Dead or Alive

"What do we have here?"

Other urls found in this thread:

Your personal fuccboi awaiting for your command!

I imagine these threads will pick up again in two months when Mai is released




That's definitely guaranteed.

I play this game rarely with my sister
It's okay and all but why are y'all so obsessed with it?
I get the waifu stuff but don't you guys think they look a bit plastic?

They better release Mai on PC version too




I just realized something Mai DLC...

What would happen to random select slot?




Absolutely brilliant, Nyo-sama!

>you will never be Nyotengu's human pet

Why even live?

They could bind it to a button like option/start.

The real question is does anyone feel like playing on PS4?





So I'm in agreement saying that Nyotengu is best girl.

but have you seen momiji with bob hair cut though?



What about her?



>momiji with bob hair cut t


>Showcasing something
>Goes nuts with the physics
>Now her tits literally are pulling upwards and seem alive.

Just leave the normal jiggle and stop trying to make it better, you're not.

What did? Porting the volleyball net to doa5?



WTF I love Momiji now.

That everything.


Those tits are just all over the place.





oh lawd






Why'd they nerf Momiji's face so hard?

Oh, hello there.

god i love momiji

Hey. What's up?


Want to smash our butts together?

Sure! Sounds like fun!

I'm not going to lose!

We'll see about that.

I have a pretty fat ass.

Tight and fit will do the trick.

Are you kidding? You should have seen the epic battle I had with that 12-year-old!

How did that go for you?

I lost.

Really? What's the matter with you?

Has anyone here actually tried using the new motion animations?

Is it difficult to implement?
Should I just wait awhile for them to perfect it?

I got distracted thinking about Kasumi again.

Maybe we shouldn't do this. You don't sound like you'd be much of a challenge.

WTF? This was your idea! You can't back out now!

Just look at what a cute round butt I have!

Ooh. That is a nice one.

Hey! WTF is going on here?

Get lost, you! Why don't you go join the other old hags who didn't make it to the island?


Seriously. Lisa couldn't even get on the plane! They thought she might be a terrorist.

Honestly! What kind of terrorist dresses like this?!

Brat! I'll smarten you up!

What are you gonna do, granny? Fart in my face?

If you're gonna roleplay then you should post more Nyo while you do it.

Admit it, anons. You know you miss her. I know I do. ;_;

Hold her down!





I want Hitomi to sit on my face.

It's simple if you follow the steps.

Momiji is the hottest girl in DoAX3 by a wide margin. In fact, DoAX3 made her the best girl in the whole series.

Nerf when, TN?

Ah so they buffed Ayane aswell. Well deserved. She was low tier in DoA5.

Ayane and Momiji definitely got the best upgrades in this game.


not bad, not bad at all

Tits too big.


>Tits too big.

What would Nyo and Miji name their lesbian daughter?

They're too big dude.

Good work making the breasts bigger under clothing, it's very well done and very needed.