This is Sandro in 1999

This is Sandro in 1999

This is Sandro in 2013

This is Sandro in 2016

>symbolism for the decay of HoMM


I wonder how much they managed to force chinese draw all those skeletons. Bad luck must be pouring from every crack of this game.

>if there ever breaks out a war against China there will be soldiers dressed as skeletons for maximum spooking and psychological warfare

>soldiers dressed as skeletons
Looks like based pentagon already had this idea

Wrong, this is Sandro in 2016.


It's not sandro, it's average Homm 3 player in 2016

The whole green goo stuff in the new games really fucked up Necropolis for me.

I only ever played HOMM3 and nothing else.

Which other HOMMs are worth playing? I heard good things about 2 and 5.

That's pretty much all that's worth playing.

Not anything else is worth playing. HOMM3 is the best in series, in TBS genre, in video games and in the universe. Behead all those who say otherwise.

How can the series even survive with such abysmal artstyle. It's mindboggling.

2 is okay, but it's much less polished than 3, so you might get annoyed by some things.

For example I tend to reinstall it every few years only to uninstall 20 minutes later when I remember that you can't split units.

Except it changes artstyle with every game

But yeah the current ones are pretty bad, too much popular fantasy influence


This is a god-awful HD edition.

this couldn't look more gay if he had freddy mercuries stache

I love what they did with models. They really look like something out of M&M.

that kind of artstyle is disgusting, reminds me of android games

His "campaign" two missions, come the fuck on, ubijews was the best thing in that game. And he was right about everything, necromancy, gods, other worlds.

>you can't split units in H2
Oh you dumb skeleton, you can.

This is Sandro in 2017

>when I remember that you can't split units.
maybe you shouldn't play strategy games after all. brain damage is serious business

This is Sandro in 2018

This is Sandro in 1968.

This is Sandro in late 41st Millenium