How to throw Fireball: input ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← →← → ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↑ ↔...

>How to throw Fireball: input ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← →← → ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← ↓ ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ WK HP HK LP SK LK MK MP HP LP MP WP HP SP WK WP WK SP HP LP LK LP in less than a 1/666 of second
>The Fireball can be cancelled into a shirui-no-kensen by inputting →← → ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← →← → ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↙ ← →← → ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← →← → ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← ↓ ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ HP LP MP WP HP SP WKWK HP HK LP SK HP LP MP WP HP SP WK LK MK MP HP LP MP WP HP SP WK WP WK SP HP LP LK LP before the animation ends.
>Requires two stocks, two tech bars, two stamina bars, having your lifebar blinking purple and executing a reverse guard cancel first
>And that's the most basic two-hit combo

>Why are you still playing Fighting Game 3rd Attack Xecutor champion edition arcade version regulation 1.7? the entire community already moved to the newest game, Fighting Game 3rd Attack Xecutor champion edition arcade version regulation 1.7'. Only for $60!

>Where's your $400 arcade stick?

And that's why fighting games are the worst videogame genre.

Yeah yeah, we understand, you don't like practice and feeling accomplishent over mastering something.

God forbid a video game about fighting has techniques that require effort.

Then don't play it, instead of whining on Sup Forums like a little bitch

What fighting game should I practice?

Even an actual retard like myself could understand guilty gear; I have no idea what that says for someone who can't even figure out street fighter

You could play SF5, that game is so dumbed down you can learn a character in 3 minutes and learn the entire cast in an hour. Than you just go for 50/50 and get that feeling of accomplishment.

Tekken is most fun with least amount of bullshit

first post
wrekt post


>>Where's your $400 arcade stick?
Don't buy a stick unless you frequent the arcades or unless you just really like them. Sticks aren't superior to gamepads or anything. It's just the typical control scheme of the arcades so all the pros use them since the pros plays at the arcades. And then you've got the wannabes who wants to be like the pros and gets the arcade sticks in spite of never playing at the arcades.

But yeah. You're fine with a pad. Arcade sticks are for actual arcade players or enthusiasts. And at least half the pros will agree with that sentiment.

Seconding this
Street Fighter is always a good idea too. 3rd Strike, Ultra SFIV, or V.
I'm also a DarkStalkers fan but...

If you're salty and you know it copypasta
If you're salty and you know it copypasta
If you're salty and you know it and you really wanna show it
If you're salty and you know it copypasta
>How to throw Fireball: input ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← →← → ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ↑ ↔ ↕ ↖ ↗ ↘ ↙ ← ↓ ← → ↑ ↓ ↔ ↕...

Why is it anime posters on Sup Forums have the most autistic posts? Sup Forums was never this bad.

>going 50/50 in SFV
How bad are you?

>least amount of bullshit

Shit casuals say.

I miss posts like these


the important thing to remember is that it isn't because of anime that these people are retarded; rather, they were retarded to begin with, and two things lots of retards love is shitposting and anime

so there you go. blame retards, not anime

So why did the west not buy Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax when the hardest motion in the entire game is a half circle motion?

Should I play a charge toon? I like 95% of Sup Forums cannot do a shoryuken motion.

If you don't like it you don't have to justify it no matter what the "gitgud" fags say. Just don't play the damn game then. There are a ton of games where you can beat dudes up if you want to do that and not have to practice at it. Even 1v1, Punch-Out Wii's a good one for that.

Nah, I haven't followed anime for a few years but I love classic mecha and over the top fun shit. I don't post shit like OP though. Don't get me wrong, man.

>being proud of having inferior motor skills

It's ok user, just like how mathematics aren't meant for retards, fightan games aren't meant for casual shits. You have alternatives like Uncharted which accommodate your shit body.

what are you even talking about

What fightstick should I get? I don't have one yet and I was looking at the Real Arcade Pro 4 Kai.

I don't want to have to buy another stick and want great quality, but I'm not willing to spend more than $150 on a stick. Am I making a poor decision by going with this?

Fighting games have a generally unapproachable image. This makes them a niche genre and games like Street Fighter only get as popular as they are by brand recognition. A no-name fighting game will never sell in the west.

