Well shit, seems the small minority here who kept saying it was a meme were proven right after all
What happened to VR
>first generation VR is a massive dogshit
hold the press
check this 5
im sorry you spent a fortune on a meme
>he doesn't know
First gen 3d glasses were shit too. It only took 30+ years for it to become a year long fad and now movies don't do it anymore.
>tfw all my friends are really excited for VR and recently started calling me a cynical asshole
I hate this place and what it has done to me, but I hate normies even more.
No games that aren't just gimmick tech demo shit.
You let your friends call you an asshole to your face?
You deserve whatever misery you live with you spineless goon
I use my Vive fairly often, I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Hurry up nips.
It was just bantz, calm your tits.
I still can't believe they're genuinely excited for a bunch of fucking minigames, it's like Kinect taught them nothing.
yeah, lets go back and play our VR vidia, and let the noisy minority take their unfounded opinion shits.
be a good friend and buy them some barfbags
almost there... the golden waifu age...
>first gen
underage v& pls
>""""""""""VR"""""""""" without hard light technology and holographic projectors
Enjoy that monitor strapped to your faces. See you in the 24th century faggots.
>and now movies don't do it anymore
When was the last time we had a major movie that did not have 3D?
>using literal stoneage tech
>not directly feeding your brain with electric signals which simulate an alternative reality
Are those google cardboard viewers that work with your smartphone worth getting?
I hear the bluetooth remotes provided dont work with iPhone, and the standard "cardboard" viewer is a piece of shit with weak lenses.
Anyone got one?
Here, they are cutting down on it. Total 3D films released a year is barely in the double digits and it doesn't even pull in 1/5th of the revenue that 2d films do.
You should have noticed by now, you friends are mouth-breathing idiots.
>3d vr waifus
>virtual intelligence
Born too late to explore the world, too early to explore the space, just in time to experience the golden age of waifu sims. Can't complain.
Save for three or four people literally everybody I got to know that is below 30 is a mouth-breathing idiot.
Still gotta cater to my social needs somehow or else I'll become Sup Forums incarnate.
>Bought a fucking Vive for 700€
>Only games are space combat or shovelware.
I was thinking about something funny today. You know how half the VR titles are just shooting galleries?
Well, have you ever tried to shoot before? You only use one eye if you're looking for any kind of accuracy. The 3D effect is completely meaningless.
What the heck happened to that based Quora answer about VR nausea?
>first gen
fucking killyourself
Its OK. I got a cheap one and for VR porn its pretty great. I kinda want to get the Samsung one which is a lot better.
>tfw the porn star goes right up to your face and you move your head down so you can get a good look at her boobs bouncing
Acting like a jaded memeing asshole works on Sup Forums but if you do it to people you know and/or have a lot of contact with, don't be surprised if they tell you to fuck off for good.
>tell people vr is going to literally just be another peripheral for the niche "hobbyists" (not "gamers" ).
>it won't be huge but it won't die either
>literally no one believes me, it's either DEAD or WORLD WIDE REVOLUTION
It's a steering wheel. A flight stick. A fighting games...uh, pad. It's something you get if your really interested in your hobby and want to get the latest and greatest, but that's it. If you REALLY like racing games, you get a racing steering wheel. But the vast majority of racing fans DONT, they keyboard, or get a console controller and hook it up.
Vr is the same shit. It's an "extra" step you can take that niche users will have and it'll focus on that market. It's amazing for the few actual practical applications it's useful for, and there's very few: first person racing, and first person flying. That's it. Being able to look around while leaving your hands free in games with helicopters is a huge advantage in a 1 vs 1 heli fight, but there's like 4 mainstream games that allow you to move your view independently of your point of aim.
Just tell them that your are a poorfag.
What about the handful porn games?
I'd like to try SBPR, Honey Select and CM3D 2 with VR but I won't bother unless they start to ship them with 4k screens.
Well, have you ever tried to shoot before? You only use one eye if you're looking for any kind of accuracy.
Well that's just not true
>you only use one eye to shoot irl
Oh boy, brace for all the /k/ommandos replies
>You know how half the VR titles are just shooting galleries?
VR is literally made for being first person. how many fucking first person games do you know that isn't a shooter? not many huh? yeahh....
me on the right
You can have lucid dreams for free.
And they just as real as walking in lucid life.
>why not just go to a stripclub instead
Oh yeah, I forgot shooting galleries, you run around and climb and...oh wait it's a fucking shooting gallery.
I'll buy into VR when they release giantess porn for it
Stop shitposting, retard.
>because stripclub isn't cheap
dogs are such underrated animals for Internet material
What strip club can I find this at?
Try touching the girls in a stip club and keep your teeth.
There is nothing wrong with VR. It having no games is a problem of course, and you'd be retarded to buy a VR without any games.
oh wow that looks epic, brb getting the vr machine on the market
>using an 800$ headset
Yeah those dutch girls are nasty :^)
This guy fucking gets it.
>Go to my nearby Six Flags
>They recently ruined the Superman by putting on a tacky VR headset, turning the ride into some stupid Universal knock-off "experience"
Darknest timeline.
