The Gamesir.
It sucks.
Buyers remorse thread
Need I say more.
As someone who likes the aesthetic and god tier soundtrack, what's your beef?
I admit it's quite shallow, but as civ-lite i have no issues (i bought it for $10)
This fucking piece of shit of a game. Could not put more than 100h into it, just fuckign bad.
You hear about the dude who divorced his wife because he was too addicted to the game?
Link? If this is true he should just off himself for actually liking the game.
If you get buyer's remorse after 100h, you may well be retarded.
$600 gaming pc. All I do is play mobashits and WoW. I do have games on pc that I've played, but with my ps4 I can sell them back and don't even lose any money. I really didn't need a pc the only game I'm keeping and buying on pc is battlefield
I had buyers remorse after abut 5h but at that time i couldn't refund the game and said fuck it let me at least play a good chunk of it.
It's really impossible to get the gist of it within 2 hours. I was enjoying the world building until I realized that no matter how you arm your settlement, it'll still get invaded by some raider.
At least its a desktop, not a laptop.
>with my ps4 I can sell them back and don't even lose any money
>playing games in 2 days and returning them shamelessly
>PCucks are all pirates!
I haven't touched this thing since I bought it late last year
Story behind this controller? What an awful name lol.
My Wii U which hasn't been used in months
My PSVita which hasn't been used in years
My GTX970 which has barely been used for things the integrated GPU couldn't do before
This piece of shit Logitech G502 gaymer mouse
Unravel which turned out to be pretentious indie shovelware, except I paid 20€ because Denuvo
Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky, I pirated it and want my bandwidth & time spent on it hoping it would get any good back
Ship them to me
Holy shit I'm autistic. For a solid moment, I looked and that picture and wondered why Nazis were beating up a cowboy sheriff.
>going for offbrand controllers
It's like you actually want to be burned.
It's not that bad. Depends on what you want to use it for though.
Bought it as cheap way to play roms on my smartphone. 10/10 I must say.
Controller itself is 6/10
Sent :)
I'd rate it higher than a 6/10 - its at least a 8/10 for overall usability. The only real downsides (imo) are the dpad and pause/select being a bit small and not additional features beyond just wrking™.
Really given its half the cost of a dual shock 4 the controller is rather good.
Did reddit make this?
He divorced his wife because she was a insufferable whore.
If you put 100 hours into a game, you clearly enjoy it despite its flaws.
Stop trying to fit in.
As I said: For mobile use 10/10 and compared to full price controllers and for real gaming purposes 6/10
So overall 8/10.
>shit dpad
>mediocre triggers
>stupid button lighting
>comes with phone mount
>usable for android, ios, pc via bluetooth and cable
>two additional buttons
can anyone recommend me some good controllers to use for PC? I had some limited edition MW2 xbox controller that had huge bumpers that I loved for games like dark souls, but it's busted now.
Don't want to spend a lot: Logitech F310
Spending a bit: Xbox 360
Spending more/a lot: Xbox One/Xbox Elite.
>recommending the 360 pad
Why wouldn't I? It's a good controller.
It's a bad general purpose controller and you know why.
I really love my Steam controller. You'll have about a week until you get used to it, but then you realize the track pad is a million times better for games than the stick, and the two extra buttons are pretty nice.
No, I don't know why...?
Don't listen to Well, maybe listen to him.
I own one, and I would never recommend it to anyone who wasn't already interested in the controller.
If you haven't bought into it yet, you won't when you use it.
Thats the thing about it. You need to be committed to getting used to it, otherwise you'll revert back to a regular controller. It's like learning to use one for the first time all over again, but once you get used to it it's pretty great.
My only gripe is that the left track pad is useless, and I really wish I had a regular d-pad there instead.
>No, I don't know why...?
The d-pad.
Regarding the Steam Controller. It's great and has a lot of functionality, but absolutely do not get it if you want something that's plug and play or need a good d-pad.
>>mediocre triggers
I kind of like them - they are an improvement over the dualshock 3 I had been using. Their high sensitivity is a real plus for me as I play a lot of racing games and the delicate throttle control provided is a real bonus.
It's not great but still a better controller than the DS4 because of the stick placements and the design for people with non-baby hands.
I really don't particularly like the right touchpad either though. In most games it's just a lot less useful as a camera than the smoothness of a stick. Dark Souls 3 is the one exception.
That's the one thing I'll argue. Once I got used to it, it was really precise for aiming and camera control. Granted, that took about a week of use before it "clicked."
I've used it for months.
It's nowhere near as good as a stick. Maybe more precise but that requires a lot of uncomfortable fidgeting.
Sweet baby Jesus, I actually chuckled when I first saw that controller.
LOOK at that shit. Wow.
Dunno, I think it's great. It works well for controller games that use the sticks, great for most KB+M games and works okay for most 2D stuff (certainly better than a 360 pad). The one genre I can't play at all with it is fighting games which I have a stick for.
It's a terrible controller. Stop promoting that garbage. No one outside of Valve likes that shit.
I got mine because the bundle of it with a DS3 was about the same price as a solo DS3 controller. I've pretty much done nothing with it. Hell, I've not even used my PS3 much since getting that replacement controller either.
A shame too, I've got a good number of games to play, I just keep getting distracted by newer stuff.
We were talking about the 360 controller, teenager.
Steam Controller.
It just fucking sucks for every game I play.
It might work for Stardew Valley.
But big fucking woop there.
user, that actually made me laugh out loud.
I'm the guy who first mentioned the controller, but I can't recommend it for 2D games. That D-pad is a disaster.
>That D-pad is a disaster.
Eh, if you have it as non-click then it works amazingly.
But I can see how primarily using it instead of the stick would be garbage.
I started using mine for DaS3 and I can't go back to a 360 pad again
Having the little shoulder buttons on the inside of the controller is such a godsend for that game, I can sprint and change my camera angle / lock onto something at the same time
Also I don't need to do that stupid leftstick-to-jump bullshit
Which controller are we talking about now?
If it's the 360, agreed.
If it's the Steam Controller, yeah, it's not good, but it works for anything that doesn't need very precise input. Stuff like Super Mario for example.
I'll boot up Super Meat Boy after work to try it nonclick, admittedly I haven't tried that yet
Well I just meant when you're using the D-pad for inventory or other stuff, it's fantastic. Like in DS just a light touch and you change equipment.
For movement? IDK. It should still be better though. Non-click is just objectively better.
Remember to set the haptic feedback to high so you can feel when you change direction.
Nintendo 3DS XL OG with Katsukity Capture Board. what a mistake that was, especially since the N3DS released about a year later lmfao. I am now selling that shit on eBay, hopefully I can get $300 for it.
My local electronics store had a couple on for dirt cheap so I picked one up to play Persona 4 Golden on my TV, other than that I haven't used it at all and I probably wouldn't have gotten it if it wasn't marked down so low (guess they just really wanted them gone)
>absolutely do not get it if you want something that's plug and play
what? this shit works immediately out of the fucking box on both linux and windows without having to fuck with stuff like controls in joy2key or xpadder
But you will have to either search a good layout or make your own for every game.
> all these cucktrollers
Try playing Left4Dead.
I bought a 1200$ gaming laptop, no regrets so far but will be building desktop soon.
Anything nintendo honestly.
You're doing it wrong. It's your own fault.