Yes, dummy.

I'm no fighting game fan but aren't you suppose to press all 3 punches at the same time?



There's one button for that.
A light punch, a medium punch, a heavy punch, and an all-three punch button

>fighting games
>not casual
>video games
>not casual

You're that fat, hyper autistic hispanic kid from highschool with a naruto profile pic on normiebook that argues with people over which imaginary cartoon character is stronger. Neck yourself degenerate.

OP you can play soul calibur, it doesnt have those shenanigans, save for the supers, or smash bros, those games are, for the most part pure reflexes and decision making


That, and generally speaking fighting game notation is written with the assumption that you're facing right. Left and right on the notation are flipped if you're facing left.

So in his position, it should be 2x quarter circle forward + 3 punches at once, all within about 1 second.

But I thought sword art online was really popular in the west.

Persona 4 arena was the only fighting game i could ever play and have fun with desu. Its a pretty trash genre. P4a you could just mash X for auto combos and upon checking the combo list, everyone has different moves but theyre all executed the same way. Usually like half circle Y Y or X X etc. Fun game

Because Taiga a shit

>I'm retarded and wrote it wrong.

By that I mean he should go down, down/left, left, down, down/left, left, 3 punches at once, even though the notation shows right.

This shitpost is 100% correct. There is literally no reason why motions exist anymore.

sounds easy

Fair enough. That's your opinion.

So what's whining about it on Sup Forums supposed to accomplish?

that's why you play melee instead

What is anything in life supposed to accomplish?

It is, that's why the webm's funny. Whoever's playing took the most literal interpretation of the graphic possible without using context clues at all.

That is actually a really bad notation.

Just type it out LP+MP+HP

lad why is shoryuken so difficult to understand? put the tip of your thumb on forward (depends on which way youre facing) and the bottom of your thumb on down. press forward with your tip, down with the back part of your thumb and forward again with your tip. as soon as you press forward the second time, do any punch. thats the most complex explanation of it. forward down forward. forward down forward.
charge characters require a lot of timing so if you are physically incapable of doing a hadouken try a charge out but DO NOT NEGLECT INPUT CHARACTERS. my friend plays bison exclusively and hes mediocre at it and shit at every other character

That's a good idea. Stop playing fighting games and play a party brawler.

Garou = Tekken tag 2 = 3rd strike > the rest
soul calibur is pretty good too.

What does the "z" movement on the analog stick means?

Oh hey it's scrubquotesx

The biggest issue I have with fighting games is shit netcode literally everywhere but japan means if you don't live in commiefornia or new york you're basically fucked for growing in any sort of meaningful way. You will never succeed as an online player because the netcode is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaids, and built exclusively to cater to japan and korea and all those other places where you're 5 minutes away from the other side of the country.

The actual gameplay part is piss easy. Spend maybe 15 hours in training mode over the span of a month and you should be able to easily memorize and commit those moves to muscle memory. The timing is the hardest part, and once you have that down through sheer repetition the next hardest part is finding people to play with in person cause that's the only way you'll get better unless you move to aforementioned pipsqueak countries.

it sucks ass. It sucked even worse when I lived in europe, good fucking luck finding anyone to play with in fucking norway.

shoryuken motion

the one you enjoyed the most when you started playing

That's QCF.

Shoryuken is forward, down, down/forward. In practice it's like hitting forward -> QCF.


Well it's time for bed I guess

Been there, done that. Sleep tight user.

>friend is a fighting game shill
>bought sf5 and is disappointed, now plans to buy the new king of fighters
>just bought a $400 stick

and the thing is if you dont buy these games at release/within the first year you're pretty much missing out since the games die fast online.

>t. autistic smash player

Why not just say FQCF?

Pretzel motion

underrated post

Seriously, why wouldn't that be a good idea?

>Falling for the stick meme

Any Dead or Alive anons in the house?

>he doesn't have a stick

>literally have some of the worst anime in the world aside from 1 or two series

>has a shit ton of Sega references in stages and music but only two characters from popular franchises.

This game is fun but it can eat a dick. This should have been the Sega version of Capcom Fighting Jam

Because forward-quarter-circle-forward doesn't roll off the tongue that well. Shoryuken, dragon punch, and DP are all easier to say and can't be misheard as QCF.