>jumping around in a tub
>can't use his arms to catch himself if he falls because he's holding a large jug of water
How did user die again?
You are all dumb as fuck
The problem with VR is you need better framerate and resolution and it takes more power to draw the two screens, so there is no real demand for a VR game because almost no one has a powerful enough platform that can run actually VR games that are the same quality as normal games we're used to, so its all gimmicky garbage
All because consolefags think graphics cant equal gameplay and dont understand the technology behind VR and how it requires more money to invest, instead they just make excuses and say its a gimmick. Well thats what it mostly is, and will remain as for a long time, thanks to you dumb poor losers who make excuses
its not at .hack levels yet
I can't be bothered putting on the 3D glasses that came with my 3D monitor after a hard day's work. (Me being fat doesn't have anything to do with it, it's literally within arms reach). I sure as HELL wouldn't put on a VR headset.
I agree with you currently, but I believe once prices start going down and more companies start getting into development for it, it will be the next big thing. Either that or more and more developers drop out of gaming to focus on mobile games.
Shit like that gives me a headache.
>become Sup Forums incarnate
Don't you want the power?
Though i don't really discuss my hobbies with my friends. They only thing they play is MOBA and everytime we play vidya it becomes a 5 hours moba binge. I gotgud though i never really liked moba.
This is not a normie site. Please use the appropiate shilling from now on, thanks
Try touching the girls in a vr game
taken down by vavle
>release kickass hardware
>release NO GAMES
>charge 599 US DOLLARS
>have a shitty launch
woooooooooooooow who could have seen that coming
>brand new technolgy that requires a completely new approach and nobody has figured it out yet has a slow start
>release kickass hardware
>release NO GAMES
>charge 599 US DOLLARS
>have a shitty launch
woooooooooooooow who could have seen that coming?
you do understand that you'd need a massive empty aircraft hangar to get a decent mapsize with holo tech
>release kickass hardware
Pic unrelated?
those chords are off key and it's driving me fucking nuts
>peripheral =/= stand alone hardware
>what happened to VR
People realized it was pointless in its current state.
>Not even any good gloves to properly enjoy the VR with, it's either a wand with a circle on the end of it or nothing
>Full dive is still hundreds of years away because it has a totally different idea-base than current VR
>No games really use VR properly and are good, it's just a myriad of gimmick games you'd play for 2-3 hours tops and never touch again
VR horror will be some godly shit, but as it, it ain't happenin'.
Why did humanity even go out into space? Everyone in the future should just be staying at home jizzing themselves inside out in their own holodecks.
I think they only have them on the enterprise.
Actually I'm interested in loli VR. I won the argument.
>Has to say he won the argument
You lost the argument and the game.
What do you people think about RIGS: mechanized combat league?
No, you see, as you move the rendered ground under your feet moves too so you stay in the same spot the whole time. That's the beauty of it.
You have absolutely no counter argument user.
Because I haven't posted in this conversation besides that one post.
If you have to say you won, you lost.
Nobody on Sup Forums ever wins.
Already being made illegal, Canada already even tried to ban Loli robots. You get a power drill and a flesh light and write on it with a marker "I'm 12 oni-San", get ready for some federal pound me in the ass prison.
>mfw the punishment for non-consensual sex is non-consensual sex
>here we have a couple of autists in their natural habitat
2 thinks that I absolutely need before buying this shit:
foveated rendering on a crazy high res and fov panel
Triple A cinematic open world game, rich in story and autistic lore
You mean the loud minority saying it was good right?
They know the answer
Better wireless
But its not been invented yet so everyone who was dumb enough to buy into 3d, vr, arg will now try to justify their waste by claiming "it wuz a beta"
That's literally all current gamers. Vidya is like, 30 years old. By the time we hit 50 (most of us, ya fucking underagers ), based on the exponential increase in power, out most powerful godlike desktops will be people's cheap wristwatches or pocket calculators in equiv
Daily reminder that the computing power of the shuttle we sent to the moon Is weaker then some dildos with variable vibration modes
G fucking G. NO fucking RE.
Things are evolving incredibly fast, yes. But we still have 2 problems holding us back:
Until we figure out a new way to approach those, things won't get much further than where we are. Maybe smaller and more powerful processors, etc, but that's it. No mechs, no VR no cool shit in general
>friend was on the VR hype train for months and kept saying how he was "this close" to spending all the money on it
>kept telling him to put it off til it had decent games
>three months later and there are still no games
>friend doesn't understand why he was even pumped anymore
Friends don't let friend buy into VR
Well, the only one that has actually a chance to be successful hasn't been released yet.
>another meme Sup Forums has fallen for
this is why you've become a laughing stock throughout all boards Sup Forums
you need to stop
i'm pretty sure we're the ones everyone laughs at. even more so than Sup Forums
end of thread
Sayonara Umihara Kawase, that Quake port, Fallout 4
video games are shit for VR
the only medium thats ideal for VR is movies
and i don't see people make them so of course it will die
i can see lan saying something like that
>the small minority
fuck off shill