What do you imagine the average Sup Forumsirgin to look like IRL?
What do you imagine the average Sup Forumsirgin to look like IRL?
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Like a human being
Just like your pic. I see people like that all the time in my local gamestop.
I don't care, why do you care?
because it's nearly 2017
Longish unkempt greasy hair, acne popping out of patchy as fuck stubble, no chin to speak of and a fat face and neck, on a chubby flabby body that wouldn't know good posture if it was fucked up the ass with it.
Like anything, Sup Forums is pretty diverse 2bh
Literally me except for the chubby part.
The average Sup Forumsirgin is just a completely normal 16-29 year old white guy
Some are autistic wizards, some are chads, most are average
Hair yes, posture yes but I'm fixing it, got a nice beard otherwise no acne, pretty slim face nothing to abnormal and a fit body. So like half/half.
Honestly, pasty white early 20s with bad skin, awkward posture, varying heights between 5'6 and 5'11, medium builds or skinnyfat and Justin Beiber circa 2010 hair. Basically, all the kids from the suburbs I disliked when I was a kid. Some of you a probably cool though.
There are even more spics here than you people realize. Not so many niggers though.
Why do you have to bring your logic and reason into a place of shit posts?
Scrawny Philippino with a dirty stache and a buzzed head.
Like these people. Or at least that's what old Sup Forums looked like.
Around 5'9'', tan skin and calm faced
Also very obsessed with butts
>Keeps for himself
>Does no harm
>This is somehow bad
Not that they are social butterflies or anything like that, they're generally awkward and socially retarded but I still don't see why people make a big deal over such people beyond having a laugh.
I look like that guy in your pic.
But I'm much fatter, have ketchup on my anime t-shirt and I'm always sweaty like moms spaghetti.
The underaged OP wants to laught at other people, not realizing he himself is a pathetic excuse for a human. OP should an hero and stream it live, then at least he provided something of value.
exactly to trigger people such as yourself
I can see a few Mexicans and Brazilians coming here. I know a black guy, an Indian and a couple of white people who match the suburban description who come to Sup Forums through college. I myself am Bengali.
Yeah, man. So long as you're happy and shit, it's all good.
>16-29 year old white guy
Most posters here are Americans, and the vast majority of American posters are not white.
thin fucks, would make good traps.
Is this really Johan?
>Does no harm
Doing nothing and withdrawing from the world is harmful to society.
Wtf i hate Johan now
like this
Like this
Every last one of you
I feel sorry for the guy who's so bored that he goes around screenshotting usernames that he does not approve of.
>hey guys look at this guys name
>if only he had COOL names like us true gamers :)
What do you mean?
but she(male) is not vigin in the first place
Literally me
I wish
i'm not black and i have brown hair baka
>Longish unkempt greasy hair, acne popping out of patchy as fuck stubble,
Problem is you're falling for the 'summer / underage' meme.
Most of the constant Sup Forums posters who stay here, and have been here forever are going to be like 20+ Who the fuck still has acne when you're over 20
Poor posture is a given. Us gamers amirite?
I actually doubt any of you are fat.
I want to ____ that fuccboi.
Some of them, I assume, are good people
>succubus (male)
which one
I want to believe that they're all cute, submissive cross dressing traps that like to be teased and bullied gently sexually.
I wish.
But I got wide shoulders, strong muscular legs and chub. Even if I got fit, I'd be bara if anything, especially since I'd go for strongman build rather than the retarded gymrat build.
It's rare but you do get some good, really chill people here. Most are usually you're age give or take of like 26. I think the maturity you tend to get with age is a factor.
We already know.
>you will never be a viking fuckboy.
This guy died like three years ago or something.
succubus is fucked by men
incubus fuck women
You sound really butthurt.
Change your name you fucking flaming homosexual shit eater.
I wish I had the balls to rock a shirt like that.
Due to being a trap?
Some slimfat white numale
ADHD is mandatory as well.
America is like 70% white.
With that said, I'm Irish and black.
How the fuck did you pull that card?
>tfw have like 4 shirts with anime porn on them that I bought from redbubble
>will never actually wear them
An hero. Frank Wolf is the name I think.
Like this
This is a chink board you gook. There's definitely Asians more here than whites eye em oh.
>That faggot who brings dolls / toys / bodypillows to conventions and makes out / poses with them
That shit is mad gay, and of course it had to be ponies for the icing on the cake.
please. please say that's not true. i would have married that.
they look almost like characters from my japanese games/cartoons
>This fat fuck lives in the same country as me
this is my new fetish
Bet the guy taking the pic is a skinny emo faggot.
If you're greasy and filthy and keep a poor diet, you're going to get acne long after your teens are behind you.
It was a brony meet-up. I remember this pic very well, due to the fact that the fat awkward fuck became a short-lasting meme.
If I were lying, I would have tried to make a shitty joke.
You don't marry mentally ill people
>Pump and dump
>Frank Wolf is the name I think.
Frank Castle actually
Pretty sure she (male) killed himself, traps usually don't have a high life expectancy
27 here, I only get acne when I have a lot of dairy.
I'm almost certain this is a pony meet.
Also holy fuck that guy in the suit on the right, probably the champion of pussy
>tfw want to get fit but only have time to work out on weekends
9 hour work days fucking suck
Is that Mikan?
>implying i wouldn't have married one of the only actually cute traps to exist in 3d
this is bullshit. why is the world so cruel.
I have a shit diet that consists mostly of burger and pizza yet I haven't had any acne since I was 14
he just wanted a virtual lapdance
I'm at work at 07:00 every day. I'm in the gym at 06:00 every other day. I get up at 05:30 every day, regardless.
Just do simple shit, m8. Some situps, pushups and such throughout what little day you have left over from work can do a great deal for you over time.
sounds gay
>be a spic, 19, 6" and a fucking nerd
It's not hard enough to be gay.
The average Sup Forumsirgin is in high school and hadn't even heard about Sup Forums before 2016.
>tfw no hairy bf
>real life bara
is there... more of that?
also sauce
>hating on Johan "the man" Andersson
>playing mario 64
>yo bro wanna 69
> all right let me bring my socks
Hair is medium length, unkept stubble since its been a day or two since they've shaved, acne/slightly fucked up skin, on the chubbier side, knows they should have good posture but don't anyway cus they forget
Is is the mark of an undercover are just as cancery as any neckbeard but passable enough to function in society. It could be you, it could be me, it could even be -
I think that's a woman, look at that leg fat.
It's also playing a female character.
start a 6 month work out routine
props if you get over the 3 month hump
this is what normies who sit on facebook all the time look like, not Sup Forums's.
stop trying to make me gay !
Man, first post best post rule never disappoints.
which one? None of them is really fat, and they all look akward as fuck
I almost wish she was dead
Then I would get some peace from the nagging
>falling for the marriage meme
>Is is the mark of an undercover are just as cancery as any neckbeard
Yeah, but judging by the standards set by the whole clique, he stands out a little bit more. Bottom, glasses, black t-shirt.