Besides, it technically doesn't have the forward input at the end, and it also depends on the game whether F, D, D/F, F registers as QCF or DP. Hell, Street Fighter 4's input detection was so janky that D/F, D/F registered as a proper DP motion.

But... a fireball is literally just a quarter circle.

How can someone who played games for years not be able to input a quarter circle.

>>Why are you still playing Fighting Game 3rd Attack Xecutor champion edition arcade version regulation 1.7? the entire community already moved to the newest game, Fighting Game 3rd Attack Xecutor champion edition arcade version regulation 1.7'. Only for $60!

Thats actually not too far from the truth, some companies are very guilty of this.

>>Where's your $400 arcade stick?

Stick is a meme, its pure preference and mostly used because of the arcade roots of the game, you can execute anything just as well on a pad.

>he needs a stick to git gud


>some companies are very guilty of this
I like the joke you made there.

>not using numpad notation

Man, you must be really dumb if you can't even understand how to do a hadouken.

Your thinking of the wrong game.

This desu. Inputs is literally the easiest part of learning a fighting game.

2 is my favourite and I main Ayane and Christie. Hate how faggots just play them for waifufaggotry but every fighting game has that, I suppose.

Puns aside every single fighting game developer actually does this.

SF5 and KI are the first games that actually get a base version that gets patched instead of the yearly editions.

But still most normie games like COD,FIFA,Madden etc do the yearly rehash thing too, so that cant really be a vital reasons that the genre is underplayed.

3D Garbage player please.

>tfw still have issues doing shit like hcb/f x2 or hcb+f because my character jumps when transitioning from the first half-circle to the next
Wat do?

>I don't know shit

>people needing expensive sticks and equipment to play this shitty genre
>I play just fine with arrow keys and numberpad on a old and busted keyboard

I don't really understand the amount of money people spend on this stuff, the games aren't that fun anyway

every game definitely has that

You speak like that is hard

>The Fireball can be cancelled into a shirui-no-kensen

to play tekken and have fun all you need is decent timing. obviously qe know theres more to that to get good

You can execute everything perfectly on a pad, but once you try with a stick, it's hard to go back.
Last week, during an event in my city, I saw an old Street Fighter II boot (which was free) and most people playing it were fairly competent. Had a great time metting stangers and it makes me want to buy an arcade stick.

>the games aren't that fun anyway
that's where you went wrong.

WTF I hate fighting games now!

I'm fine with people playing them for waifu faggotry, but if you're going to do that, at least practice with them and get good with them--make your waifu proud. I know people who play Chun-Li solely because she's hot and suck ass.

Numpad notation's fine too, same shit different stink.

QCF = 236 = fireball = hadouken = whatever.

RAP4 Kai has a whopping 15ms of input lag. That translates to about 1 frame.
It suits my casual ass just fine but if you're going to take fightan super ultra maximum seriously there's no reason to not go for TE2 or building your own from the best parts available

>arrow keys and numpad
Why would you cramp your hands up like that instead of using the letters?

How do i do Nippon-No-Kenzaku?

Are there any better alternatives to building one's own for that price?

as a tekken player i'd have to disagree

>lars uf3 and f 1+2
>law slide/dragon uppercut mixups
>hellsweeps, especially kazuya's
>capo RLX stance
>orbital heel

not necessarily OP, but definitely fits into “bullshit“

Is this what a fan of Smash looks like?

My excuse is that the normal controllers don't have 6 face buttons anymore

i have got quite at tekken over the years on sony consoles using a gamepad. was going to get a stick when tekken7 gets released for pc but tbqh only because pros use them and i assumed that made them inherently better.

judging from the responses in this thread i should just stick to a pad. thinking about using my wired 360 controller cause its best with steam.

on the rare occasion i play tekken in the arcade i am considerably worse with the stick because im not used to it.

should i attempt to practice with the pad or just stick to what i know?

"Pros" use sticks because is what they got used to. If you play Tekken well on pad then you probably want to stick with the pad.

Get a fightan pad like a hori fight commander. Best of both worlds--sticks and pads