You feel it too, don't you? The buyer's remorse

You feel it too, don't you? The buyer's remorse.

Nah for the 40 I paid I had fun with it long enough

But don't care too much about it anymore right now

Not really, it's one of the first multiplayer shooters I've enjoyed in a long time

This is CoD with some spells. That's it

ITT: butthurt Blizzard haters. You're literally fuming that Blizzard revolutionized yet another genre.

Revolutionized how? By making it so casual that even a retarded babby can play it and get a few kills? Or that the Skinner box has been perfected?

Played for 50 hours, had a lot of fun. Worth the price of admission.

Kinda done with it now though. I don't know if I'll ever be one of those people who plays a game for thousands of combined hours over several years.

Game is pretty skimpy in terms of content atm really. Can't see myself playing the same maps over and over again for years since I'm not the person who can play 2fort and dust2 for years on end.

If I bought Tracer's ass I would regret nothing.

They are releasing a new map in a month or so.
They are going to keep releasing content for free.

Her ass is boring as fuck in the game and you don't even see it playing as her. You could've literally just looked up fanart on the Internet and gotten the better thing for completely free.

Not so much content as the core game being flawed. It's too random. It can boil down to a complete dice roll how an encounter goes. Up against Genji using his ultimate? Good fucking luck. There are so many cheap shit that is there to reward easy kills because Blizzard really wanted the mass retard audience for this.

No, not really. Already played long enough to rationalize the purchase of Origins version and still have fun with it daily.

But it's okay, OP, maybe mom will get you it this Christmas so you could finally stop playing 2Fort every evening.

Can you be more of a Blizzard shill if you tried?


10 hours in and I probably won't touch the game again

What's wrong, hit the nerve? lol

Nobody is falling for your shilling, Blizzard drone.

This game is literally all style and no substance. I got duped into this thinking it was going to be more than rock paper scissors.

No. i have played more than 50 hours and im going to play it for a long time.

>I-I'm not crying!
Oh god, how embarrassing.

Ever heard of TF2? (I don't play tf2. But credit is due)

like 16 hours on hog and mercy each. I think i hav e around 60 hours total.

Way too fun with friends.

Have 75 hours, game is fun desu

Ever heard of Wolfenstein ET?

Blizzard works by
1. take best ideas from other games.
2. make more casual
3. market heavy

I got it to play with tasteless friends. It's okay as a result. I know, I'm a sellout.

I do. I haven't played since release.

It's not that fun. Lacks impact and the characters are floaty. Maps are just a lane.

On top of that, it's unbalanced as fuck. Most characters are rendundant and outclassed by others.

It's simply not that fun.

I'm still loving it -it's the one game I've plated in a long time where supports can actually do more than just be heal bitches.

Take Zenyatta. Heal, debuff, shit damage and if all else fails male your whole team basically invulnerable for 7 seconds. Shits awesome.

I did but i didnt know wolfenstein was this kind of shooter.

>things that I heard on Sup Forums: the post
Valvedrones are on the roll today.

The more you know. Payload game mode was also introduced in W:ET.

>having buyers remorse after less play time than the free beta
Maybe you just don't deserve a wallet

Nope 150 hours in. This is getting to my DS1 levels of playtime.

no i had fun for what i paid

Fuck you. Yes.

Holy shit why do these threads always have that one Blizzard shill that has to reply to every single person not liking the game. Just you wait and see as he replies to this.

There is literally no point in playing this or TF2 when Wolfenstein ET exists. Shame kids always have to jump on the shiniest trash big publishers shit down your throats.

I have it. It's NOT that fun.

It's ok. I fell for the Blizzard hype thinking they were going to do a high quality game out of an already existing idea.

It ended in a very polished game with zero content. Basically, it feels like a f2p game that should just have been "ok" if Blizz wasn't behind it.

It's not worth the price, at all. It's not bad, but certainly it's not a mindblowing thing at all.

