Keep it simple, and not try to create some big ass story out of it. Cut the voice acting down and don't even have an opening cut scene or limit it to one and there you have it. Just make the level design appealing as it was in Generations and I'll be happy.

Wasn't aware you could tell that without seeing gameplay or knowing anything about the end product :)

I'd still rather play a shitty romhack like Megamix than SA3

I agree those games were very good for their time. It's just that theyre not anymore. It's time to move on and stop relying on nostalgia.

It's obv going to be Sonic Generations 2 with that style of gameplay :/

>level design was poor in Labyrinth zone
This is not true at all
That level is designed very tightly

Tidal Tempest in Sonic CD on the other hand...is kind of a chore

And in Aquatic Ruin you can skip the water entirely which makes it being a water level completely pointless


I just dont understand why people want to revisit the past so much. Shouldnt you want new things?

Considering I, along with many others, have continued to play them year after year for over 20 years, I would consider calling you a retard for suggesting it's purely nostalgia.

It would be nostalgia driving us if, say, we hadn't been playing the games for roughly the amount of time you've been alive and were just saying they're good.
But the games constantly bring new people into the series, people continue to play them because they are good games, even if you prefer Modern Sonic's playstyle which is a valid opinion

I'd say that's a water level done right.


Don't bother, user. Everyone says that to piss others off. Not-Generations-2 is happenin.

I'll give you Tidal Tempest definitely. Although that music in the EU version is godly.

Missing that cork in Labyrinth Zone though... not that it's my only argument, but I guess I never really liked the stage. There's a lot of thought put into it, but are some of those choices really for the best? I dunno, you like it so that's good for you.

Do you want to try this new kind of shelter?
It has some holes in the roof, but it looks cool, right?

Sometimes people just want more of the same good thing.
It's part of why people continue to play Pokemon and Game Freak knows that.
Not every game has to reinvent the wheel.

You're just as "nostalgic" for your shitty adventure games as we are for the classics you piece of fucking shit

But let's face it
They didn't bring back the original playstyle for Nostalgia...they brought it back because it was good you retarded cumguzzler and because it was what made Sonic great in the first place

Kill yourself you fucking millenial scum

I don't prefer Modern Sonic's playstyle at all, I prefer the way it was in Sonic Adventure 2. Why can't they do another game like that with different characters? Why does it have to be just Sonic all the time? What about fans of Tails or Shadow or Rouge? Are we supposed to just accept this and remain quiet??

You seem pretty assmad, user.
Doesn't stop you being right

Adventure 1 and 2 don't hold up at all
Holding down on the analog stick while you watch a cutscene of a Whale/Truck chasing you doesn't constitute good gameplay

Nobody will read whole thread of assholes from neogaf trying to be witty. Sum it up in one post or fuck off.

>But the Adventure games are better than the Genesis games
Let me repeat it for you





The classic games are godtier
The adventure games are shit-tier

You don't know that. Also, Generations was great, so...

Why so mad user? Is the nostalgia rushing to your brain?