He's right Sup Forums

He's right Sup Forums

Stop shaming those bad at video games.

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I don't think anyone has said you need to be good at games to enjoy them. You need to be good at games to beat them.

Fuck off with your made up buzzwords murrica

Im bad at team shooters but I still enjoy them. However I dont throw a fucking bitchfit whenever someone tells me to git gud. Which is rare in the first place because I don't act like a jackass.

There hasn't been a mainstream game released in the last 9 years that requires you to be good at games

If someone's profession is playing games I expect them to be at least half-decent at it.

Mistake people tend to make is that you don't need to be "good" persay, but especially in more competitive games it certainly pays to improve even if its ever so gradually rather than "hurdur I'm just playing for fun why you gotta be such a downer". You're only being an annoyance and liability by participating yet selfishly lollygagging and preaching your "I'm just here to have fun". Of course, this applies to when you're with randos. If you're with friends thats fine I guess.

Video game skill is the medium's equivalent to to the traits it takes for someone to fully appreciate Bach, Michelangelo, or Joyce.

Anyone can read Harry Potter and enjoy it.
Ulysses has a bit more of a "skill barrier" as it were.

Bottom line, people need to stop treating video games the same way they treat other entertainment mediums because it's incredibly different on a fundamental level.

First post best post once again.

That's not what "git gud" is about though.
When someone is bitching and moaning about a game being too difficult because it was designed to be difficult or at least designed not be be steamrolled and some start saying stupid shit like "this game is unfair or too hard or too time consuming" THEN you drop "git gud".

Think of Monster Hunter. You can be decently casual going through low-rank, have to pay attention and start learning in High-rank. It those goddamn fuckers that complain about "G-rank is too difficult this is bullshit" that need to git gud.

Achievement is problematic, failures should be held in the same esteem as successes.

Fuck i hate this race to the bottom of the barrel shit, everyone trying to offload their own personal failures.

>You Don't Need To Be "Competent" At Games to Review Them

There are very, very few games released today that even require you to be skilled. They are all designed so that even the most braindead nu-trans male can get through.

I don't even understand the point of this article. No one says you can't enjoy games.

The games I remember the fondest in Battlefield 2142 were defeats. Last stands were always amazing.

RPS, tho. Lol, needing dat traffic.

git gud

you can't decide to play a challenging game and complain that it's challenging


Sounds like he's mad and needs to marginally improve his skills
Notice how no one complains about RTS, when all that PVP is purely needing to get gud with build orders, timing, and micro, but, because normalfags stay away d from that shit, everyone doesn't complain about getting good

Q: How do I beat this tough boss in Dark Souls?
A: Keep trying until you get better at it (or in short form - git gud)

It's not like there is some magical answer that will fix it

no, but you need to git gud to even start thinking about influencing other people with your opinion on games, like game journalists do.

the thing is that people who are bad at games just lack perspective. the people who are good at games sit on a higher viewpoint. they can enjoy both easy games as well as hard games for what they are. this view is distorted and sometimes even prevents bad players from seeing harder games for what they are.

so unless you want your opinion on games to be restricted to be valuable for games like angry bird, you have to git gud

I'm not shaming people who are bad at video games.

I'm shaming players who try to justify their incompetence by blaming the game first instead of themselves.

if any dev adopts this "ideal" ill make sure not to play their game

>rock gender shotgun is still paying the bills

cultural marxism will never die

(Insightful +5) You should totally go register on RPS and post that

Reminder that this was a reaction to this video:


Well, you don't need to be good. But if you're gonna be a pussy-ass casual and start bitching because the game's too "hard", then you deserve the shame.

Not being good at a game is probably the best place to be to fully enjoy it. You get to learn and experiment with a new set of skills, which is one of the most rewarding experiences a game can offer.

becuase of faggots like him my k/d is 3-1
so as long as they enjoy respawning every 3min or so, sure w/e

Spelunky and/or Shovel Knight. I know you're baiting for a Dark Souls comment though.

Exactly this.

gg ez

git gud fag

You do, to an extent. If you suck at a game to the point you can't progress, you won't have fun. Just need to recognize your own limitations ('patience' is also a limitation) and find your niche.