The game is not about kills, you fucking autistic moron. If you want to dick measure you can still look at your medals, but in the end its about teamwork.

>70 hours in and still find it fun

Nope. For 40 dollars it's been great. Does anyone know when they're going to add new maps and stuff though? I'd like that.

She had noooo assss!!!

It's not bad but its seriously overhyped.
Meanwhile i bought Siege and have 160 hours on it. Each to its own.

>it's a Sup Forums hates on a popular game with very insubstantial parroted criticism episode

more than 120 hours of gameplay so far
hardly any remorse

hahaha, faggots

Nah it's pretty fun
Needs more content tough, maps and gamemodes
Or just dedicated servers

>Soldier 76 has a literal aimbot as ultimate
>Junkrat has martyrdom perk when he dies
>Bastion is literally roll and blast as ultimate
>Genji ultimate is auto triple kill unless you're retarded
>Roadhog's chain can hit you through walls
>Blizzard shills will defend this

This game is such a clusterfuck

nah, i have friends i play the game with. and were all really good at rank 67

>It ended in a very polished game
>Basically, it feels like a f2p game
Nice contradiction.
So anyway, how is your pony ERP server, still popular? Are you snipershy or pinkiescout?

No remorse here, still having lots of fun with friends. Are you enjoying battleborn?

>complains about bastion
spotted the rank 40 shitter

not really, although i dont play everyday its a good junk food pick up and play game.

Playing grew-brown people running through a grey-brown world shooting at other grey-brown people doing grey-brown things just becomes boring and honestly depressing after a while.

76 probably has the worst ult in the game
Absolutely nobody gets hit by junkrats passive
Bastions ult is the only good thing about him
Genji is def OP right now I'll give you that
And yeah the pigs hooks are super wonky

>defends the most brain-dead of ultimates
Spotted the Blizzard cocksucker.

>Soldier 76 has a literal aimbot as ultimate
That's what ultimates are supposed to do. Fuck shit up.

>Junkrat has martyrdom perk when he dies
Spotted the CoD player.

>Bastion is literally roll and blast as ultimate
Is that CoD terminology, too?

>Genji ultimate is auto triple kill unless you're retarded
Most Genji players are indeed retarded, also see my first point.

>Roadhog's chain can hit you through walls
I'll give you that one. Fuck Roadhog shitters. He's not even fun to play as.

Ultimates are not supposed to be hard, they are supposed to be hard to coordinate.

It's not a contradiction. It's a very polished simple game.

Has high production values over a simple and shallow gameplay. It's Blizzard throwing money at it.

The models and characters are well studied to have a memorable impact, sex appeal, and merchandisement capabilities. The graphics look fine. The system settings are low enough to gain as much people as possible.

But as a game? it's a f2p game and model. It's very -ok-.

>point out something is just as braindead as CoD
>s-spotted the CoD player
Go suck some more dicks, you Blizzard shill fuck.

>g-game is only popular because of the hype!
Lets see how all other overhyped games are doing
>Evolve is dead and forgotten after couple weeks
>Destiny is dead and forgotten after couple weeks
>Battlefront is dead and forgotten after couple weeks
Yeah, OW is totally only popular because of the hype guys, amirite xD

When will nu/v/ finally grow up?

you've seem to have misunderstood my insult. only someone who is bad at the game would have trouble dealing with the character bastion and his ultimate. Bastion is rarely if ever chosen above rank 60 because hes very easy to counter. I dont quite understand how that makes me a blizzard fan boy, but what ever fits your agenda and makes you feel better.

I got about 100 hours out of it, but I think I'm long past seeing everything there is to see.

Blizzard made a game for the retards and sure enough the retards love it when their PRESS Q FOR TRIPLE KILL icon pops up and they can feel good over videogame points.

>Up against Genji using his ultimate? Good fucking luck.


>That's what ultimates are supposed to do. Fuck shit up.

