What are some games with crabs?
What are some games with crabs?
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dark souls 3 and you can hit their weakspot for massive damage
your mom heheheheheh
Mega Man X2
Vagrant Story
monhun has crab mons
they're all cunts too
Ey dats a pretty fucking cool crab, mang
Fallout 4
Bring a gun, fuck crabs
post more crabs
also uh, Viva Pinata 2 has crabs
Dark Souls 3 has some fucking brutal crabs
elder scrolls, pokemon, some zelda games
Am I getting too old for this place?
Tomba 2
Everyone loves the crabs in the Monster Hunter series
Every game has crabs.
Are crabs nice insects?
Genji: Days of the Blade
Blaster Master
Geji: Days of Blade
MGS 3 has crabs
Genji days of the blade
Dark Souls 3
FFXI... dear god does it have crabs....
Why are crabs the funniest creatures to walk the earth
"I've fought Mud Crabs more OOO fearsome than you"
Because they walk sideways
Monster Hunter
came here to post this
That new xbox game called Scalebound just showcased one.
Shit, or maybe it's just a giant scorpion. Huh.
Genji: Days of the Blade
Courier Carrie a best
Fuck you
Carapaceons are cool and make the best armor
Not if they're drunk.
Christmas Island, right?
So many ded snippers, what a shame...
Jesus, crabs are so fucking stupid.
the title of the video is "Crabs migrating in Cuba"
But think of all the free crab meat!
Spiders scare me but crabs do not. One even has weapons, but I fear it not. I don't understand why since they're both arachnids and similar in appearance.
Why do crabs eat their fallen?
Games need more crab people.
>since they're both arachnids
You mean they're both arthropods, crabs are not arachnids, they're crustaceans.