So what audience does the new God of War target?
So what audience does the new God of War target?
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the same audience as other sony 'games'
the people who like to watch movies
But The Order didn't catch with those people. Will Nu-Male of War?
i watched this out of curiosity even though i haven't played a god of war game since the second. i really have no idea what the fuck they are going for here. my mouth was dropped the entire time watching it. i just want to be in the room when someone pitches the idea for this game to understand the reasoning behind it. to top it off you have the obligatory tacked in +15 skill points gained for walking
No idea, I'm only interested in how shit it will be
What the fuck is wrong with Kratos' abs in the OP pic also his biceps look like a fish wrapped in newspaper
I too like to play the entirety of a game with no story and nothing of value in my game. Give me more CS, Overwatch, LoL, Dota, etc. Please.
Okay, seriously, what is "nu-male" even supposed to mean now? Because I thought ripped as fuck manly man who kills his food with his bear hands was literally the opposite.
Is the sons name Lloyd?
People who tick 'Story' as the most important game element in Gamefaqs polls.
kratos has retarded hipster beard now
Raising another's child makes him nu-male.
Strawman. A game can have both gameplay and story. Try Bloodborne, you insane Sonyggers praise it all the time.
Everyone, and everyone loves it. The video has more views and likes than any God of War game so far and everyone is crazy about it and will buy it.
It's the most normalfag colab of popular games. You have semi open world, crafting, emotional story game, popular franchise that must be liked as everyone likes it, graphics over gameplay. Last of Us sold amazingly well, Sony probably loved the idea of God of War plus Last of Us combined as that will clearly have double the sales right?
And I guess they are right. Everyone loves it. This video sums it up well:
A muh graphics showcase for people who think gameplay is tiresome. This is what happens when everyone brainstorms what would appeal to the most amount of people.
It's lost all meaning. Now it's just "Man with beard"
>implying it isn't his
me apparently because I've never been more interested in god of war than now
The Naughty Dog audience
Single moms.
>nothing of value
Maybe use the fucking medium of interactivity and tell the story game through gameplay and personal choices, not cutscenes and slow walking behind a character you don't give a shit about.
Hell, ok, at least give me a good story that is well written and has good character arcs and development. They can't even do that.
Fact is, they make up a story and slap a game and franchise around it, instead of thinking ahead and making something that would work both gameplay and story wise. Having a mediocre story like Order 1886 with shitty third person shooting didn't work. But Silent Hill 2, also a story game, works, because the whole level design and gameplay revolves around the main story ideas that you are weak and lost and confused and scared.
But why didn't they buy The Order then?
I'm still mad about this new God of War. I heard Naughty Dog is helping santa monica to make this new god of war and it looks fucking terrible. The gameplay looks slow and weak as hell, the camera behind his back only breaks the flow of the combat. It feels like Lords of Shadow 2 all over again.
Because they don't consider how the game actually is. Someone makes up their mind if a game is hated or loved and other people just follow it.
And to be honest, Order 1886 was really shitty in every way except art direction.
>western Nier
>Sup Forums hates it because it's not japanese with dickgirls and Meme Taro behind it
Not surprised
>>western Nier
I guess GoW has gameplay too.
>Everyone, and everyone loves it.
>And I guess they are right. Everyone loves it.
>mfw we're getting phased out as the targeted and desirable audience
>everybody is starting to pander to to nu-male normalfags with entry-tier preferences and shallow tastes
Tuck me in. Let me sleep.
>nothing of value in my game
> 99% of vidya stories
> value
It's actually getting a biiit better overall. Normalfags that didn't move in to next thing are starting to get some taste. They already forgot and didn't really love shit like Fallout 4, and are getting sick of Assassins Creed and Ubisoft the game: Games. So hopefully things improve soon.
The Order 1886 was shitty in every way, including art direction.
they wanted to make use of their 'the order 1886' engine, so they just slapped a skin of something they know people would buy on it.
Art direction was good (colour scheme, design of the world, visual noise, details). Technical direction wasn't (too much post processing, black borders, blurry mess, anti aliasing was missing, etc.).
As always, the dudebro and kiddo audience.
>le manly man
The cuck audience, since Kratos is now a cuck that takes care of another man's offspring.
To be honest I'm not that disappointed by this because I never thought God of War was very good to begin with. I guess if you didn't want them to change the formula at all (which lets be honest after ascension is a ridiculous thing not to want) then I guess it sucks for you.
>another man's offspring
Where was this implied?
You know, maybe they could have changed it for the better.
People who are tired of the other 10 samey God of War games but likes the whole concept of the setting.
>she literally has that smug face in every page
I wish people would stop saying this. I like movies much more than games and hate these tedious pieces of shit because of it.
Yeah he can't draw for shit.
>the whole concept of the setting
The whole setting is different now.
Yeah, because another fucking third person open world with shitty combat is just what every god of war fan was looking for, it is not even the same setting, it is nordic mythology now.
Gud 1 comrade
Implied story is not story.
They're not even using the same actor for Kratos.
There's really no reason why this couldn't have been a brand new franchise.
It is implied in all released media
>It's Skyrim with same weaponry!
The following this series has is only reason no one dismisses it as Skyrim clone.