Almost all ultimates are meant to kill at least 2 people if used well, or one if used poorly, except the ones designed as healing/suport, which should still help swing the game when used. They are massive things, and Genji's is no exception.

Hell bastion gets countered in casuals, he's seriously the worst character in the game.
A single genji, widow, hanzo, pharah, 76 completely shuts him down with no issue.

I also feel the viral shilling.

I wish Riot pumps life back into their shitty moba, because while my friends are gullible and buy into any hype, at least they know League is utter shit.

It's ridiculous how 3 hours of content can be stretched so fucking hard because "it's fun with friends"
It's ridiculous how people actually care about the timesink competitive in one of the most casual shooters on the market
It's ridiculous how people threw fits over Street Fighter V's lack of story mode on release but couldn't possibly ask of Blizzard's new IP to have a campaign
It's ridiculous how the same company that made the grounds possible for shit like Dota to exist can't even let you choose your own map/mode to queue for, let alone custom content/mods; all for the sake of that pathetic bait they call competitive mode.

Also some ults are meant to counter ult.

no content : the game

>keeps talking to himself
We can see number of IPs in the thread, user. It was 35 before your post, and it's still 35 :^)

I spent quite a few minutes taking in all the horseshit you people produce out of your mouth to defend this kusoge.

Thanks for elaborating my my point. What do you think it is about overwatch that attracts to many hipster faggots with "superior taste" that end up criticizing very simple mechanics without even understanding them?

problem is that when Overwatch is good, its Really fucking good
too bad it almost never happens

Why are you spamming this board with Buyers Remorse threads you fucking shill?
Who's paying you cunt?

Speaking of SFV, I went back to it and honestly it feels more complete than OW despite being so lacking in many areas.

No, it's CoD with a lot of spells, which makes it exponentially better.

It's popular and Sup Forums liked being contrarian
This is nothing new

Blizzshit shill is on tilt.

>being a weeb
You're in no position to talk about taste, samefag.

Wheres my Pharah gf.

I know, but to the point of making daily "board yet?" threads?

Yes I do. Matchmaking is a disaster if you play solo and there's 0 room for improvement because you get shit on every game with ur hanzo/genji/ana/widowmaker teams on attack

>every post about games i dont like are shills out to sell me games
why not take a break from the chan for awhile? you sound paranoid

this you are so paranoid goys just enjoy the game

OP is bored as has nothing better to do than bait.

I thought your game appeals to me, silly blizzard shill

Regardless, complaining about this game won't make it any less shit, and it won't stop people on the payroll like you from rampantly posting and defending this shit game

i know right?
best tasting chocolate there is

>le meme.jpg
Classic neo-weebs.

>complaining about this game won't make it any less shit, and it won't stop people on the payroll like you from rampantly posting and defending this shit game
Well take a hint, samefag.

Blizzard has paid shills on Sup Forums. There is literally no point wasting your life arguing with these drones. Just drop the game and play better shit.

By making a very popular game with some fairly significant changes compared to games in the same genre that were popular before it came out. :^)

I don't think he's talking about K/D when he mentions kills. The game is all about kills when it comes to winning the game because it always comes down to getting rid of the enemy team to make capturing points much easier.

She's caramel desu, we still dont have an actual black qt

Only really fun in a group of six, mostly boring

A Genji ult in a 6v6 team fight is just as easy to shut down. Fucker only has 200 HP. Also that's exactly what ulimates are for. The other team can just pop some of their own to counter Genji's.


yeah, thats more accurate actually

>basically no random effects beyond spread

>Roadhog's chain can hit you through walls
This is literally the only problem from everything you posted and yeah they should do something about that shit.

I want to bite her.

I've posted the same thread with the same image tons of times before because its easier to just copy / paste something. the jewish boogeyman isnt real user

Played for about 15 hours. Definitely feeling buyers remorse. It was fun for a little but I have no urge to play again.

I got about 50 hours out of this game
pretty shit game, but no remorse