Are these real people? I can't tell any more

Are these real people? I can't tell any more.

Check how old their accounts are.

doesn't matter anymore, marketers buy primarily several years old accounts

anyway they might as well be real

I don't usually use this word but that last sentence is really fucking cringe worthy. Why the fuck would you post something like that? Who even talks that way irl?

Is it about Nu Male's Sky?

I'm convinced OP and everyone ITT is a bot.

I've not seen much more blatant advertising on Sup Forums than for NMS. What a piece of shit.

What I like most about NMS is the fact how it infuriates all these special little snowflakes.

people who have an image to uphold

aka those on standard message board format

the exact same ad agency is canvassing both Sup Forums and /r/games and who knows what else

prepare for dishonored 2 and hr 2

>not overly hype

... rrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

some people are this retarded
in fact most people are this retarded
otherwise explain how Obama and Bush both won a second term

are you buttblasted that some people can still find genuine enjoyment and you forgot how to do that?

Why are you browsing reddit in the first place?

Nobody's gonna ask why OP browses reddit then acts surprised when he finds the dumbest shit?


Fucking normies.

what's wrong with going to the zoo?
just don't feed the animals

i browse reddit to get video game news at a quick glance rather than wade through mire of memetic shit like on here

>otherwise explain how Obama and Bush both won a second term

Reminder that numales pay great attention to corporate lingo in every facet of life

>allow when it's about forbidding

I saw the leaked footage and I'm glad that I decided to buy Fallout 4 instead.

forgot pic

Someone actually tried to negotiate for me to sell my account a few weeks ago. I refused thikning it was a scam or something.

>hmmm, mod cock is so tasty
>no of course I dont want any power, I just love you guys so much
>mmmmm, feed more sperm to your cum toilet

This. Theyre pretty entertaining in the same way you might a herd of retarded dogs entertaining.

are we still doing the hating on reddit meme?


Romney was a chode

Bush truly is inexplicable though

You have to go back.

Its not a meme. The way the system is built heavily encourages hiveminding with anyone straying from the general agreement getting downboated into oblivion so that nobody can see their opinions/shit memes. It also doesnt help their case that more than half of them are fucking retarded

Bush did very little wrong, he was just a terrible speaker

Weak president though, did basically nothing in his presidency but improve relations with Africa and start a war that literally any president in his position would have started, including his opponents.

Economy crash should be blamed on the people who actually caused it, the Republican legislature at the time, which brought on deregulation. President is an easy scapegoat but he didn't author the bills that brought on the housing crisis.

how about you fuck off back to that shithole, faggot

>muh le upboats
kill yourself, nigger

>lurking on reddit
>get mad over other peoples opinions
>run to Sup Forums to shitpost

can you be any more pathetic?

he can fail to become an hero

>please let me know if I should use more tongue while I'm back here, please don't hesitate.
>please notice me please
>senpai, please

but... are you real?
are you sure you actually alive?

The hero we always needed but didn't get because the general public dislike vigilantism at the time because there wasn't at least four of their friends into it at the time.

>started a war in the wrong fucking country
>claimed WMDs
>no WMDs
>did "very little" wrong

l o l

>start a war that literally any president in his position would have started
Afghanistan, yes obviously. Iraq lol no. That shit came out of left field in 2002-2003 and looks ever more retarded with each passing year. One of America's biggest and most pointless blunders

He also did a lot of retarded shit in terms of domestic social issues, like banning stem cell research.

Low tier president overall

To be fair, Bush, as a person, seems like a pretty nice guy. I think the problem as always is the congress and corporations that presumably bossed him around.

this. I think he has his heart on the right place but the guys he was surrounded by were snakes.

If you were paying attention at the time, you'll remember that the Bush Administration went through 5 reasons to invade Iraq before they settled on WMD. Then they turned the entire thing into a cash grab for government contractors at the expense of our servicemen and women AND delayed adding the majority of the cost to the budget until after he'd be gone.

Why the fuck would someone want to have romney instead of obama?

Found le redditor