Lost Soul Aside

>UE4 one person project.


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Looks better than FFXV

brety gud

Gives me FFXV meets DMC vibes.

Ambitious but I'm unsure if it's aimless. As many DMC threads have made clear when comparing DMC1, 3 and 4 while the combat is central it's not just the combat that makes the overall game there's also level design to consider. Unless you're playing Blood Palace, but even then there's enemy design.
Then again it's a work in progress and with all I just saw from all of 2 years solo work I might be pleasantly surprised when it's truly finished.

>Three years for a handful awoo dickriding scenes

>That Otome Function shit
>A DECADE to animate tit groping

>literally Chin Chong the Nip Nong
>Two years
>NiOH meets FFXV meets DMC

He must be lying, because it could be an hour long and it would be a beastly feat by any measure.

Looks like poor clone for PCucks.

he's releasing a demo soon

Pretty cool.


>mfw this looks and runs better than ffxv
They should've never even made Lumious

Looks like a poor man's FFXV.

Looks decent.

>MC still looks like a faggot
Literally what's the point of this. Weebs can't design characters for shit.

the talented developer face

Demon dude giving off Sanctus fight vibes. The trees look copy-pasted.

Still though. One guy in two years? Bretty gud.

Damn son

it's literally running on a PC
XV on PC would look better

Like every dev nowadays he probably used speedtree and bought a bunch of environmental assets

>wah-wah, where my burly men at, my boypussy is aching for cocks

Fuck off, homo.

Sure m8
Keep the defense force up

Is that Lightning?

What defense force? It's a fact. Plus XV is open world and doing a fuckton of dynamic shit.

Well damn, that's a bummer.

It's true though. A game looking shit or not has nothing to do with the engine, unless it's a real old one. Both UE4 and luminous are new.

If this game were optimized for PS4, it wouldn't look anywhere near as good.

Once again, blame consoles.

He's kind of cute no-homo... he's just a kid and he managed to do this? Fuck square enix this looks better.

>implying I cant enjoy FFXV AND this game
>implying I feel cucked like you a game made in 2 years almost looks better and plays better than a development hell ridden Squeenix game

/y/ fanart of this guy and Noctis when?

Marketplace assets confirmed.

The game looks really good and I can't wait to get my hands on it, but there are some issues.
>Awful LoD, the ground textures being the only thing there and looking bad don't help
>Very stiff animations for things that aren't attacks
> The characters look sickly and sort of out of place, like the mask the blonde guy wears looks all mirrory and wet even against his skin
Besides the graphics being give or take, it still looks nice in a lot of cool aspects and I hope the game play is good. World looks interesting too.

I'm really impressed that only one guy managed to pull this off, but on the other hand it really shows.

Stock-engine assets everywhere, bad animations, terrible pop-in for a PC game, the combat looks horrid and god awful voice acting.

The only reason you guys are saying it looks better than XV is because it's 60fps.

looks good

>No PS4 Release

Looks like a pretty cool DMC clone. Will check out

Please don't support this trash.


Getting some legit viral vibes from this thread.

Fuck off.


How does the combat look awful? People are supporting it because it's a real effort to make a game put in by a real kid who's making the game he wants. If the combat in the demo is good, what else does the rest matter? It does need some improvements with the graphics/animations, maybe he could get help/he'll keep improving? Is this his first game too?

It looks like a button mashing DW clone with terrible fighting game hit pauses, flashy effects that block the view of your character, non-transparent blade trails, stiff animation flow and bad sound effects.

"Real kids" make games everywhere m8. That's no argument. I already said I'm super impressed by all this he's done by himself. It's just that people are comparing it to DMC and FFXV but it just ain't anywhere near the quality of those 2 games. It's impossible to do that with just 1 guy.

Also, just having good combat doesn't make a game good.

DMC isn't a good game just because it has good combat. It also had cheesy, likeable characters, good flowing animation, nice OST and good performance on the PS2 and toaster PCs.

That blue effect looks too jarring.I hope he changes it to another color and makes it half-transparent or shit

I saw it earlier thinking it was another FF15 side project until I read the description.

the guy said he was inspired by FFXV to make it after seeing an FFXV trailer 2 years ago.

>made by one guy
>in only 2 years

seriously AAA gaming is fucking trash

he still did more work than yandere dev desu

Good post

>it looks

stopped reading

you can't say shit until you try the demo because as it stands FF15 is much worse than this in both framerate AND presentation

>seriously AAA gaming is fucking trash


Your game looks fun OP.

Don't know why that's a bummer. Why should he waste his time making a bunch of trees and rocks?

in the catalog i thought that was noctis. it looks like a badass action game like devil may cry 4. i'll definitely get this.

one guy makes a game that looks better than an entire team making a game for 10 years.

final fantasy xv cannot even be compared to this in any way. i like both games, but final fantasy xv has direction and has presented many meaningful presentations that show off the scale and beauty of the game.

this game will probably never even make it. the other guy is right where this game doesn't stand a chance against anything else. it looks good, but that's you falling for the exact hype that you claim others of having like they were watching a gameplay final fantasy xv trailer. and you have no way of getting out of what i just said because i know you're a fucking loser riding one of those trains.

so yeah, it looks good. but it needs a ton of work if it's even going to be anything. i say he presented his work pretty well.

Of course it has better framerate than XV. It's on PC and XV isn't.

As for presentation being better than XV? We both know that simply isn't true. Why are you lying on an anonymous image board?

It looks decent, needs work

I've never seen so much blatant copy pasted assets in my life though

>XV on PC would look better
90% of the released screenshots are running on a computer.