You don't need to be "good" at reading to enjoy books

The continued existence rock paper shitstain is a wonder of the world.


that guy legit didn't know how to aim though

plus he's a game reviewer so he should understand the basics of video games

The thread should have ended here

>be bad at video games
>say it doesn't matter

>be good at video games
>say it does matter



If he has the right to be a bitch on the internet I have the right to be a dick on the internet.

this is precisely why people make an 'easy' mode for games.

But of course people get assblasted the moment they realize they can't handle the game on 'normal', and want it to be at their skill level regardless

>"I want a challenge that doesn't really challenge me" - a Faggot

Oh you can, you'd just be a bitch to do it.

Well if you enjoy getting shit on in games, then sure, by all means, don't get better at them.

video games dont matter m8

neither does your life lol


Well they don't play them before they review them so its no surprise they would think this.

Is Dark Souls their next target?
>No more bosses
>WoW style combat
>Quest Markers

This article was written in response to the Polygon Doom review. As a result, reviewers should be competent enough to handle the basic controls of the games they are reviewing. How are we to take the advice of a reviewer when they cannot even adequately play the game they are supposed to be reviewing? That's like allowing people to write reviews for cars that do not know how to drive cars.

a fucking /thread

>You need to be good at games to beat them.
You really don't for most games.

isn't 1up dead ? terminated by whoever is going to/ buy out/bought out gawker, too

I don't think you need to be "good" at game as in, have a high twitch reflex or great problem solving skills or anything to be a healthy part of the community.

I think you need perseverance and a positive outlook.

Right now I'm playing Furi and I'm having a fucking blast but like, im not good, I have to practice and persevere through it.

What I dont like isnt bad gamers, its people unwilling to want to learn, or try, or have to think at all further than screen prompts. Being bad at games is fine, but at least have a good outlook on them.

>you don't need to be good at video games to enjoy them

I doubt someone who consistently dies, gets stuck or generally keep fucking up while playing a game is able to enjoy it as much as someone who is actually competent

There's a reason why certain games get dumbed down to the point of being playable for inept mongoloids, it's so that they'll enjoy it too and generate more sales

> source: my contrarian ass

Here's the thing. If you like games, you will inherently get better because of practice. So, git gud.

ITT: John Walker cries while the solution to his problems is right in front of his face.

You just gotta GIT GUD

>how do you do X part of a game?
>'literally git gud'
>writes an article about it
on a scale of 1 to 10 how butthurt is this author?

So how do you expect to enjoy a game to its fullest if you can't get good enough to finish them?

I'm pretty bad at video games and I've completed a lot of them.

Cultural Marxists won't stop until games become nothing but an empty propaganda medium like Hollywood and TV.

The day of the rope can't come soon enough.

>John Walker

The numale singlehandedly ruined RPS, I dont give a fuck what he has to say.

if your critism boils down to 'it's too hard' and you're the only one that feels that way, then it isn't valid.

You don't have to be good at games to enjoy them, but you also don't have the right to bitch about a game being difficult or a part being impossible if you refuse to try to get better at the game.

Plain and simple, too many people like to complain these days. 'Git gud' should never have legitimately upset anyone, it's a fucking joke and it's spelled very poorly to reflect that. People who get offended by written jokes on the internet are very literally ruining everything.

Something like this editorial shouldn't fucking exist because it's all bullshit anyway.

Fuuuuuuuuuck, this world needs it's balls back.

Why is murrica such a fucking pathetic hugbox?


far too many people in offices being paid to jerk off, browsing the internet, reading that tripe while blogging about their life in social media

I was looking for this gif yesterday, thanks.

This is why we need to vote Trump.

By putting it on easy.

I thought git gud is to shut up whiners that keep saying it's the game fault that they get rekt

Pretty sure Jon Walker and RPS is british

But the thing is that "git gud" is a joke but it is also an insult.