>get angry
>kill gods in gory ways
Anyone that think the setting change is detrimental is probably newfag to discussing God of War. People have been asking Nordic or Egiptian setting since this series began.
There are a dozen of "copy pasted" God of War games. Either this game suck or not is another matter entirely. The series was stale and just copying the same yet another time was just useless at this point. Let them try it, if they fail, fuck it. This series was dead anyways.
>3rd person action RPG in Nordic setting
what did he mean by this?
Not me. I despise Santa Monica studios for what they've done to it... and themselves for that matter.
The nu-male audience of course. You "gamers" are outdated, the industry is becoming progressive, we finally did it, soon video games will all be about literal cuckoldry and poor opressed minorities and Womyn. Face it goobers, you f***in lost.
So people do like Kratos right? Because I've been riding his dick for years and just found out he's actually a widely hated character.
Except newfags is audience they want, otherwise it'd have 4 in the title.
"my wife's son" audience
>nu-male of war
stop user.
people who are likely in their late 20s and have a kid. pic related
Well, drastic shift if public's morals.
Back then no one really cared about escapism and no one was offended by raging bald dude fucking up and literally fucking gods.
Now white knights can have moral high ground saying that it's patriarchy propaganda or some shit. How women Kratos fucks are just "objects". I bet in this game Kratos won't be able to fuck a single woman.
Story that isn't explicitly defined--either story that is inferred or story that is implied.
Realistically, Bloodborne's story is just a story of personal survival. Like a DayZ or other something similar.
>Newfags get easily impressed by it
>Oldfags give it a shot because at least it's not the same thing you already played to exaustion
If you don't care at this point you just grew tired of it and whatever, just move on.
>Raising another's child makes him nu-male.
When will this meme end?
So, is this the ultimate "DONT TRY TO KILL ME OR MY WIFE'S SON EVERY AGAIN" kino?
>How women Kratos fucks are just "objects". I bet in this game Kratos won't be able to fuck a single woman.
>that aphrodite scene in gow3 tho
it's crazy how much shit has changed in just six years. what the fuck went wrong?
luggage lad detected
No, he's overpowered edgelord that went 3 games without any character progression while spewing shitty one-liners.
It's not about political correctness, his writing and design is utter shit. He doesn't resemble the real Kratos from greek mythology at all.
This new game is such a departure from the original games of arena, waves, style combat. They could just made a new franchise but they went with the easy route of plastering a recognized face on the game to make sure it sells
>He doesn't resemble the real Kratos from greek mythology at all.
Yeah, no shit. I guess Kratos killing all Greek gods is not consistent with mythology as well.
Apparently adoption is the greatest evil in the world now
>No, he's overpowered edgelord that went 3 games without any character progression while spewing shitty one-liners.
so the fuck what? I dont play gow for the fucking story you nu-Sup Forums retard. I play just to enjoy the carnage and the ride.
I fucking hate this new generation of retarded 'gamers' that need a poorly written vidya 'story' in order to be able to enjoy it. you faggots are exactly what destroyed the industry. fucking kys.
>Will probably get a good score
>Will probably have threads on reddit about how it changed peoples lives
>Will probably sell 2 million
>Everyone will forget about it 2 weeks after it comes out.
>tfw actually liked the series
Double standards are real. Men who are willing to adopt children were always looked down upon as pedos in the first place.
>Will have 70 metascore
>Will have threads about that score, but not the game
>Will sell 2 millions, which would once again raise the question what the fuck are other 40 million players playing
>Sequal announced
Screen cap this.
In the ancient world, unlike now, having your own children was something to be proid about, you couldn't say you were a real male without your own children.
They already said waves are in and bigger than older games.
PS4 is a Madden Fifa box
>while spewing shitty one-liners
That never happened, you didn't play GoW at all did you.
That's because children were used to help in the fields.
The boy is his son. Kratos fathered him.
It's not just about story. Players don't feel like they're achieving anything while playing because he easily steamrolls everything.
He's like a edgy Sonic OC from deviantart except he's not a hedgehog.
That's right, Jamal is my son too!
He's not Edgy. Kratos has never been edgy. Dante is edgy, Shadow is edgy. Kratos is just really, really buff and angry.
>nu male
How the fuck does Kratos even resembles a nu male? This is a nu male. Adopting does not give you nu-male status.
No you cunt Kratos is his biological father. He sired him.
For people who loves videogames. Not for PCucks.
AKA games with actual gameplay which video games main feature. Interaction with the medium. Retard.
>Raising another's child makes him nu-male.
When you finally get thrown out of your basement at 35, get established at nearly 40 and maybe meet a woman that is within your age range, you're hard pressed to find someone who doesn't have a kid from a previous relationship.
Cucked fathers.
It's not adoption Kratos is the real father, fucking hell stop already. Stop.
For PCucks than?
>people actually butthurt about the use of "cuck" and "numale"
jesus christ where do they keep coming from?
>Sup Forums suddenly enjoyed GoW
I could see not looking forward to the new one, but don't pretend like the old titles were good. A mediocre hack n slash doesn't suddenly become good because you hate the new one.
So he is a pedo?
People who aren't too poor to buy a PS4.
God that article pissed me off so fucking much.