It's also a good insult. Those who just laugh it off understand that they indeed need to git gud. Those who get mad are weakskinned bitches who can't understand that they have flaws.

every reason is good to vote for trump inst it
>crime exist
>we gotta vote for trump guys, he's the messiah

People only use git gud when baddies complain about being bad, or about something being too hard.
That entire article is pointless

You need to be good at competitive multiplayer games to enjoy them, or at least good enough to not lose all the time. These are the same people who think there should be no "winning" in real life sports.

ill stop shaming him for being bad at games when he stops shaming me for being a virgin

>Git Gud is a joke

It was, originally. Darksoulfags actually believe it. The mentality is affecting Monster hunter as well.

Who cares?
This fucking shit started with your PC bullshit. It is also what spawned the shitstorm that it modern "feminism".

Every place is, America is just the leader. Give it a couple years and other countries will be following our example while saying that america is dumb and nobody should pay attention to it. Other countries are very tsundere for america

>b-but easy is for babies! i want normal to be at my skill level or else it's a bad game!

>editorial aka opinion
>little bitch is sad he sucks at vidya

More news at 11. Anyone who takes git gud seriously needs be purged.

It's not about Trump, it's about slapping down these regressive leftists and SJWs soo hard that they realized they brought him to power when they went soo far left that they called even moderates "right wing extremists".

Git gud is a way of life.

You have to git gud to understand why.

cant reattach what's been cut off mate

It's okay to be shit at games, just don't try and ruin them for people who AREN'T shit at games.

Also, don't cry when you get the bad ending for playing on babby mode.

You also need to be good at competitive multiplayer games for me to enjoy them. Nothing worse than someone who singlehandedly loses the game, wastes your effort, then starts to say stupid things like "you don't need to be good at a game to enjoy it"

Actually I do find games i'm bad at less enjoyable. Like, playing a deathmatch game and getting rekt so hard you can barely move around isn't fun.

Why do these fucks feel the need to remove/question challenge in EVERYTHING? Work, sports, relationships, and now fucking video games. It seems like every time something/someone puts up a fight or expects them to put effort into something, these spineless, Sbarro eating fucks break down like bitches.

Egoraptor and most youtubers say hello

>.05 cents deposited in your "I'm with her" account

Trump is on the receiving end of a 12 million dollar smear campaign. In reality he's said nothing you or I haven't said. He has no criminal history, his family is happy and healthy, and he isn't an obvious puppet like Clinton is. His money is his own, his opinions are his own. If you want an unseen collective in power than why vote for a preside in the first place?

Think critically, the media lies and will try to guilt you into thinking anything.

If you're enjoying video games, why are you complaining about them and giving yourself a chance to be told to "get good" ?
and like all meme terms like "trolling", "bro", "do you even lift", and "u mad" I can't bring myself to say "git gud" because I'm not 17 and think Sup Forums is the coolest place on the internet anymore. You guys should stop using avatars that advertise you know about the super secret club Sup Forums

This is why I only play single player and co-op games.

I just end up ruining it for everyone else on my team in competive games.

This is the worst shit. If you want a piss-easy game you'd better be prepared to be treated like a retard.

>being ok with people being bad at their jobs

Nope, get fucking good.

>play against people online
>whoop their asses
>shit on them for being bad
>"I don't have to be good to have fun!"

continue being shitty at video games, it just makes winning easier for me

So you're just voting for a guy because of your hatred for the "enemy". You just got yourself into the trap that is the us vs. them divide strategy used for millennium by the elites.

How are you better than those who vote Hillary because "Trump is evil and must be stopped !"?

It's just two sides of the same coins and none of it fucking matter, but "red-pilled" Sup Forums retards are just as stupid as the rest.

You don't need to be 'good' at games to enjoy them. No one is arguing that.
You don't have to be as 'good' as Sup Forums says you have to be to review videogames, controversially.

However, you do have to be semi-competent at basic game functions to be a reviewer who's opinion is given any credence. If you are dying in the first level of D44M on the easiest difficulty because you can't move, aim, and shoot at the same time, even on a controller, you don't get to be a game reviewer anymore. You have to switch to reviewing movies or books or something. Games are too much for you.

I don't think anybody actually plays for "challenge" except in those episodes of television shows where they have two people typing on a keyboard at the same time, and where a girl has the high score in virtually every MMORPG. It's not an actual thing actual gamers do